What is it?
Free Comic Book Day is a nation wide celebration of comic books and comic book shops in America. It has taken place every May for the last 15 years to help introduce new readers into the world of comics, and to give Comic Shop owners a much needed bump to their profits for the month of May. Locate A Store and head on out this Saturday! Every event is different, so please feel free to call your local shop after you have located it and find out what they have in store.
The Comics
One of the largest perks of Free Comic Book Day is...you guessed it...FREE COMICS. For both weekly readers and new fans alike, there is always something worth your time to head on our and pick up, and for those of us already invested in Marvel/DC, this event usually kicks off whatever big comic event they have in store for us over the next calendar year. Make sure you pick up the preview comic of what they have in store for our favorite characters this year! Please see the list of what is worth picking up this year:
Archie #1 FCBD Edition

Enjoy this free copy of the first issue of Mark Waid (Daredevil, Kingdom Come) and Fiona Staples (Saga) fresh new take on Archie, adapting the characters for a new generation with gorgeous art. Staples is only on the book through issue 3, but it uses superstar artists on the book throughout it's run. This is a must read and a worth introduction into the world of Archie.
Continue reading Archie
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BOOM! Studios Summer Blast For 2016

Discover the world of BOOM! Studios and read one of the most charming comics and GLAAD Media Award For Outstanding Book award winner, Lumberjanes...for Free! I Personally love this book and what Kate Leyh has done throughout its entire run, so I suggest you pick this up if you are a fan of things like Adventure Time, Gravity Falls, or slice of life stories.

Continue Reading Lumberjanes
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All New All Different Avengers #1 Aka Civil War II Preview

Read more about the post Secret War's Avengers squad written by Mark Waid! The real meat of this issue is for those who are curious about Civil War II by Brian Michael Bendis, and what will likely serve as the "prequel story" for the event. Check this out and find out more about All-New Wasp!
Continue Reading ANAD Avengers
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Valiant 4001AD Special

The event of the year that nobody is going to read starts here! Discover the world of Valiant comics and check out this new event. Have some flavor text:
The most ambitious Valiant event yet starts right here on Free Comic Book Day with a shocking new vision of the future in 4001 A.D.! The war for the fate of the 41st century begins here with an exclusive, never-before-seen prelude to the blockbuster comics event of the summer by New York Times best-selling writer Matt Kindt and superstar artist Clayton Crain. Rai! Eternal Warrior! X-O Manowar! Bloodshot! Geomancer! Armstrong! And more! The future of the Valiant Universe begins here! Plus: An all-new look inside Valiant's next hit ongoing series, A&A: The Adventures of Archer & Armstrong, from Rafer Roberts and David Lafuente; Divinity II from Matt Kindt and Trevor Hairsine; plus an all-new slate of top-secret teasers, special features, surprises, and a newly added excerpt from the series that has everyone talking - the one and only Faith!
Thats about all I have to say about that.

Discover the best that British comics has to offer with this free copy of 2000AD (With an incredible Mike Allred Judge Dredd cover). This is usually my personal highlight of FCBD because its not traditionally an easy thing to get here in America. I suggest you pick this up if you are looking for some (probably) drug induced comics that really push what the medium is all about. Pick this up if you're interested in Judge Dredd, but stay for the 2000AD weirdness. You can inquire about a subscription at your local comic shop.
Captain America #1 FCBD 2016

Steve Rogers is returning to comics this May, and you can get your first taste on FREE COMIC BOOK DAY. This issue will get you caught up just in time for the release of Captain America: Steve Rogers #1, coming to comics later in May!
Three Captain Americas fought shoulder-to-shoulder in AVENGERS: STANDOFF. Now, one rises to take his place at the forefront of the Marvel Universe! Nick Spencer and Jesus Saiz usher in a new beginning for the nation's greatest hero!
But that's not all! FCBD CAPTAIN AMERICA #1 will also feature a second all-new story and a special prelude to DEAD NO MORE, giving fans their first look at the blockbuster storyline coming later this year. If you got a chance to bring back someone who died, would you? And how will CLASSIFIED deal when ones they thought long dead once again walk the earth?
TOP SECRET and TOP SECRET unite to bring you the opening salvo of Dead No More, a major storyline coming in 2016!
Kind of sad he is comic back tbh but it's to be expected. If you enjoy this, please check out the real Captain America: Captain America:Sam Wilson
Love And Rockets FCBD Sampler

WOW. What a series and what looks like is the replacement for Hip Hop Family Tree this year. Really wonderful story and a personal ComicGAF recommendation of mine, check this out and then immediately run and pick it up on Comixology
One Punch Man/My Hero Academia

Check out two of the best comics that Shonen manga has to offer at this moment with One Punch Man and My Hero Academia (Make sure you stop by the My Hero Academia Community Thread for more.
So that's it. These are some of the best that Free Comic Book day has to offer and more for those of you interested in the rest. Feel free to post questions, pictures, your hauls, and anything else related to your free comic book adventures (or previous adventures and experiences). My biggest suggestion is to get there as early as possible so you can get in and out without much hassle. Make sure you take the time to buy something as well! Most of these comic shops go out of their way to make the event happen and it isn't particularly cheap. Try to donate to whatever local charity that may be represented at the event, maybe get a quick sketch from a local artist, and more importantly:
Have any questions? Stop by our ComicGAF May 2016 Community Thread