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Funniest thing you’ve ever encountered in your life?

Cutty Flam

I think it might be for me, the time my homey drew a series of pictures of this one fat asian dude in his class, Don, and one day hung them all up in the classroom during the period they shared together. He cane over to my house one time and decided to draw a picture of him in a fish suit and I think I laughed for fucking two days straight. I wish I had a picture of it right now to share. He also drew the fatboy among those sitting with Jesus in his version of The Last Supper lmao!!!!! There were a few other ones that were really good but I can’t remember what they were lol. The two I named were definitely the best two though. Maybe one was simply a portrait? But they were all hilarious as fuck, I couldn’t stop laughing

When Don walked into the classroom my boy said he saw the pictures on the whiteboard, took in the reality of what he had just seen and was like, “what the fuck...........” and said he had no idea what to think. Lmao! I wonder if he was at all worried or paranoid after that ahahahhaha!!!!! It’s just funny because my friend never talked to him, and never told him shit so he was probably wondering who the fuck would even do something like that

What about every one else?


When me and my best friend were in cuba in disperately search for weed and somehow we found ourself lunching with this gigantic cuban drug dealers (and i'm a pretty tall and big guy myself) and his semi-naked sexy wife at his house...
When you can't even raise your eyes to watch the transparent vest his wife was wearing to not risk decapitation from his giant husband...at least the fish plate she served to us was kinda good.
He was ok too, very friendly despite the scary appaerance, he even offer us 2 free fake cohiba cigars :ROFLMAO:
At least the weed (directly from the near jamaica) was straight fire.

The situation was so surreal that when we finish with him we laughed like maniacs...
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at least the fish plate she served to us was kinda good...was so surreal that when we finish with him we laughed like maniacs...

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Back in the day, when I was still on the west coast, I went for a morning jog at my favorite beach. It was like 4:45 AM (I used to wake up early to work out). As I was jogging down I looked over toward the street where some local beach comber/pub crawl bars were and inside one there was this chick, all by herself, just dancing her ass off to "Walking on Broken Glass" by Annie Lennox.

Like, when I say dancing, I mean she was going absolutely buck wild, all by herself, the music blaring. She must have owned the place, or known the owner, as bars had long since closed from the night before by then. She was going hardcore, must have been high as fuck on something, just gettin; after it.

Something about the sight of it, that early in the morning, the girl by herself, the song itself blaring so loud, the way she was just turned to 11, it was the funniest thing I had ever seen. Probably doesn't sound that funny but you had to be there. Shorty was HYPED.


Someone kept leaving a stick of butter on the counter near the coffee machine in the morning. My coworker did the next logical thing and decided to stick it into the coffee pot one morning. I was sitting on the other side of the room when I tuned into the chattering: "What flavor coffee is this?" "Man, I'm telling you the city water is starting to taste weirder and weirder."

Meanwhile I'm at my desk like


Was walking to the bus stop on my way to university and saw two squirrels go full Naruto on one another. Black one did a mid air kick towards the brown squirrel and perfectly latched onto the tree to continue chasing it.

Never drank, never done drugs, but certainly did question if I stumbled upon it at that moment.
Watching my pissed up mate shit in a fountain. The logs fired out like a double-tap Bazooka.

Listening to xfm and Karl pilkington podcast.

Watching CKY 1 and 2 for the first time ever.

Fret Runner

High school English class.
It was a class full of ADHD riddled teenagers, and we all thought of ourselves as class clowns.
Poor substitute teacher dude had a mental breakdown trying to control the class, slamed his hands on his desk and shouted "WHY WON'T YOU JUST LISTEN TO ME!?!" in the most soy sounding voice you would've ever heard, (unless you regularly attend anime conventions) then ran out the class and was never seen at school again.
Turned out he quit teaching after that day.

Since it was basically the start of the class, we didn't know what to do so the ironic part is we sat quietly and just chatted for the remainer of the class because we didn't want to garner attention to our teacherless class.

I see you pointing out my potential grammar mistakes and saying I should've paid more attention in that class and to that I preemptively say Fuck You :messenger_angry:
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An acquaintance a group of my friends had know for a while. We (4 of us) went to visit her on her death bed at hospice. Now, I want to preface this to demonstrate I'm not a complete monster: you know how when you have to be 100% serious, anything funny becomes 400 times funnier!? Well, they had woken her up (kinda) so we could talk with her (she was about 2 hours out from death) and as her sister pushed the button to bring the head of the bed into the incline position, the motor goes haywire. It's slowly raising up, but it's also jerking up and down very fast as it raises, so her whole upper body is flopping up and down, her jaw is flying open and slamming shut, tubes and hoses whipping her arms from the whole ordeal. As I'm witnessing this, there is a ever quickening feeling of busting out laughing. So I very slowly turn my head to steer my gaze away from the spectacle I'm seeing, slowly turning and looking up to the doorway where my one friend is standing, and as I see his face, he has got the biggest shit eating grin I had ever seen, with 2 big blood shot watery eyes from him fighting off laughing, and in that moment we both run out of the room, both instinctually pretending to cough as a guise to keep good social standing. We laughed down the hall for a solid 2 minutes. Even writing this had me literally laughing out loud. Please forgive me GAF.


I went to look out my office window at a construction site opposite as I'd heard a pack of dogs had started barking. I was just in time to see a construction worker who had gone behind a bush for a shit run across the wasteland with his trousers round his ankles, trailing a roll of toilet paper being chased by a pack of stray dogs. It was real life pure comedy and I just laughed so so hard.



Gold Member
Like a few months ago at the grocery store some short old lady with a thick accent was hounding some middle aged dude and yelling at him by the checkout lines he was all wide eyed probably thinking wtf and smirking. Reminded me of that housewife and white cat meme. Still makes me chuckle thinking about it.


I went to go watch “Up” with some friends. The movies opening montage starts and it’s adorable and sweet and the crowd is loving it. Buddy of mine keeps leaning in to me throughout it “Should of brought a bitch, bro”. He keeps this up. And, as everyone knows, the montage takes a dark turn. The entire audiences mood shifted. My friend leans over to me suddenly self-assured “Shouldn’t of brought a bitch, bro”.
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Karma Jawa

Years ago at Glastonbury I saw a guy - clearly off his face on drugs - chasing after a spot of light in the distance.

Someone had strapped a torch to his head.
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