Sat down tonight to play Secret World or Xcom or Dishonored, all of which I just got...instead played this....after 4 hours got everything besides 7 snowflakes.
The game was fantastic. Ended up being the true sequel to Crackdown of all things.....gotta get those orbs to jump higher! Platforming for the joy and peace of it.
Thanks very much for the game and please keep us informed about future projects like this one. I upvoted it on greenlight!
Just want to say thanks for the free copy, Jason. Finally downloaded the Desura client for the first time to grab the game...I'll check it out later this week
Calvin: Today for show and tell I ve brought a tiny marvel of nature: a
single snowflake. I think we might all learn a lesson from how this utterly
unique and exquisite crystal.. ..turns into an ordinary boring molecule of
water just like every other one when you bring it in the classroom. And now.
While the analogy sinks in. Ill be leaving you drips and going outside.
Played the game for over an hour and it's fantastic. I love the music. Such a great game to play in the winter. The save and continue music is soothing,love it.
Will there be a soundtrack with the game when it gets on steam? I voted for it on Steam Greenlight.
Received my code through PM, I didn't want to clog your PM box, so I will give my thanks here before I download the game. Looking forward to it, thank you