I use a lot of singletons because I have several managers: game, scene, input, GUI.
I like them but I've heard they are bad because they cause high coupling (interdependence). Now that may be right but if no one suggest a better way then I'll have to keep using them.
Think if it this way - if it is absolutely needed and can only exist once - there you go. There's no problem. My SessionManager (handles all info for the current play session) is a single. Contains a bunch of information on the state of the player from health, energy, location, current weapon, etc. I simply have my player pass the latest info of that frame at the end of the frame. This helps me with enemies since I don't need them to waste time looking for the player's object, getting references to components, etc - they just pull information from the SessionManager.
The problem occurs when people use it as an easy out and over-use them. Things can get sticky quick!
Using it when a reference is the right option. Its one of those things I sit on the fence about. In most cases I stick with the "object" oriented rule since that is its design but I do use use plenty of them when I feel they are appropriate. Then again I never went to school for any of this stuff so I may be misusing them but I don't feel I am if I haven't broken them yet. I'm mindful of their use. That's probably the most important thing.What's an example of over-use to you?
Using it when a reference is the right option. Its one of those things I sit on the fence about. In most cases I stick with the "object" oriented rule since that is its design but I do use use plenty of them when I feel they are appropriate. Then again I never went to school for any of this stuff so I may be misusing them but I don't feel I am if I haven't broken them yet. I'm mindful of their use. That's probably the most important thing.
It is allegedly "bad form" to use them abundantly but I feel the "bad form" comes from inexperience and overuse to the point they become like a sledgehammer and not a precision tool like a surgical blade. Again I never studied the "proper" way to use or misuse them - this just comes from my own experience as a noob when teaching myself. Still am a noob, to a point. We all have our fallbacks.Gotcha.
It's just weird because I often hear about the pitfalls of singleton patterns, yet nothing I read on the subject ever shows tangible deficits. It's just a bunch of fear mongering and "it'll be easier to make mistakes" mumbo jumbo.
Maybe I just haven't ever programmed something serious enough to warrant being that anal about it.
I love the particles.Played with the visuals of this some more.
down with conventional weapon, inhale gas, use gas to kill permanently.
Well since my team kickstarter was disastrous we're stepping out and searching for work/commissions, so I'm polishing out my portfolio a bit.
It's been a while since I wanted to use spine and get back to 2D animation, the walking animation is a bit cheap I know, but I wanted to see if I could put something decent without redrawing the legs/feet.
Would love some feedback!
(and if you know anyone interested in and 2D/UI shoot a message)
That looks almost like something out of Dragon's Crown.
Well since my team kickstarter was disastrous we're stepping out and searching for work/commissions, so I'm polishing out my portfolio a bit.
It's been a while since I wanted to use spine and get back to 2D animation, the walking animation is a bit cheap I know, but I wanted to see if I could put something decent without redrawing the legs/feet.
Would love some feedback!
It's hard to say without context, but it looks like the back foot comes up before the front foot is all the way down. That doesn't work very well for a slow, lumbering walk. I also think that the back knee needs to bend some as it moves forward, and in general the leg movement should be a little less conservative. I understand the want for constraint, but I think it has the opposite effect you want. It doesn't break the articulations, but at the cost of emphasizing the stiffness of the model.
But the art is phenomenal! And also I really like all the secondary animations. Those add a lot of weight and presence to the character.
Well since my team kickstarter was disastrous we're stepping out and searching for work/commissions, so I'm polishing out my portfolio a bit.
It's been a while since I wanted to use spine and get back to 2D animation, the walking animation is a bit cheap I know, but I wanted to see if I could put something decent without redrawing the legs/feet.
Would love some feedback!
(and if you know anyone interested in and 2D/UI shoot a message)
Like nearly all of our environments, especially color polish is missing and the menu needs some work on the ground and is missing some assets. It does have some nice camera tracking and cloth physics.
Will do as soon as the game starts working again, I do think they've changed since the last time, though I personally think they could use a bit more polish.I'd love to see a larger shot of the bottom left UI element, if you're so inclined during tomorrow's screen dump. The icons look vastly different than last time I saw them.
May I see your Kickstarter page?
...though it only took one Acid Rain to take down my army.
Hot damn I love the colors and glowy bits XD Looks aceAn oldie, but I had fun using some cheats to create an army of carpenters:
...though it only took one Acid Rain to take down my army.
Attack timeout, damage timeout and break conditions. There's a fafillion things you need to probably protect against for something even as innocuous as a simple attack.I was feeling pretty tired today, but I whipped up a quick attack animation + hitbox and a training dummy + hurtbox, a new attacking state, and tested it. It works!
...unless you throw out an attack before you hit the dummy, in which case it doesn't work. Sometimes. Sometimes it does work. I'm... not sure what's happening. Hmmmm...?
Too tired to test or even to gif it. I'll look more at it later. But it works! Sometimes! I can press a button and Cubey attacks!
