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Gabe from PA agrees with DJ Demon J on Nintendo DS

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"Overall the entire DS experience for me has been very underwhelming. The games range from worthless to decent and the machine itself feels awkward. Nintendo still hasn’t proved to me that the DS isn’t just another Virtual Boy. Maybe the next batch of games will do that. With the PSP looming on the horizon they don’t have a lot of time to waste.

-Gabe out"

Kon Tiki

DJ Demon J said:
"Nintendo still hasn’t proved to me that the DS isn’t just another Virtual Boy. Maybe the next batch of games will do that. With the Gizmondo looming on the horizon they don’t have a lot of time to waste. "
Everything was alright until he mentioned Virtual Boy. NDS has major support, even right out of the gates. Otherwise his views are perfectly fine. The DS isn't going to be everyone's cup of tea.
TheGreenGiant said:
so Gabe's opinion validates yours somehow cause he's a net celeb?

Fuck no, but I wanted to be able to post another opinion that explains why I think DS will end up like Virtual Boy because every time I try to explain it it's somehow considering trolling.


Hollywood Square
Having played the system, I pretty much agree with Gabe and Jason. There's potential there, but I don't think it'll be utilized and the system looks like a lame duck with the PSP around the corner.


To me virtual boy means "failure", but I don't think thats what DS is or will be.

I have seen enough so far to know that I myself are not going to be buying one unless some new titles are announced at some point that I am interested in.


The DS is just too damn gimmicky. It'll probably end up a little more successful than the Virtual Boy but I don't see the system lasting very long once the initial shock value wears off.

I also don't see hardly any good games coming out for the Psp either.

I'd rather spend my time playing technicially advanced games than dated shit


Virtual Boy died largely because it was a health hazard.

They do need better software out there. It's too bad MP:H isn't going to be a full launch title. I finally had my chance to try it out today, and was pleasantly surprised with the touch screen free look. As fun as the new Mario 64 looks, I think MP:H would've been more exciting at launch, especially if they were they are serious about appealing to an older crowd.
Your opinion in and of itself isn't trolling. Trolling is bringing it up at every possible opportunity, tossing it out there even when it's completely irrelevant to the conversation, with the sole intent of being a dickhead and annoying people. Kinda like why you started this thread.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Yeah, Gizmondo is already out in the UK, according to press releases.

Which one of the PA boys was it that didn't much care for the Xbox at first?


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
so the real title of this thread should be

DS ES DOOM3D!!!!!!!!

just checking to be sure...
well... if its anything. I'm not excited about DS nor am I excited about PSP. Will pick them both up after 2-3 months after launch. I have enough games to worry about. (see backlog thread)


Hollywood Square
Society said:
Confused. Xbox had Halo at first.

The original Halo was not a monster hit at first. It was a thing that grew over time, kinda like GoldenEye. Its legs were amazing and that's why it's so popular.

Save for Halo, the Xbox was weak and even when Halo was first ported to the system from the PC, it wasn't sharp at all at any of the playable demonstrations until a few months before launch.

The Xbox started out as a bulky system with an unpopular controller for fat hands, the prospect of an online service that people were unsure of (there was no real basis for an Internet service model like XBL before it) and lots of shovelware.

Microsoft has definitely gained momentum, and while they've made a lot of mistakes, I've got to give credit to 'em, they definitely learn from every single one and come back with more resolve.

kaching said:
If you say so...but it still implies that people came around to it.

Oh, I'm not saying people didn't come around to it. In fact, they have. It's become a fixture of the mainstream now and I think Microsoft has done some great things with the console. To me, it's the perfect blend of what I like from my Nintendo and Sony consoles.

In the beginning though, you'd be hard pressed to find Xbox fans unless they were paid by Microsoft or just retarded. Now I think casual Xbox fans outnumber the retarded ones.


He also confirms my opinion, that DS is gonna be popular with females! Also some other guy here (who got a DS today) said his sister wants to buy one as well now.


The other games we got are Spider-Man 2, Feel the Magic, and Asphalt Urban GT. Spider-Man is fun enough and I like that they kept it 2D. Feel the Magic is crazy but Kara really likes it. Last night I heard her yelling into the DS and I asked her what she was doing. Apparently one of the mini games requires that you get the attention of a girl standing with her back to you. So you have to yell into the mic to get her to turn around and notice you. Not my kind of game but she seemed to be having fun. Urban GT is a perfectly decent racing game and that’s all I can really say about it.

You forgot to post that.


being watched
Willco said:
The original Halo was not a monster hit at first. It was a thing that grew over time, kinda like GoldenEye. Its legs were amazing and that's why it's so popular.

Save for Halo, the Xbox was weak and even when Halo was first ported to the system from the PC, it wasn't sharp at all at any of the playable demonstrations until a few months before launch.

