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Front Mission 4 = $22.59 @ cduniverse.com


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Just bought mine. A tad better than EB's price....



here is hoping the price is good through Friday, I am broke.

Any kind GAFer want to lend a "financially challenged" gamer $25.00 till Friday? You can paypal it to me and I'll paypal it back at the end of the week.

I was planning on holding off on FM4 until I had dwindled my unfinished games list...but since its cheap now, I might as well pick it up.

Thanks for the heads up, Wario.


works for Gamestop (lol)
There's still a possibility that this might be a typo, so don't be surprised if they do any cancellations. And supposedly this site does a poor job in updating the stock status of products, so it's most likely that the game is sold out at the moment


works for Gamestop (lol)
Just curious if the order went through or not. The page now says currently unavailable. Have they cancelled any orders or shipped any orders yet?
OMG. You should all buy this right now.

I wasn't all that impressed with FM4 to begin with; played it for a couple hours at first and was very 'meh'. Then I started it up again this weekend. And played for 23 goddamned hours. Holy schnitzel. Battles...customization...unlockable scenarios that give you ridiculously good parts...FM4 rocks the socks off of the box. I love it.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
<sigh> I should have taken advantage of this in the morning when I saw this thread. :(
belgurdo said:
I'm going to charge you for the surgery it'll take to roll my eyes back down to their normal level

*Enter Fight Mode* You have to be F'n kidding me. Listen before we get started let me buffer myself.

1. I love Strat games (I come from the world of Jagged Alliance).
2. I am a fan of giant customizeable robots.
3. FM3 was an awesome game.

That being said the link system is pretty good but, the AI on this game sucks. This game allows me to pummel a Wanzer all day and the support wanzers will stick in the background.

Graphics -
All I'm saying is this everyone is all rah-rah about graphics not being important in a Strat game (and in RPGs to a certian extent) but, Square was the company that RAISED the bar when it came to graphics in these sorts of games they are the bellweather Console/PS2 company when it comes to great graphics/great (debatable)story/great RPGs.

Why doesn't their graphic craftmanship as it applies to FF (I know it is the flagship property), Bouncer, Kingdom Hearts, Chrono Cross, Tobal, Ehrgeiz, Vandal, Parasite Eve, Xenogears, and Vagrant Story extend to FM? Is it techenically in the background doing something these games weren't?

All of these games had excellent graphics (for the time), good stories, and good gameplay. The "it is a strat game and doesn't need good graphics" doesn't fly with me in this case. Square has shown that they can do better work than they did.

That being said, FM4 is not that much different that FM3 to warrent a 45 dollar price tag. 20 to 25 dollars is more than acceptable for this game.
It depends. I don't think they are the end all be all but, I also see this as a Square game. Square for better or worse is on a higher pedastal.

I do have legit strat issues with the game.

Other than that I would like to have seen things like the ability to attack, then move. I would like to attack something then have the ability to move out of it's range.

Also would have liked to have seen the ability to use blindfire and cover fire. And to have emeny wanzer react to fire. Instead of blindly coming down a road when being lit by missles, machine gun and shotgun blasts.


works for Gamestop (lol)
The news so far is that they've stopped accepting orders for the games, but they're gonna try to process every order for the game. So it may go through


works for Gamestop (lol)
Now they say their suppliers no longer carry the game. Oh well

Dear Phill,

The item you have ordered became on backorder and now our suppliers no
longer have it available. However, we will continue to try for up to 45
days to obtain. If we are unable to obtain by August 11th, the order
cancel and you will be notified. You may then request a refund.

We apologize for the inconvenience.


works for Gamestop (lol)
Unfortunately, the item listed on your order is no longer available and has
been deleted from our website. Therefore, the order has been cancelled and
a refund will post to your PayPal account within the next 1-2 business days.

I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.

Thank you for shopping at CD Universe.


works for Gamestop (lol)
I don't think they're sending emails out. People sent emails to them inquiring about their order, and this is what they replied
I just beat FM4 yesterday and I have to agree somewhat with Mr. Slick_Advanced. You're better off trying to find this game for a cheaper price because it is "GOOD" but not "GREAT".

The link system is very cool but the damage values in the game don't seem to be high enough, while the enemy's ability to consistantly dodge attacks that are supposedly 99% accurate is very frustrating. These problems cause battles to drag on routinely to 20, 25, or 30+ turns. That was a problem I never had with FM3.

The story was pretty good but it didn't have the "coming full-circle" ending that made FM3's story so memorable to me.

Again, its a good strategy game and I reccomend it but try to avoid paying full price.

