Missed opportunity not giving the monochrome Pennywise a bright red balloon.
Also the nature of that character allows for so many other better choices, like Pennywise-Mummy
Any idea on release date for the Pennywise ones? Those all look pretty cool in my opinion.
The first two are out now apparently. The store exclusives are later in the fall
The MegaZord is a shit show from what I'm seeing on the Reddit.
The MegaZord is a shit show from what I'm seeing on the Reddit.
Jeez what else is new when it comes to these SDCC Pops -__-
Oh well, Tinkles and NegaTron were the only ones I reeeeally wanted so at least I got one of those.
I wonder why they didn't just do a "life size" Ghost in a Jar Pop? I'd imagine Tinkles alone wouldn't sell very well but I feel like the reason she's as popular as she is is because everyone actually wants Ghost in a Jar. I also noticed the other day that I don't think I've seen a single piece of Rick & Morty merch of the Galactic Federation bugs yet characters like Tinkles and Sleepy Gary and Arthricia have gotten figures. I wonder how they decide who/what to make?
In what way?
Also the nature of that character allows for so many other better choices, like Pennywise-Mummy
But is the Mummy version in the kid's part of the story? This movie only covers that part, I think
Yeah, it's a bit odd that they went with the paper boat as the default and not the balloon. But is the Mummy version in the kid's part of the story? This movie only covers that part, I think
Just people scrambling to find it, Gamestop cancellations, etc.
Ben definitely sees the mummy as a kid. But I seem to remember the director stating that they would not be using the "classic" monster versions of Pennywise in the movie, but that they would be updated for the 80s time period. So maybe those forms are supposed to be secret for now?
In the Tim Curry version Stan sees it in the house.
Yep, I got a delivery update from TRU as well.
I think I read somewhere that Funko said they want to do some of the more obscure and interesting characters from R&M. If anything I think we'll end up getting a pop of the character Nathan Fillion played in the season 3 premiere.
Game of Thrones' The Mountain (Gold Armor) is up on Box Lunch.
Got my Gamestop Leia/R2 and the Joker-Batman for a friend, always have to point out when they come non-crushed and Gamestop did a good job.
Out of stock :jnc
I found a Robot Batman chase today. Hurrah.
Shit I seen that the other day. Is it hard to find?
Shit I seen that the other day. Is it hard to find?
Aaaand B&N cancelled my Tigger. At least they gave me a $10 gift card, unlike Walmart when they cancelled my SNES preorder.
My TRU, Hot Topic, and Box Lunch orders have come in though. Blue Scooby looks awesome!
so happy to complete the park set
so happy to complete the park set
Damn those are awesome!so happy to complete the park set
I was wondering what happened to the Princess Leia & R2D2 and Aragorn & Arwen Funko 2 packs for the Uk, they didn't appear on Forbidden Planet like the rest of them.
Seems Tesco got the Aragorn pack which hadn't apparently gone up yet. Asda got the Leia pack which is on the website but sold out, how very annoying, there was barely any information on these releases for the UK.
Went to the Game of Thrones experience at Comic-Con and was given some Conan Pop figure after. A few moments later some random people I passed were going crazy demanding where I got the thing. I eventually had to run to the car to hide it. I had no idea the Funco craze was still going strong before sdcc. Is it bigger than Legos now??
Hm, still nothing on that maskless Flash. I wonder if that'll be a Legion of Collectors Pop possibly?
Seems like a Regal movie theater exclusive. Also a maskless variant would be a horrible box exclusive. Don't they they'd ever do that.
Going by the last two boxes then, steppanwolf should be the legion box exclusive.