The Xbox started out as a bulky system with an unpopular controller for fat hands, the prospect of an online service that people were unsure of (there was no real basis for an Internet service model like XBL before it) and lots of shovelware.

Microsoft has definitely gained momentum, and while they've made a lot of mistakes, I've got to give credit to 'em, they definitely learn from every single one and come back with more resolve.

Oh, I'm not saying people didn't come around to it. In fact, they have. It's become a fixture of the mainstream now and I think Microsoft has done some great things with the console. To me, it's the perfect blend of what I like from my Nintendo and Sony consoles.

In the beginning though, you'd be hard pressed to find Xbox fans unless they were paid by Microsoft or just retarded. Now I think casual Xbox fans outnumber the retarded ones.

It's rare I agree with Wilco on anything...but I remember first time I saw US Import Xbox in a shop playing Halo....it looked the most average game I'd ever seen "SO IS THIS IT?!?!"....of course when you sit down and actually start playing it's altogether something else.

DS needs that killer app that was Halo for Microsoft. They were truly blessed to have such a game on their system as the very first title released.

PSP doesn't have any....but it does have Ridge Racers - old gameplay, but what style. What music. What graphics. Add to that the sexay design...and bingo. And with MGS...GTA:pSP on horizon....well you do the math. Only worthwhile DS game is Mario 64...and that's a port of an old N64 game featuring a character that debuted in the early 80's.
Willco said:
In the beginning though, you'd be hard pressed to find Xbox fans unless they were paid by Microsoft or just retarded. Now I think casual Xbox fans outnumber the retarded ones.

Don't you remember Cel Damage? That game made a bunch of true believers.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Oh, I'm not saying people didn't come around to it. In fact, they have.
Right, which is the way I was trying to lead things with regard to Gabe's comments on the DS...first impressions didn't guarantee lasting impressions in the case of Xbox, so the same could happen with the DS.
I think the point that you're failing to see bobby (most likely due to your fanatical allegiance to all things Nintendo) is that I'm not totally against the possibility that DS will go gangbusters or do well enough to sustain a shelf-life of several years. But I think that's the far less likely option considering all the factors we've seen since the announcement of PSP, AND, most importantly, having played DS and PSP and seeing impressions from many websites, magazines and TV shows. And, last time I checked, it's a discussion here on GAF.


DJ Demon J said:
because every time I try to explain it it's somehow considering trolling.

Well, it's not like you're a font of impartial opinions. Anyone who's been around here for even the smallest amount of time knows where you stand with Nintendo, and that's taken into context when you criticize them, whether the opinion be fair or not.

Don't want the GAF membership bringing the hammer down on you as Just Another Biased Punk? Try to throttle it back every now and then.
xsarien said:
Well, it's not like you're a font of impartial opinions. Anyone who's been around here for even the smallest amount of time knows where you stand with Nintendo, and that's taken into context when you criticize them, whether the opinion be fair or not.

Don't want the GAF membership bringing the hammer down on you as Just Another Biased Punk? Try to throttle it back every now and then.

My point is I do throttle it back, the nbots are so tightly wound up that they're hypersensitive to any criticism of Nintendo. It works both ways, xsarien.

See, you guys have dragged me down into it again....fuck it, just focus on the topic at hand, Gabe's comments on DS and why the opinion that DS will have a retail fate similar to that of VB is a correct analysis or not.


DJ Demon J said:
It works both ways, xsarien.

If you're implying what I think you're implying, you have a very selective memory.

DJ Demon J said:
See, you guys have dragged me down into it again....fuck it, just focus on the topic at hand, Gabe's comments on DS and why the opinion that DS will have a retail fate similar to that of VB is a correct analysis or not.

How about we wait until it's released and see if it grows legs or not.

Musashi Wins!

xsarien said:
Well, it's not like you're a font of impartial opinions. Anyone who's been around here for even the smallest amount of time knows where you stand with Nintendo, and that's taken into context when you criticize them, whether the opinion be fair or not.

Don't want the GAF membership bringing the hammer down on you as Just Another Biased Punk? Try to throttle it back every now and then.

haha...this is rich.

The title was pretty clear...why is there serious boo-hooing by all the people with their panties knotted over DJDemon's opinion then?


DJ Demon J said:
See, you guys have dragged me down into it again....fuck it, just focus on the topic at hand, Gabe's comments on DS and why the opinion that DS will have a retail fate similar to that of VB is a correct analysis or not.

I just don't see how a system that will play GBA games has that fate.


Why make a new topic just about this? You've made your opinion clear in every ds thread so far and this was before you'd even played it yourself. You are one of the biggest attention whores on this forum. Look everyone, a minor net celeb agrees with what I say.


Other than the doctor sims I can see no reason for myself to own a DS. I'm hoping that once the launch stuff comes and goes we'll start seeing the stuff that makes it worth plunking down $200

And guys: Not every dissenting opinion against Nintendo is a troll.
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