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Free Steam copy of Sequence ($4.99) for every single member of GAF [Last chance!]


Feep, I just want to say thanks for giving away such a great game. I was a little frustrated at first because I couldn't get the timing right, but the clever writing kept me going. Now I've got a better handle on the timing and absolutely love the game so far. Can't wait to sink some more time into it.

A++++ game, would play again!


hampig said:
I met one of the artists who worked on this game at Youmacon a few days ago. I think she said she worked on the backgrounds. Very very nice, very talented as well. Didn't get a chance to purchase any of her work as I never had time to come back around, but just wanted to say that apparently the entire team behind this game is awesome.
You met the only artist! Wendi Chen did pretty much everything in the game...and you've met her more times than I have, now. = D

Seriously made her day though when I showed her this post. Thanks!

Also, all caught up again. Whew.
I have a huge amount of respect for getting something like this this far. Development is something most gamers take for granted. Been doing it for the longest time and have yet to have a finished team project. Always near finishes but never release >_<


Really saddened by the fact that this isn't Mac compatible, but I wish you the best of luck. It looks like a game I'd love to play!


I was browsing the Steam store tonight, saw this game and thought it looked interesting, and then remembered this thread. Would love a copy, thanks!
I bought this on Xbla Indies but having to put the internet line in to start the game is a pain, of what I played the VO and art stand out as very good for an independently produced title.
is there a thread where we can talk about the game? i played the first few floors recently and enjoyed them. would be interested to get more thoughts, but this thread is mostly (and rightfully) full of key begging.
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