Link(Expires 11/2)For a limited time, we will give you a credit that will allow you to get a song priced $1.29 or less for free. All you have to do is let your Facebook friends know what your favorite party song is by typing it in the box below and clicking the blue button. After you do that, we will automatically add a credit to your account. Next, find a song you'd like and click the "buy" button. You will see the regular price on the product details page but we will not charge you. Your order confirmation email will arrive in your inbox after your purchase to show your discount. Learn more and see terms and conditions.
For the lazy, songs less than 1.29
Tip for those worried about using their real Facebook Account:
When you first link your account to an app/site you can choose the privacy settings on the link page. I always choose "Only me". This means no one can see the things the applications post.