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Future of Final Fantasy XI press conference ended [OP updated with details]


The elitism in FFXI was a lot more understated and passive-aggressive, but it was very much present. FFXIV has more off-the-cuff jerkiness, which still sucks, but I've made far more friends in that game than I had in FFXI.

That aside, on the whole, I think they're both on the good end of the spectrum when it comes to online communities.

As an active member of a top hnmls in Cerberus during 3 years, what I noticed was that the elitism was only notorious at hnm camps and merit partys.

For lower level partys people didn't care if the others didn't have hq stuff or had outdated gear. I only saw complains to people that blatenly were doing something outrageously bad like wearing lv 1 gear at 45 or some very underleveled subjob.

I have to be honest and say that I was selective when making a merit party and would check the gear before/upon inviting, and that I would apologize to people for inviting them and then kick them if I thought with them we wouldn't get at least 20k exp/h, I wouldn't expect the coveted 30k exp/h with randoms unless they were people from other hnmls.


Kills Photobucket
Some images of my FFXI life...


Some of us in the LS made it to sea on day #1.

Doing something. This was after I started SMN. I went full in on SMN once I started :)


That was my experience with XI as well, and I had over 5000 hours. I remember people would play WAR/WHM wearing full Bronze gear in the Dunes and Quifim and most would largely just let them try their thing. There was no tongue lashing or cussing them out, if the party was too gimp to damage the Crabs (as they often were), everyone would just agree "Welp guys, I don't think we can kill these things", exchange pleasantries, and disband.

You may be right, I've had the same thought myself but couldn't really up with a reason why. What could have happened to cause that kind of shift in behavior and mentality?

Clearly you never visited Asura. The land of Eternal Assholes. We always had the best drama threads on FFXI AH.

Ploid 3.0

FYI, a few of us from IHOP are going to try doing a 4-man Delve run on my stream shortly:

Shucks, wanted to watch this on roku while I play a game but the twitch app can't find your channel. Darnit twitch, make a official roku app, where is all that money going? (breaks out phone)

Clearly you never visited Asura. The land of Eternal Assholes. We always had the best drama threads on FFXI AH.

Oh I've heard stories of that place. haha


Shucks, wanted to watch this on roku while I play a game but the twitch app can't find your channel. Darnit twitch, make a official roku app, where is all that money going? (breaks out phone)

I dont have it listed I think, let me try changing the setting.


Fafnir kill steals. Pulling all the darters to wipe. Trying to get hate at last second. If the wall could talk in Asura's "Dragon's Aery"...

Part of me kind of misses it.

It was bad enough logging in and just hearing about the drama. Every day.
Just thinking about it makes me mad. It was one of the reasons I quit initially; I just didn't want to be a part of that end game community. And I LOVE the game.

Ploid 3.0

I loved the drama, not making it or really being a part of it but reading and watching it. Worldstarmooglepop

Edit: No chance at all it would be shutting down any time soon. The game is great even hearing how it's solo everything now.

HD port to next-gen systems complete with total character/inventory transfers.

I'd probably sign back up...

PC included and I would try it out for sure, as long as I don't have to spend too much rebuying the PC game since I have every expansion but the last one.
What would you guys veterans do if the game actually goes F2P?
Will you go back to the game knowing that the community won't be the same again?


Kills Photobucket
Why would they go P2P with so many subscribers still going? I would have to imagine that while they are happy to have the subscribers they would not be looking to take in a lot of new subscribers at this point.

I still think they expected everyone to jump ship to FFXIV when it first launched and for FFXI to be a memory by now.
I would like it to go F2P, admittedly not really knowing what that means. :p

I'm currently not subscribed but I would enjoy being able to log in and have a look at things whenever I like.
Press conference: "We are adding new avatars for SMN to use, please be excited for them!"




2018 - One of the new avatars is added. "Pretty useless, when are they adding the next one?"


Press conference: "We are adding new avatars for SMN to use, please be excited for them!"




