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Gabe and Tycho's Frat Experience





Not funny.

I don't think that any fratboys actually wind up working at Taco Bell. Most of them end up with a Bachelor's degree in something practical.
haha, most frat guys, while are heavy partiers, actually get their shit done and/or manage to BS.

Comic is funny but I agree that HS jocks would have made more sense ;)


Never had much interest in frats, but they are as much materialistic social climbers as they are drunks that listen to Dave Matthews. I never see people of that type manning the fast food cash register. Though to be honest I really have no idea where they typically work while doing their undergrad degree......probably internships or lame retail (Gap/American Eagle).


When I think of frat guys, i don't think of fast food. Most frat people, at least at my school, have good jobs. I guess it depends on the university though.

Edit: I was not in a frat.


Junior Member
Being in a frat is almost as valuable as having a degree as far as what it can do for your career...of course it all depends on if the frat has useful ties.


Sadly, most frat boys wind up running daddies business or something -- so the Taco Bell thing loses points.

But any bag on frat boys is good in my book, so +1 Penny Arcade.

Justin Bailey

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I'm in a fraternity. Flame away.

Edit: I had the same concerns and made the same sterotypes you guys did, till I found one I liked and joined. Not all of them are dickhead alcoholics that flunk out of school, some are, but not all.
Bring in a frat gets you the most important thing you can have in nailing a good career: connections. Most frat boys wind up middle managers at Fortune 500 companies, lawyers, analysts, or various/sundry corporate occupations. A few are engineers.

I know you'd all love to see 'em fail, but the system is rigged for their success.


Justin Bailey said:
I'm in a fraternity. Flame away.

Edit: I had the same concerns and made the same sterotypes you guys did, till I found one I liked and joined. Not all of them are dickhead alcoholics that flunk out of school, some are, but not all.
Well that depends upon what type of frat you're talking about generally.

Some frats are set up just for the basic purpose of getting ahead in a particular degree program, such as business fraternities or engineering fraternities. They don't have 'greek' meetings, parties, fests, or any other type of pointless social event. They're there strictly to look good on a resume.

I think the comic was talking about the fraternities that ARE designated to be nothing more than party houses.


Except the "party houses" are comprised of spoiled kids who can crap away thousands of dollars because of their parents' support.....they don't need fast food jobs either.

Justin Bailey

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Tritroid said:
Well that depends upon what type of frat you're talking about generally.

Some frats are set up just for the basic purpose of getting ahead in a particular degree program, such as business fraternities or engineering fraternities. They don't have 'greek' meetings, parties, fests, or any other type of pointless social event. They're there strictly to look good on a resume.

I think the comic was talking about the fraternities that ARE designated to be nothing more than party houses.
I'm in a social fraternity, not an academic one. And I can tell you that no national fraternity is designed to be a party house. Whether or not individual chapters do this is a different story.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
stewy said:
That's weird. I took that strip to be poking more fun at the writers than the frat boys.

me too, or at least it's making fun of the frat boy vs. non-frat boy rivalry in general.


Justin Bailey said:
I'm in a social fraternity, not an academic one. And I can tell you that no national fraternity is designed to be a party house. Whether or not individual chapters do this is a different story.
Of course no national fraternity is literally DESIGNED to be a party house. But we all know the truth don't we.

Justin Bailey

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Tritroid said:
Of course no national fraternity is DESIGNED to be a party house. But we all know the truth don't we.
Well just because a fraternity has parties doesn't mean they're designed to be a party house. We've had a bunch of parties, but we've also had events that raised money for the Red Cross, North American Food Drive, and our local animal shelter and we do these every semester. I'll give you that some chapters may not do shit when it comes to community or campus relations, but not ours.

Besides, any chapter that focuses solely on partying probably won't last long anyway. They'll either get in trouble with the school or their national organization eventually and lose their charter.


Well, considering many of you stop reading PA at panel two, you wouldn't find it funny.


They left out the part where the EB employees turn into nervous school girls just because the "cool dudes" are paying attention to them.
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