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G-Phoria Vol.2 is on G4techTV right now! (as of 8PM)


works for Gamestop (lol)
I was wishing no one would make a thread on this, screw G4Techtv and their crappy awards show!


works for Gamestop (lol)
Oh and somehow last year's G-Phoria made my way on my Tivo...I 'watched' through it by pressing the 30-second skip button repeatly, and I gotta say, the cosplay part made me cry and laugh at the same time. Especially the part where they were reancting a Kingdom Hearts scene


sorry, the world must know about things like this, no matter how crappy. but can delete if you must. I got tired of watching it (after 10 min), I'm gonna go play F-Zero GX


The SW Kid bit and the Tony Hawk roast were hilarious, this show is still sucking though. I have to say this show seems even worse than last years, I didn't even think this was possible. They need to drop this pizazz stuff and just air an already existing gaming award show live, they will save thousands and spare themselves the yearly embarrassment.

*Edit* They should also try airing G-phoria in december so they can have a whole fresh year of games to look back on, how can you name something GOTY when it's not even from that year? Almost none of these games are really from 2004, I hate G4 sometimes.


works for Gamestop (lol)
Someone tell me when Hideo Kojima accepts his award, that's the only thing I look forward to


Kojima gets an award and SSx and Marc don't post about it?

Someone tell Cliffy he's not on a German male model award show!


These "exclusives" are not all that bad but the only thing worth watching that and Hideo trying to talk to a large group of people in english.

fennec fox

ferrets ferrets ferrets ferrets FERRETS!!!
As an aside --

I was apparently on their ranking show (whatever it's called) talking about Final Fantasy the other day. It was taped months ago, but.


works for Gamestop (lol)
Filter. I think CK in chat said he saw you on the show a couple months ago too...probably the same episode...or maybe not


Someone want to tell me who the dj or group was that did the Kotor game of the year music stuff? It was pretty cool.

fennec fox

ferrets ferrets ferrets ferrets FERRETS!!!
Wario64 said:
Filter. I think CK in chat said he saw you on the show a couple months ago too...probably the same episode...or maybe not
I guess so.

So am I telegenic?


works for Gamestop (lol)
Did you guys watch it? Anyone know what time Kojima gets the award? I really don't want to watch the whole show


ManaByte said:
Watching now and it's still the pre-show. When the fuck did Anna Nicole Smith get thin again?

When she went on the trimspa diet and lost 100 pounds or so then got liposuction and stuff.


Gold Member
B'z-chan said:
When she went on the trimspa diet and lost 100 pounds or so then got liposuction and stuff.

She was so coked out I don't think she knew where she was, but at least she didn't look like Pizza the Hut anymore.


mana i must ask but is that a ewok in your avatar? Seriously if it is. MY god Lucas arts would have the best redneck game ever. Chewbaca Gone Wild: Ewok Huntin.


Gold Member
B'z-chan said:
mana i must ask but is that a ewok in your avatar? Seriously if it is. MY god Lucas arts would have the best redneck game ever. Chewbaca Gone Wild: Ewok Huntin.

Yes. You can SHOOT EWOKS IN THE FACE in Star Wars Battlefront.


keep your strippers out of my American football
I have no idea why G4 went in the SpikeTV direction for this awards show. G4 should be the only outlet that can take games seriously and have a real awards show. Not a show with 200 screaming teenage girls standing in front of the stage. Pathetic.

But usually when G4 has a chance to shine, they lay a turd. Fortunately the Madden Special is on Monday, that should be good.

edit- I would like the guy who works there and posts here to explain the thinking behind this. Why take 2 steps back and go into SpikeTV Awards Show territory for this show?
I'm loving Cliffy (Zoolander) B and his vanity poses.

Someone tell his that not even horned up gay boys (me) are into his preening.



It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
i'm sitting here having AIM conversations with Kaiser and Evan (both of whom are featured in the show) as G-Phoria is happening. hilarious. G4 has come a long way, but yeah, they could do with a shot of class and style.




Hideo Kojima flew in all the way from Japan for this? haha, man if I knew I would have tried to watch this. I didn't bother watching any of it after the intro and instead got some quality time on Story mode stage 7 in F-Zero, someone wanna recap the good points (if there were any? Stan lee counts as good in my book). Did they do the cosplay parade thing again?


Good points:

- new trailers for Metal Gear Solid 3, Splinter Cell 3, Oddworld Stranger, Need for Speed U2, Prince of Persia 2.
- Kojima and Stan Lee
- the KOTOR / HK47 thing
- Halo 2 red VS blue skit
- BT remixing starwars with the lasers

Bad points:

- everything else

Strangely the post-show following right after was a lot better, with no showbiz crap and a good deal of industry interviews etc.


The show was pretty good, much better than last year, not that that's saying much. The aftershow G-phoria Insider was very good and had interviews with the developers, exclusive game trailers, and none of the celeb garbage. The musical performances were terrible. There's still way too much focus on the crappy celebs and not enough focus on the game developers. The game developers were all there and got awards, they just weren't on the actual awards show, they were on the Insider show that aired after the awards. If only G-Phoria was more like Gphoria Insider (developers and exclusive trailers) and less like Pre-phoria (all celebrities) it would have been an excellent awards show.

B'z-chan said:
Someone want to tell me who the dj or group was that did the Kotor game of the year music stuff? It was pretty cool.
That was Tommy Tallarico, BT, and Mobius 8.