Thanks!Hot damn I love the colors and glowy bits XD Looks ace
Depends on what you tell your colliders/hitboxes to do when they hit nothing or varying types of objects, I would assume.like if i attack the air before I attack the dummy. (I.e. hit my attack button with nothing around, although I guess it's conceivable it's hitting level geometry? But it should be resetting what the other.object is when the hitbox is destroyed... idk)
Trying out the attack animation, the back foot always feel weird
Is the spear supposed to slide when a persona attacks with it? Just wondering because I don't know how they are actually used in battle in real life
I'm using Unity btw, and I'm trying to stay away from PlayerPrefs for now.
Anyone got pointers on how to save / load data? I'm trying to save stats, so it's just going to be a bunch of numbers in a class that specifically defined for holding stats numbers. What do I need to take into consideration to ensure that I can add more stats to it later and still be able to load older save file properly?
I'm using Unity btw, and I'm trying to stay away from PlayerPrefs for now.
Anyone got pointers on how to save / load data? I'm trying to save stats, so it's just going to be a bunch of numbers in a class that specifically defined for holding stats numbers. What do I need to take into consideration to ensure that I can add more stats to it later and still be able to load older save file properly?
I'm using Unity btw, and I'm trying to stay away from PlayerPrefs for now.
Anyone got pointers on how to save / load data? I'm trying to save stats, so it's just going to be a bunch of numbers in a class that specifically defined for holding stats numbers. What do I need to take into consideration to ensure that I can add more stats to it later and still be able to load older save file properly?
I'm using Unity btw, and I'm trying to stay away from PlayerPrefs for now.
The walk animation needs the most work. You need more range of motion and the fact that the legs are taking turns moving looks very unnatural. The arms are also synced weirdly with the rest of the animation.
With the attack animation I'd suggest a bit more range of motion too. It can be hard to get all of the poses you want out of manipulating one drawn pose (this neutral pose), but one way to help with that problem is to make sure there's plenty of range of motion, so the travel of the pieces forms a recognizable outline.
I want more control and do stuff like cloud sync. Plus a save file just seems cleaner / flexible.Do you have particular reasons to avoid using PlayerPrefs?
Thanks, I'll check it out.I found this official unity live training extremely handy for this exact issue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J6FfcJpbPXE
hopefully it's as handy for you as it was for me![]()
This seems sensible. Though ideally it wouldn't be plain xml text (I know it doesn't really matter...)This is one way to do it. Basically, push your storage class through XmlSerializer and write the resulting xml to a file under Application.persistentDataPath. The serializer handles stuff like missing data nicely, but for future compatibility I'd add a save version id to the data so that you can check against it and convert old data when necessary.
Yeah, same here. I've been putting this off for a while now.I have the same problem. Something I need to tackle real soon considering my game is an RPG and saving is a HUGE part of the game. Just haven't found a good solution yet.
I see thanks! Trying to add some more parts to add depth and more range of motion currently, it's a two days work so it needs plenty of polish![]()
Animation is largely about outlines and key poses, and that's true whether you animate traditionally or with a set of pieces in Spine.
This seems sensible. Though ideally it wouldn't be plain xml text (I know it doesn't really matter...)
Well since my team kickstarter was disastrous we're stepping out and searching for work/commissions, so I'm polishing out my portfolio a bit.
It's been a while since I wanted to use spine and get back to 2D animation, the walking animation is a bit cheap I know, but I wanted to see if I could put something decent without redrawing the legs/feet.
Would love some feedback!
(and if you know anyone interested in and 2D/UI shoot a message)
There is a lot of suspicious movement underneath that cloth....
Should I tweak it to make it less floaty? xD
Redone the skeleton and added helm/bust turning, sadly I have spine essential and the mesh feature that could do miracles it's unavailable.
The first let's plays of my game are starting to appear. I get so anxious watching them, I don't know how am I going to survive all this "exposed-to-the-world" process:
I really like all the detail and subtle sub-movements, but it's definitely going to be a challenge to get this character to do a lot of different things from this one drawing, especially since he's so facing the camera.
I'd consider (and this is how I approach this, at times) drawing a couple of different important poses separately -- So, standing, another at his full attack extension, another where his body is more oriented for walking -- And cut each of those up and utilize spine to animate them and between them. This is basically what Vanillaware does (they take it to great lengths).
If you want to do absolutely everything from one pose, you may choose a pose where he's more facing to the side. Or maybe you just need another version of the leg on the right, a version that's not facing the camera...
Ultimately, I think the more elaborate and the more geometric the shapes on the character are, the harder it is to animate them without additional frames/pieces.
Anyone got pointers on how to save / load data? I'm trying to save stats, so it's just going to be a bunch of numbers in a class that specifically defined for holding stats numbers. What do I need to take into consideration to ensure that I can add more stats to it later and still be able to load older save file properly?
I'm using Unity btw, and I'm trying to stay away from PlayerPrefs for now.