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FX's new firefighter drama Rescue Me

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Damn, this show looks like it's going to be a definite winner. The music in the first episode was about as good as I've ever seen in a show too. Coldplay, the Von Bondies, the Chemical Brothers, etc. in the first episode? Score!


Fuck. This show was totaly awesome. It delivered in every way with just the first episode and then the extended preview of the rest of the season pretty much sealed the deal in every single aspect. Very impressive. FX is an awesome channel.

A little OT -- does anyone know anything about that new HBO original series appearing this weekend? Lots of publications are saying it's even better then Rescue Me....
Ryu said:
A little OT -- does anyone know anything about that new HBO original series appearing this weekend? Lots of publications are saying it's even better then Rescue Me....

are you talking about Dead Like Me? Its not new (second season IIRC) but its the one getting a lot of commericials lately.


Wait, did something happen to the Shield???? I love that show...I've only seen seasons 1 and 2 though :(

And the show with Leary is supposed to be awesome. He is heavily involved with the project too...directing, producing and writing. I hope it makes out for him...I can't wait to see it.


Ladder 49, Rescue Me, HBO's new series. They're just NOW coming out with firefighter shows?

Thank God for Backdraft (rawK!).
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