I thought Tommy's performance was excellent, but stupid G4 edited it down to 1 minute from the 2 1/2 minutes they actually performed. Pretty insulting considering the crappy other bands went on for way too many minutes.


Stan Lee is awesome. Not that they were great hosts or anything, but Dave Navarro and Carmen Electra were much better than Jamie Kennedy was last year.


keep your strippers out of my American football
Let me elaborate my thoughts a lil bit. It seems that G-Phoria is modeled after the MTV Movie Awards. But the thing the G4 does not get ist hat the reason the MTV Awards shows work or worked is the fact that their show is only an alternative to a serious, classy awards show like the Oscars or Grammys. G-Phoria is it as far as gaming awards shows go and it sends a message that even G4 doesn't take the games seriously. Without that serious awards alternative, MTV-styled awards shows fall flat on it's face.

In my opinion, cut the fucking celebs. Who cares that a massive B list if celebs play games? I love Stan Lee, but why not have Trip Hawkins giving Kojima the Lifetime Achievement award? Atleast have someone associated with videogames. Why have all the stupid skits? Why have all the C-list bands? I just don't get it. ESPN doesn't make a joke of sports 24/7, but G4 seems to make a joke of gaming whenever G4 content is on the air. I have been a defender of the station, but they need a massive overhaul in their thinking of what a gaming channel should be.


Gold Member
dskillzhtown said:
I love Stan Lee, but why not have Trip Hawkins giving Kojima the Lifetime Achievement award? Atleast have someone associated with videogames.

Because having Stan Lee give Kojima the award makes a lot more sense than Trip Hawkins. Kojima is a creator, as is Stan Lee. Trip Hawkins is just a suit with a dead company.


It felt way too close to the horrid Spike TV awards, and i'm really disappointed with that. G4 is a gamers network, and yet they treated the industry as if it was a damn fart joke.

-1000000 respect for G4Techtv :\.

I hope next year, they drop the "Hottest character" award, drop the celebs, and treat their awards show with class. Get the developers into the damn process too.


MaddenNFL64 said:
I hope next year, they drop the "Hottest character" award, drop the celebs, and treat their awards show with class. Get the developers into the damn process too.
I don't see why they should drop awards like hottest character. Like someone said it's modelled after the MTV movie awards (except gamers actually choose the winners) and it's not supposed to be super serious. There are plenty of serious video game industry awards shows already, there would be no point in creating yet another one in my opinion.

I agree about the celebrities and developers though. Not sure I want to see them give speeches, but I think the developers should accept the awards on stage at least. It doesn't make sense to me that the artists from another entertainment medium should steal the focus from the artists from the video game industry. The musicians and actors became celebrities because their media focused on them and gave them proper attention.


keep your strippers out of my American football
ManaByte said:
Because having Stan Lee give Kojima the award makes a lot more sense than Trip Hawkins. Kojima is a creator, as is Stan Lee. Trip Hawkins is just a suit with a dead company.

I was using Trip as an example. It could have been anyone videogame related. Not another celeb that G4 can trot out. I just want this show more about games and less about celebs.


works for Gamestop (lol)
Eh, the MGS3 trailer wasn't brand new, even if they said it was 'exclusive' to G-phoria. It was just the E3 2004 trailer edited out of order


Gold Member
dskillzhtown said:
I was using Trip as an example. It could have been anyone videogame related. Not another celeb that G4 can trot out. I just want this show more about games and less about celebs.

Stan Lee isn't a celeb, he's a god. There's a difference. :D

And Stan Lee is working on a game for Atari right now using a new IP, so he is involved in the industry with his new company.
MaddenNFL64 said:
It felt way too close to the horrid Spike TV awards, and i'm really disappointed with that. G4 is a gamers network, and yet they treated the industry as if it was a damn fart joke.

It's simply reflective of a sobering fact concerning the videogames industry:

It's a business that has grown far faster than it has matured. I think another decade or two is required before the public at large regards videogames as anything more than the passing fancy of little kids and highschoolers and grants the medium the same respect that the music and film industries have had for many generations.
Was that Splinter Cell 3 footage the game running on the Xbox? I kept seeing the Xbox logo flashing.

Someone please post a picture of Cliffy B trying to act cool on the camera with that girl. That needs some serious photoshop work. That Zoolander comment is hillarious above. Perhaps take the picture and put at the bottom, "Blue Steel".
It's a business that has grown far faster than it has matured.

Yeah, unfortunately this is true.

When the show started, Carmen and Dave's little intro where they childishly said 'fuck' about 5 times in a span of 60 seconds set the tone for the whole show. I was completely embarrased and, well, appalled. That's not what I call maturity. Why can't we have an awards show with class? The entire show was filled with sexual overtones, fart-joke style humor, and was just generally classless overall. It's just plain immature.

Also, how do games from 2003 compete with games from 2004 for an annual award? Doesn't make any sense to me at all.


Eh, the MGS3 trailer wasn't brand new, even if they said it was 'exclusive' to G-phoria. It was just the E3 2004 trailer edited out of order

Heh the music didn't work with this trailer too. The original trailer music is 1000000x better than the one G4 spliced together with that E3 2k4 trailer edit.


works for Gamestop (lol)
Yep...like I said in the Cinematech thread, I abolustely HATE IT when G4 dubs crappy music over trailers/previews. What's the point?
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