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FREE copy of Marvin's Mittens for all GAF members! Believe...in magic!

For the next page, just so nobody misses it! (we're moving fast)

First, make sure to read the OP! Put something in the title :)

And a note about the keys:

The keys are being automated and need to be delicately handled between myself and Cheesemeister. Do not fret, we'll get them to you. They might come in the next 2-3 days! Just think of it like an upcoming surprise under the private message christmas tree!

Thanks for being so patient, everybody. We absolutely love all the comments you are leaving for us. We read every one of them!

Added this note about keys to the OP as well.


Can't stand the waiting -- maybe I'll just buy a copy now :)

Are any other platforms being considered for this game? iOS? XBLIG? Ouya?
Can't stand the waiting -- maybe I'll just buy a copy now :)

Are any other platforms being considered for this game? iOS? XBLIG? Ouya?

XBLIG is our next target, and then we're going to see about porting further after that :) I'd love to get a Mac port but I hate making promises I can't keep!

Thanks for the support, Border! You rock!


Am I wrong or did I just see that you were one of the Unity games listed on Unity's official site?

Anyways, I would love a copy of Marvin's Mittens. I like this kind of advertising, too. (Free stuff for me!?)


I can't tell you how many people I know who have been by turned off by mainstream games due to time pressure, fail states, and competition. Minecraft is a perfect example of why more games need to use exploration and discovery.
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