Has anyone been killed by a teammate yet?
I had another counselor hunt me down with a machete. It was infuriating because he was laughing the whole time like a hyena.
Jason arrived on the scene, realized what was happening, killed the other counselor and allowed me to go thankfully.
I don't understand why people join games but don't want to play, and instead get joy out of ruining it for everyone.
No, but I have had counselors working with Jason.
One guy played as Buggzy, armed with a pipe, and decided to block me in the kitchen pantry at Padanack. After I told him multiple times to get out of the way, I warned him that I was going to hit him because I could hear Jason outside of the house. I gave him one smack with my bat only to meet a flurry of blows and an actual response from him.
"Why'd you hit me, BRO?!"
I manage to escape the pantry and beeline upstairs in hopes of a recovery item only to have him block the stairs so I can't pass. Finally get by him again and I'm greeted with his buddy who has been running to him to heal his wounds. I end up making it outside, only for Buggzy to follow me and pinpoint my location to Jason. Even smacking me another time to weaken my running speed.
Me and the other guy in the lobby realized what was going on, and they left after the next match. Turns out the three of them had been running around other players when one is Jason to give away their spots.
After all the server issues, this was the thing that pissed me off the most. I've been keeping an eye out for people helping Jason. It's real shitty and takes out the fun.