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G4 is back


I feel bad for her at this point. Insane amount of blowback. Some of it was deserved, for sure, but she seems out of her depth. Shouldn't have given her that platform.

Dr. Claus

Still not really a fair comparison when you considering that Hololive panders to fans of Anime, J-pop Idols and, well, other intrinsically Japanese media in a way that G4 would not only never do, but also have even actively rallied against in the past.
Hololive is literally cute (anime) girls playing video games. In these continuous attempts at claiming the gaming community as a whole is "sexist", we should be able to see plenty of people coming out of the woodwork to hate, troll, and insult these girls and yet we don't. Why is that? Its because they are entertaining, don't bring politics into shit, and don't insult/hate on people and admit when they are wrong.

Its because gamers are not inherently sexist. Any actual sexism within the industry is very minor. People like to run and hide and make blanket statements on groups of people instead of realize that the problem is with them. Folks like Frosk who are routinely, aggravatingly ignorant on the subject of games despite it being her job - that is why she gets a lot of flack. However, its easier to dismiss any criticism a "sexist, incel, bigots" and get the mentally ill halfwits on Twitter and ResetEra flocking to defend them.

(take their negatively bordering on disdain for any JRPG that wasn't made by Square Enix for example. Or their lack of coverage on Nintendo which became glaring as the Wii gained success. Or, as was usual in the era, complaining in a bafflingly focused way about Japanese media's portrayal of women in the "Dudebro" era of American videogames, of all times.)

That was also around the time when the network was dying, rapidly. At its peak, G4 covered all those things and more. They reveled in anime and japanese media to the point where they had exclusive rights to air certain anime and japanese shows.

Sometimes I wonder how the hell they managed to care enough for Ninja Warrior for that to become their slippery slope of network decay leading G4 into hours of COPS and Cheaters reruns.

Poor management and losing their viewerbase, so they went the tried and true tactic of insulting the audience and clickbait. It also doesn't help that the tail end was around the time the culture in the gaming "press" was changing to hate games and gamers. The rise of Kotaku, Polygon, etc.
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I feel bad for her at this point. Insane amount of blowback. Some of it was deserved, for sure, but she seems out of her depth. Shouldn't have given her that platform.

I don't think anyone who just says something dumb deserves excessive levels of blowback or harassment.
It's not like they actually did something horrible, it's just being a dumbass.

Sarkeesian always comes to mind about this but it's a tricky situation.
I do think Sarkeesian was wrong and is legit a misogynist herself but she did get legit harassed I am sure and people did take it too far and basically took it beyond even attempting to adress what she said.
The sad truth is that it drowns out people who are trying to have an actual conversation that might be constructive.
And what happens is that a narrative gets spun based on the people harassing her where everyone who disagrees with her gets framed as a horrible person and she became like a saint and jesus figure in the industry.

People who engage in harassment are really just making matters worse they're actually strengthening the people they go after.


Reseterror Resettler
I don't think anyone who just says something dumb deserves excessive levels of blowback or harassment.
It's not like they actually did something horrible, it's just being a dumbass.

Sarkeesian always comes to mind about this but it's a tricky situation.
I do think Sarkeesian was wrong and is legit a misogynist herself but she did get legit harassed I am sure and people did take it too far and basically took it beyond even attempting to adress what she said.
The sad truth is that it drowns out people who are trying to have an actual conversation that might be constructive.
And what happens is that a narrative gets spun based on the people harassing her where everyone who disagrees with her gets framed as a horrible person and she became like a saint and jesus figure in the industry.

People who engage in harassment are really just making matters worse they're actually strengthening the people they go after.

For me, it isn't the stupid shit she's saying so much as it's the platform she's using to say it on. G4 is a network. It was a network. Tech TV was the same. It preceded the Gamergate war of ideologies and straw grasping conflating that became basically a job requirement for blue check marked influencers proselytizing about perceived injustices and inequalities to their tens of thousands of followers on a platform and scope that most people don't have.

It was a network about games, tech, and nerd culture, not a network on the meta commentary, politics and the conditions of surrender by the army of "oppressed minorities," slowly taking over every stage of media. I'm a big supporter of free speech, and I don't think anyone should be silenced from their opinions and the right to state them. However, conversely, I'm a paying customer (be it money, time, or attention) and my freedom of speech dictates that I'm afforded the privilege of voting with my proverbial wallet, and letting the involved parties know that this shit only makes sense on the flimsiest of tangential bridges, like if I tuned into the Food Network for recipe ideas and was treated to a speech about world hunger and how it's my fault.

Go on Twitter, your insulated subreddit, wherever, and preach until you're blue in the face, Frosk. But don't make yourselves culpable for false advertisement by promising A and delivering B. I'm in it for A.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Nah, just more referencing how TBH makes everything about his race and Creed is just a fun, interesting person. Wouldn't be surprised if Creed was getting sick of TBH as much as I was.

I'm unfamiliar with TBH outside of this relaunch, as I think I mentioned previously in the thread. When has he brought up race? I have watched everything they've put out thus far with him in it, and while I wasn't rapt at attention and may have missed something, I can't recall a single time he brought up race on the new G4.

Dr. Claus

I'm unfamiliar with TBH outside of this relaunch, as I think I mentioned previously in the thread. When has he brought up race? I have watched everything they've put out thus far with him in it, and while I wasn't rapt at attention and may have missed something, I can't recall a single time he brought up race on the new G4.

