Just saying, I have to admit I came in here for the Lulz and some new ammunition for making fun of furries (never insulted one personally, but made fun of 'em very often with friends - also, not writing mean things or insulting someone, but rather "hey look, another picture of these furry-people, lol etc.")...
... and come out here seeing how I, who always like to think of myself as a tolerant person, didn't even investigate this topic. Never really invested more thought into it except "Ah, weird creepers in animal costumes circle-fapping to Sonic, lol!" The discussion though, especially the posts by CHEEZMO and Kaijima made me rethink my position on that topic. While it still isn't my cup of tea and I will still make jokes about the topic (as I do with everything, I make fun of myself too. Life is too short and harsh to be taken entirely serious, I know not a single person including myself who isn't in some way fucked up or a stereotype or somewhat strange - and I like them nevertheless - and humour is something I will continue to use on everything, even taboo topics) I begin to understand where they are coming from. Whatever floats their boat I say. More power to you, CHEEZMO & Co.! Do whatever you like, do it without the fear of being insulted in rude fashion and be proud of who you are.
Srsly, Everyone should be able to do and think whatever they like as long as noone else gets involuntarily hurt in the progress (and to those who say "BUT I HAVE TO SEE MALES DRESSED UP AS 3-TAILED FOXES" : turn your head, there's another direction to look at. And if there's furries everywhere, just leave the convention; why where you there anyway?)