2018 - One of the new avatars is added. "Pretty useless, when are they adding the next one?"
Anything is better than that floating poop in XIV lol
Anything is better than that floating poop in XIV lol

I played SMN in XIV as well, it pains me to look at how cool the avatars are when you fight them then look at what you can summon lol. They should have just made exact mini versions of them or something, even the toy 'fellows' or whatever they're called that can follow you round look cooler! :(

As much as I didn't think they were cool though, my brother hates the XIV avatars with a passion lol, he's like I can't even stand to look at them.


I played SMN in XIV as well, it pains me to look at how cool the avatars are when you fight them then look at what you can summon lol. They should have just made exact mini versions of them or something, even the toy 'fellows' or whatever they're called that can follow you round look cooler! :(

As much as I didn't think they were cool though, my brother hates the XIV avatars with a passion lol, he's like I can't even stand to look at them.
Never forget


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Wow, they really do look like turds in FFXIV. I didn't even know SMN was in that game.


Kills Photobucket
I played SMN in XIV as well, it pains me to look at how cool the avatars are when you fight them then look at what you can summon lol. They should have just made exact mini versions of them or something, even the toy 'fellows' or whatever they're called that can follow you round look cooler! :(

As much as I didn't think they were cool though, my brother hates the XIV avatars with a passion lol, he's like I can't even stand to look at them.

Same. I absolutely loved having Fenrir follow me around everywhere.


Man I think you misunderstood the whole post. I'm not even going to explain it to you, as you sir, are a waste to me.

Okay whatever. I said PRODUCTS, not games. Those all the listed ones are legit. And I said games of these past 1.5 years plus upcoming ones.

Get it? Or are you just gonna laugh in my face again?

Jeez man, I didn't think you'd be so offended/hurt.

I admit as soon as I made my post, I noticed you did say products and not games...

I still stand by what I've said. A ffxv demo as a product? Why not count the ffxiii demo from PS3-era? And including ffxiv on the ps4 list but not ps3? It just seemed you were intentionally scewing the list to make one thing seem when its not, which a lot of people tend to do.

I still love you though

I hope you notice the irony in my post


I played SMN in XIV as well, it pains me to look at how cool the avatars are when you fight them then look at what you can summon lol. They should have just made exact mini versions of them or something, even the toy 'fellows' or whatever they're called that can follow you round look cooler! :(

As much as I didn't think they were cool though, my brother hates the XIV avatars with a passion lol, he's like I can't even stand to look at them.

lol, I remember staring in admiration at a SMN player summoning various summons out of boredom. Because of the great injustice of having pathetic avatars for summons in FFXIV, I feel I must level up a SMN to the level cap in FFXI now.


lol, I remember staring in admiration at a SMN player summoning various summons out of boredom. Because of the great injustice of having pathetic avatars for summons in FFXIV, I feel I must level up a SMN to the level cap in FFXI now.
Probably wasn't out of boredom, but to level the summoning skill level. White mages did the same thing with cure/protect/shell.

And speaking of the floating pop from ffxiv, does anyone have a decent picture of titan from Final Fantasy XI?


man, i miss FFXI. one of the reasons I didnt hop into FF14 was how ugly the races were. if there was a dial that made them look more like plastic human mannequins all the races got that dial twisted 30%. galkas (now rogaedyn or something?) lost their tail and their chocolate nose and just look like wide grey humans, tarutarus look like terrifying disproportional toddlers, and mithras looked a little more human too. i dont know why they did that -- the appeal of the non-human races was just that, and they made them all look more bland. really strange.

the monsters on the other hand in FF14 looked fucking awesome.
Probably wasn't out of boredom, but to level the summoning skill level. White mages did the same thing with cure/protect/shell.

I had a script that did that with my smn while I was gone to class, ran it all the time outside windy until someone from the fun police turned me in. Came back and I was in GM jail. :)

Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn Origins:

Titan from FFXI pooping out the player's FFXIV one.
Why would they go P2P with so many subscribers still going? I would have to imagine that while they are happy to have the subscribers they would not be looking to take in a lot of new subscribers at this point.