I stopped watching them entirely after the Frosk incident, but it was a common occurrence before hand. Making offhanded remarks like reprimanding Adam for saying "boy" and shit like that. If you can't see it then I am not sure what to tell you, mate. Its blatant.


Gold Member
They announced the new Yacht Club game on XPlay.
Mina the Hollower. The Kickstarter for it already reached it's goal in one day.
Is it though



Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
So they're going to do X-Play all remote from Sessler's place for a few weeks then come back to a "retooled" show in the studio. Good idea, because the best bits from the X-Play producers have been in the shorts and not the show proper. Something wasn't clicking there.


Neo Member
I'm not saying I like it, but this is certainly much more entertaining than the pseudo intellectual current gaming sphere is in. At least a good portion of the "gaming" media has turned into politics commentators.
Yeah, you know, with a handful of exceptions, the new G4 actually does feel a lot like the old G4, I think. Due to the ideological diversity of the cast, they often have to tiptoe around certain topics and honestly I think it makes for better TV.

It was funny seeing KP get all flustered over NFTs though a few months back.
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Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Yeah, you know, with a handful of exceptions, the new G4 actually does feel a lot like the old G4, I think. Due to the ideological diversity of the cast, they often have to tiptoe around certain topics and honestly I think it makes for better TV.

It was funny seeing KP get all flustered over NFTs though a few months back.

Attack of the Show is almost exactly like the old show in tone, especially during the segments of the live stream that they know will be edited out for linear TV. The only thing they're missing is the on-location bits that typically had some hot hostess like Alison Haislip or someone doing it. Maybe once we're finally clear of COVID restrictions and such in California we'll see a return of that kind of segment. Or maybe they'll never have the budget for those things again?


Neo Member
Attack of the Show is almost exactly like the old show in tone, especially during the segments of the live stream that they know will be edited out for linear TV. The only thing they're missing is the on-location bits that typically had some hot hostess like Alison Haislip or someone doing it. Maybe once we're finally clear of COVID restrictions and such in California we'll see a return of that kind of segment. Or maybe they'll never have the budget for those things again?
Yeah, I've actually been very pleased with how closely the new AotS matches the old one in tone, with some exceptions. It seems that old fans were in mind (though the toxic cesspool that is the G4TV subreddit would have you believe that being an OG fan is a cardinal sin)


Gold Member
Yeah, I've actually been very pleased with how closely the new AotS matches the old one in tone, with some exceptions. It seems that old fans were in mind (though the toxic cesspool that is the G4TV subreddit would have you believe that being an OG fan is a cardinal sin)
I want to see AOTS at E3 and PAX. Creed is already involved with PAX.


I haven't been too caught up lately. What's going on with Frosk? Is she still on it, or has she been fired?

To be honest, she's the worst thing about the current G4, especially after that whole meltdown.


I haven't been too caught up lately. What's going on with Frosk? Is she still on it, or has she been fired?

To be honest, she's the worst thing about the current G4, especially after that whole meltdown.
I'm still trying to figure out how she was even hired to begin with? Was she really a "star" or "celebrity" that they thought would actually bring in views?

The anecdotal stuff I've read of her indicate that the biggest thing she's known for (LoL commentary) was how bad she was at it and how many people despised her.


I'm still trying to figure out how she was even hired to begin with? Was she really a "star" or "celebrity" that they thought would actually bring in views?

The anecdotal stuff I've read of her indicate that the biggest thing she's known for (LoL commentary) was how bad she was at it and how many people despised her.
That's a good point, actually. I never heard of Frosk before the G4 revival. I knew The Completionist, I knew Scott the Woz, but Frosk? Like, who was she?


As a part of the changes they are making they cancelled Boosted which was the E-Sports show Frosk was a part of so not sure why they are not going all the way and showing her the door. The Amouranth thing seems like a desperate attempt to win back the original G4 fanbase Frosk single handedly drove away but they are not going to win those people back if they keep her around while the people that don't think she is just the ranting lunatic that she is were probably "literally shaking" over that segment. She has as much charisma as a stick, she has no chemistry with the others and her antics cost them viewers. She is contributing nothing of value and somebody that seems to hate everything about the gaming industry would probably be happier going to find a job not linked to gaming anyway so they would be doing her a favor.


Perpetually Tired
As a part of the changes they are making they cancelled Boosted which was the E-Sports show Frosk was a part of so not sure why they are not going all the way and showing her the door. The Amouranth thing seems like a desperate attempt to win back the original G4 fanbase Frosk single handedly drove away but they are not going to win those people back if they keep her around while the people that don't think she is just the ranting lunatic that she is were probably "literally shaking" over that segment. She has as much charisma as a stick, she has no chemistry with the others and her antics cost them viewers. She is contributing nothing of value and somebody that seems to hate everything about the gaming industry would probably be happier going to find a job not linked to gaming anyway so they would be doing her a favor.

It is such an easy win for them to do three simple things:

1.) Fire Frosk. She hates games and gamers, she makes everything about herself, has zero self awareness, and actively makes everything she is a part of on the shows worse.

2.) Apologize and promise not to bring politics into any discussion and to not antagonize the audience.

3.) Focus on the tech and games. That is what G4 is known for. Stop trying to shill NFTs.
That rebranding all but admits that the G4 too toxic to go on.

The channel's basically doomed at this point.

This is rather sad. If it didn't self-destruct so fast I could have tried asking them to revive Icons.
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