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From Guardians of the Galaxy to Robocop, License games are good. What are some others?

Licensed games seem to have gotten better due to time, but if you look back, there have been many great games that have used established IPs from film, cartoon and television.

Obviously we can point games like Spiderman and Batman, but there are even more obscure licensed games.
Grasshopper Manufacture Inc in 2006 was just coming from the successful of Killer7 and dropped Samurai Champloo Sidetrack(and went on to make No more heros,sheesh) , a near perfect adaptions of the anime. Original story and voice actors.

I have not seen anyone do a combo system like this afterwards.

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Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Terminator Resistance saved the franchise after Dark Fate.
Raven's Wolverine game from 2009 is awesome. To this day I never watched the movie (unless the leaked workprint counts) but I played the game multiple times.
The Battle for Middle-Earth games are perfect companions to the movies, especially the first one IMO.
I also enjoyed the Watchmen brawler lol
Stranglehold was decent, had fantastic physics but the "tequila filter" ruined it.

Not sure if Vin Diesel's Wheelman counts. A movie was supposed to be made but only the game came out after many delays. Really fun car combat, Sleeping Dogs directly lifted things from it.
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The last best Bond game to have released: Bloodstone...still to this day it is surprising, from the Xbox One, to the PS5 there has not been an original James Bond game, and that too a good one..
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 1 and 2. They totally get what made the original trilogy good, but set it far enough in the past to not have to worry about the canon, so that they could craft the story they wanted. I'm still disappointed we never got part 3. I want to finish Revan and the Exile's stories.
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007 everything or nothing
transformers devastation
and yes even the legend of korra was well made for what it is, the combat captured the bending powers nicely and the pro-bending league could've been a game on its own.


Seriously though,

+1 for KotOR 1 & 2

I'd put TWD games in there as well even though they are story based.
Ghostbusters TVG was good too (the 360 era one).
Rockstar's The Warriors. A danm near perfect adaptation that expanded on the warriors lore, had a longer story that took place before the movie plot and had amazing combat! Having most of the original voice actors was also an amazing plus!

007: Everything or Nothing. Still had one of the best motorcycle chase levels ever!!


If there's anyone who hasn't played the Arkham games, they probably should.

Riddick is a rare case when the games are the best products in the entire universe of the property. So good. I wonder if they hold up... need to check

The older Wolverine game is really good. It's not for sale on PC, but if you look hard enough...

Warhammer 40k Darktide is pretty fun.
Die Hard Trilogy
Batman - NES
Batman Returns - SNES
Transformers War for Cybertron, Fall of Cybertron & Devastation
X-Men Origins Wolverine
Simpsons Hit & Run
TMNT Turtles in Time
Ghostbusters 360/PS3
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