Also please cross your fingers with me and hope that Square-Enix decide to release their Front Mission compilation in the U.S. I want to play Front Mission 2 damnit!!
"Order Date: Jun 27 2004 11:21PM

Dear ,

Unfortunately, there was a pricing error on the PS2 game, Front Mission 4.
Currently, the item's page has been removed from our website, and the
product will display as "no longer available" on your order status. Please
disregard this status listing as we are working on fulfilling all existing
orders for this game. If you had placed an order for multiple copies, we
are only able to honor 1 at the erroneous price. We sincerely apologize
for any inconvenience this may have caused, and please feel free to email
order@cduniverse.com if you have any further inquiries.

Thank you for shopping at CD Universe.


Customer Service

Got that today in my email. Atleast they're being nice about it. I doubt I'll get the game for that price, but if i don't, it doesnt bother me really. I am glad they are making the effort to atleast appear to be making an effort.
Order Date: Jun 28 2004 12:03AM

Dear [Apharmd Battler],

Unfortunately, there was a pricing error on the PS2 game, Front Mission 4.
Currently, the item's page has been removed from our website, and the
product will display as "no longer available" on your order status.
disregard this status listing as we are working on fulfilling all existing
orders for this game. If you had placed an order for multiple copies, we
are only able to honor 1 at the erroneous price. We sincerely apologize
for any inconvenience this may have caused, and please feel free to email
order@cduniverse.com if you have any further inquiries.

Thank you for shopping at CD Universe.


Customer Service

Got my "Dear John" letter today as well. BUt it looks like they're going to try to make amends. Propbaly fire the webpage desginer. :p


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Unfortunately, there was a pricing error on the PS2 game, Front Mission
Currently, the item's page has been removed from our website, and the
product will display as "no longer available" on your order status.
disregard this status listing as we are working on fulfilling all
orders for this game
. If you had placed an order for multiple copies,
are only able to honor 1 at the erroneous price. We sincerely
for any inconvenience this may have caused, and please feel free to
order@cduniverse.com if you have any further inquiries.

Thank you for shopping at CD Universe.


Customer Service

Bahahahaha. Thanks, wario ;b
KilledByBill said:
while the enemy's ability to consistantly dodge attacks that are supposedly 99% accurate is very frustrating.

That's not the accuracy, though. It's just your intended odds. Once the attack goes through, the % is reduced by whatever evade value the enemy Wanzer has.

With Link mode, damage seems about right to me. Sure, the balance is way different (melee is the worst rather than the best), but for the game it works well.

I can see how players who don't bother with sims or the computer shop might have problems, though.


Just wanted to pop in and say how much I loved this game, but I wish it was longer. FM3 had a TON of missions, while FM4 tops out around 29 (not counting the simulator missions). So its a shorter game overall, but that said, the battlefields can be pretty big, so I guess it might even out in some way.

Its still a good strat game and while the AI could've been better, I almost feel it would've made some of the stages near impossible to beat. With the paltry force you have most of the game, the enemy almost always has overwhelming odds and if they all acted like they should and attacked you all at once, I don't see how you could possibly survive. Its pretty obvious they set up triggers in the game that once you crossed a certain line or killed a certain number of enemies, they'd send the others ones after you.

Also, the graphics are great and the animations were really well done, I felt. I don't see how anyone can bitch about them considering 95% of the SRPGs out there still rely on very dated graphics.
Also, the graphics are great and the animations were really well done, I felt. I don't see how anyone can bitch about them considering 95% of the SRPGs out there still rely on very dated graphics.

Yeah, graphics in SRPGs can't really be directly compared to most other game graphics. SRPGs usually have a lot more units on the screen at once than most games, and you have to be able to see the whole battlefield at once. That really limits the tricks the developers can use to improve the graphics.


Bizarro Sun Yat-sen said:
Yeah, graphics in SRPGs can't really be directly compared to most other game graphics. SRPGs usually have a lot more units on the screen at once than most games, and you have to be able to see the whole battlefield at once. That really limits the tricks the developers can use to improve the graphics.

Well, then what about RTSs? They're strategic and feature MANY more units and larger battlefield than you'd find in any SRPG and they generally look better, too. FM4's visuals aren't THAT complex, but they still look good and the animation for the wanzers was great. What Square managed to do was make things look more smooth and organic. Heck, I'd say that due to the zoomed-out view, it was actually more efficient to use polygon-based models rather than really tiny sprites all over the place.

Believe me, there's something charming about Nippon Ichi's artstyle that I love, and there's nothing wrong with sprites, but its the same thing Capcom fighter fans have been bitching about for years....they NEED to update the looks at some point. Go high-res, create more xomplex backgrounds, or something. It really isn't that taxing.
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