I still think they expected everyone to jump ship to FFXIV when it first launched and for FFXI to be a memory by now.

Yeah, I think they still have at least 500k subscribers right now. Just a possibility though.

Anyway, one more hour, right?

Ploid 3.0

I've been trying to fin the ffxiv image of summoner with a real summon, Garuda most likely. I remember seeing it before ARR launched I think. It was some glitch or maybe a tweak that allowed someone to summon real avatars.


Why would they go P2P with so many subscribers still going? I would have to imagine that while they are happy to have the subscribers they would not be looking to take in a lot of new subscribers at this point.

I still think they expected everyone to jump ship to FFXIV when it first launched and for FFXI to be a memory by now.

Because they want me to come back and I won't do that with a sub...

Stop killing my dreams T.T


I've said it even before it happened: it was a mistake to make Summoner a job in FFXIV. They should have learned from how much trouble it caused them with FFXI and understood it makes even less in FFXIV's combat system (at least by the time of ARR). Summons should have been a general power mechanic open to everyone individually (like many Final Fantasy games) or a party mechanic (e.g., Limit Break in ARR).

The main issue is that conceptually the ideal Summoner job has too much to them. What people want in a single class that can command the most imposing enemies in the game (at least from a lore and often visual perspective), literal god-like beings. They want several of these, at least one for each element, and to make matters worse people tend to be gluttonous about wanting more and more summons (like in FFXI, even when the job was in shambles outside a few niches with several underused summons, the clamor for new summons was constant and loud). These god-like beings are expected to have their own unique abilities and attributes, ranging from the massive Titan and the magical Shiva. Melee, tanking, nuking, healing, etc. This is one job we are talking about and the basic demand is for it to be able to everything, because "bosses" do everything and summoners wield bosses. On top of this, there are the common issues that come with "pet" classes, essentially having the player control two characters instead of one, which can mean the very powerful trait of having twice the actions (or making the pet and/or the controller too weak to account for this). Even when done well, there's always a kind of awkwardness to it.

Now how do they implement this in a game that obviously can't handle the ideal? FFXI and FFXIV have two solutions, which more or less fail.

In FFXI, you do get the whole package (8+ summons, each with several abilities), but they were "balanced" by the fact SMNs were stretched so thin that they were pretty much good at nothing (and not even the real jack of all trades class). Avatars became nothing more than elaborate ways to cast spells (most of which were useless, but a few shined), harmed by a slow and unwieldy summoning system. When I was playing, they found a niche in the end-game by sidestepping one of the main aspects of the combat system, enemy TP generation. Similarly, when they weren't awkward replacements for better designed jobs, they shined in exploiting the game's weakness in dealing with their unique mechanics (e.g., fighting self-destructing bombs from a distance). Not very summoner-like and ultimately a net-negative for the combat system.

For FFXIV, first you have to consider that there's an overall design where all classes/jobs have pretty much the same number of abilities and traits (completely different from FFXI, which basically paid no intention to this, arguably to a fault). And now summons are not just neat side-bosses, they are the main boss fights of the game, each individually considered an endgame event rather than a member of a certain type of fight. And furthermore, they are inherently villainous, as a major part of the storyline/setting. Anyway, inspired by the constraints of the combat system (but not inspired enough, if you asked me), they went the opposite direction from FFXIV. Now you don't even summon avatars/eons/primals, but rather (evidently disappointing) simplistic figures of them. Because of how structured the combat system is (again, FFXI was a lot messier in how it gave out powers), they've only been able to give out three (and may take years of level cap rises before getting all six main ones, unless they do a huge revamp). They work in a heavily complementary method, minimizing the pet class issue, but also disappointing people who wanted a true "pet". While this is much more mechanically sound than FFXI's, it's much farther from the ideal.

So yeah, big mistake. I'd go as far to say it possibly shows a lack of understanding with the mechanics (the job/Armoury system, namely) inherited from the previous version of the game.


I bet avatar summons in XIV get an overhaul due to story reasons at some point. Especially with primals not all being "evil".
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