It's useless. The bad guys are always winning, and humanity is going nowhere with the fake heads that govern it.
I've composed, written, produced and recorded songs for most of the famous artists around, I've written movies, games and books too, I checked and upgraded entire videogames engines, I've conducted analysis for worldwide situations, national ones or entire companies, and found solutions for the ones that actually were in charge. I've found unknown problem in science and corrected. The only caveat was that I had to take nor glory nor money (by hiding my identity), and the rest was supposed to be just "a very interesting work". Turns out I only found out that everything is fake, and the proper works (in all fields) get discarded for cheaper ones, not minding quality.
Then what's left? Arguing on neogaf?? Fuck life, that's all. If two years ago I wasn't dying of depression (it can kill you), I would really say that I'm done, but nowadays I'm sure my turn comes later.