Ah true. How was it?
Was a fun night, met up with a friend and just wiled out. I only knew the songs off Trap Lord and the few Rocky songs they did. All of that mob shit was lost on me.
Ah true. How was it?
Dead @ PDs fuckery http://m.neogaf.com/showthread.php?t=733441
Dead @ PDs fuckery http://m.neogaf.com/showthread.php?t=733441
Thread deleted?
Screencap that ish. I need more Ls to add to my PD Failure collection.I still have that thread open and that pic up. Sooooo hilarious.
The Photoshop'd image of the dude's avatar was the icing on the cake.
the only Ls in that thread were from the OPScreencap that ish. I need more Ls to add to my PD Failure collection.
rare pokemon card huhPD was the one administering Ls, not receiving.
I'm not sure what caused that thread to be closed, but there must have been a valid reason...Fuck I was just going to read that. Need a screen cap!
Yep. PD said he met the girl in the pic, people found her okc, dudes pmed her the thread.was that the thread about ol dude who bought goobers at the kroger, then walked to theater, on a first date?
Yep. PD said he met the girl in the pic, people found her okc, dudes pmed her the thread.
Mega L.
sent the link? damn
Thread got deleted because personal info was thrown into the mix. Ironically, the info was put out there by the OP who blames NeoGAF for his bad decisions. Dude is a moron.
"dem teddies tho" hahahahahaha
Thread got deleted because personal info was thrown into the mix. Ironically, the info was put out there by the OP who blames NeoGAF for his bad decisions. Dude is a moron.
"dem teddies tho" hahahahahaha
Hot Sugar - Mama I'm A Man (feat. Antwon + Lakutis + Big Baby)
New Hot Sugar vid. Laku is goofy as fuck, BBG is so suave. Antwon is Antwon
I really liked his last project. Hot Sugar is shaping up nicely.
Hot Sugar - Mama I'm A Man (feat. Antwon + Lakutis + Big Baby)
New Hot Sugar vid. Laku is goofy as fuck, BBG is so suave. Antwon is Antwon
Kanye has done this every live performance now for a whiiiile. Like years.............
fuck paying money for this. every video i've seen from this tour have been him on rants. he still performs music right?
Childish Gambino does Crawl and 3005 on Jimmey Kimmel Live! too. Why does this dude look like a bum performing? I know dude is trying to be very contrarian and shit, but c'mon you could've dressed up for this. I like 3005 too but the live performance lacks all the energy with that delivery.
Yeah, but you gotta sell people on your music man. Great performances do that. You know that though. Same issue I have with Q.it's all in the act.
Jay making moves:
Naw he looks about 45I'm telling ya'll jay is in his 50's
Interesting Renaissance Rap had a remix loved that song on The Renaissance.
Dat Dilla Beat.
Renaissance ain't new playboi.
kane track is sweet.
this is the new drake walk right
goddamn lollooks like one of those decorated prosthetic legs
looks like one of those decorated prosthetic legs
Some classic rock at the moment.
Was about to come and then I heard ya'll were playing classic rock.