finished (nevermind still need so work) the idle animation, it should be a red bearded archer, hope it's recognizable enough xD
It looks like a scarf to me but pretty good nonetheless
finished (nevermind still need so work) the idle animation, it should be a red bearded archer, hope it's recognizable enough xD
Who was the gaffer here that is part of the team that made 'Shiftlings'? I just saw on my twitter a ripoff of it being made called 'Shift Happens'. Ugh.
It's unfortunate but I don't think it's a rip-off.
First of all, this specific gameplay mechanic has been seen several times before.
Secondly, it seems that Klonk Games developed a game called Mercury Shift in 2012 with the same premise and gameplay as their new one, which incidentally is very much like Shiftlings.
I included ingame-links to a feedback (Google) form. Since then, I got around 500 downloads and...... 7 of them filled out the form (only 3 of them with any valuable feedback).
How do you approach alpha/beta testing? As you may know, I've uploaded two alpha demos of my game to (the first in April and an updated build in June) for public testing, both containing the first chapter. I included ingame-links to a feedback (Google) form. Since then, I got around 500 downloads and...... 7 of them filled out the form (only 3 of them with any valuable feedback).
Now I've finished the core campaign (time mode, bonus levels, level editor still missing), estimated play time about 4 hours. How do I find testers for this? I mean, I've got a couple of friends that will play through it, but that's not enough. I don't want to upload a large part of my game for free to test obviously, but I don't think a "contact me if you want to test, then I'll send you a link" will work either.
The only thing I can think of right now is putting it up on Steam Early Access for a month or so before release. Any other ideas?
I thought they were wearing a knotted red scarf round their face and kneck, kind of like a bandit![]()
It looks like a scarf to me but pretty good nonetheless
Well, scarf or beard, it still looks good :3Oh, now I see the scarf too, can't unsee it! xD
I'm using a 2500x2500 canvas for the drawings/painting, then reducing to a 600x600 square for exporting the frame, before cropping further in Construct 2, finally reducing the sprite size to something like 320x500 or something.
As for brushes, I'm using a "brush" from Frenden's inking brushset: - best 5 dollars you'll ever spend if you ever plan to ink in photoshop.
For size, I use about 30 for sketching, and around 13-15 for lining. I *hate* using smaller than 10 brushes, I'd rather work on a larger canvas and reduce the result lots to get thinner lines.
Welcome speps!New here, quick intro, friend of Pehesse (did same video games school together), indie dev as a hobby, professional career otherwise.
What I did when I was working on the early PC port of Puddle is start in windowed mode but make the well known shortcut (EDIT: Alt+Enter) to switch to fullscreen work well. What I mean by "work well" is no non sense freezing for ages like Source did a while ago. On Windows at least you can exploit the fact that a fullscreen borderless window will automatically hide the taskbar (exactly like VLC) so you just have to resize your viewport and window and that's it.
For the content itself, black bars are usually my preferred option just so everyone sees the same thing on screen. That also helps with authoring because you know some parts won't ever be seen by the player.
Well, scarf or beard, it still looks good :3
So, to all those who are animating 2D sprites, are you drawing on tablets?
This. is. fanatstic!
wow Pehesse, this was exactly what i was looking for in photoshop, those brushes are fantastic. Also I got used to line in 5px and 9px (becuase of what we used in the scribbelnauts games), but I always found there could be a better method. Going to try to use high resolutions you are using for the collectible cards art we are doing for our game.
So thanks a bunch!
Welcome speps!
So, to all those who are animating 2D sprites, are you drawing on tablets? If so, what is your setup? A stylus?
If not, are you using a mouse? Trackball? Pen/paper + scanning?
I'm just interested to hear everyone's main "input device" for this sort of thing.
I feel generous today.
A quick sneak peek at the rail section you saw here:
But this is what it actually looks like:
Felt like sharing the real thing with an alt-weapon in action - the snake thing. Don't have a name for it but it can wreck shit if you have enough energy stored.
I ended up using this as a base in our project. It's rather simple and I haven't had any problems with it. One possible concern could be memory allocation for the event classes, but if you're passing enough messages for that to be a concern, there's probably something wrong with the architecture anyway. (Insert rant about how garbage-collecting managed languages are garbage and that we need support for a modern language with automatic scope tracking / reference counting)
That looks pretty awesome. How big are your sprites?
Finished this guy last night.
The bullets ricochet, but they don't do damage after they bounce on something. Felt a bit unfair if they did. Sound cues are also important here.
How effective is that stomp attack of his? It doesn't seem like there's any need for little blue to get close enough to the monster that she'd be in range of it. It's very pretty as usual.
If you're touching the ground the stomp will stun and heavily damage you
And you do need to get close, the monster can only be harmed if you're gassed up, and the only source of gas near him is.. him.
The "gas up" mechanics are specific to this region and already introduced to the player in a more controlled way before fighting anything hard.
I won't quit my day job until I have something really cool to show for it after working nights/weekends.
Update: I might actually quit sooner for the sake of my sanity.
I fixed her knee and ankle, made the skirt look less stiff, added the weapon cases, and tweaked the delay in her arm. Also ponytail version.
This seems like a solution to a problem I didn't even know I had. Will keep this in mind for my next project. =)Phew, finally got it working! ...
Ooo.. I like the pony tail version.![]()
I fixed her knee and ankle, made the skirt look less stiff, added the weapon cases, and tweaked the delay in her arm. Also ponytail version.
This seems like a solution to a problem I didn't even know I had. Will keep this in mind for my next project. =)
It took pretty much all week, but I completely overhauled the map generation system in our game - before it was a very rigid system where you said "use this algorithm with these parameters" and it always spit out 2 floors, a shop, and a boss level with no real ability to customize it.
The entire system is now a pipeline of discrete steps, and each zone has a data file, where each level has a block that looks something like this. This lets me change big stuff like map size per floor, down to little stuff like tweaking what set of decoration steps to use. And it's gone from being a bear to wrestle with to something that I really really enjoy using.
I've made a bunch of other changes as I go, like adding a first pass of a snow effect to our london/town level:
It took pretty much all week, but I completely overhauled the map generation system in our game - before it was a very rigid system where you said "use this algorithm with these parameters" and it always spit out 2 floors, a shop, and a boss level with no real ability to customize it.
The entire system is now a pipeline of discrete steps, and each zone has a data file, where each level has a block that looks something like this. This lets me change big stuff like map size per floor, down to little stuff like tweaking what set of decoration steps to use. And it's gone from being a bear to wrestle with to something that I really really enjoy using.
I've made a bunch of other changes as I go, like adding a first pass of a snow effect to our london/town level:
And the ability to add interior columns to our mansion level rooms for more permanent cover options:
The last big thing I did was a change to our core layout algorithm for the mansion - before it was always a directed acyclic graph which works great but it starts to feel a bit same'y when you always have one long path with offshoots and no loops. So I modified the algorithm to go back after the initial layout has been done and add loops wherever it can as long as it doesn't cause a shortcut that significantly reduces the distance from start to finish. Example:
So these maps started with the same generated room layout. On the left you can see the directed acyclic graph version, which gives you a main path (in blue) and offshoots (in green) that branch off and never really overlap. Good for placing objectives at dead ends, not so great for anything else. The version on the right is from the new system, where there's still a main path (although even that supports branching now), but the entire level is far more interconnected. One downside is this makes doing 'locked door' type objectives significantly more difficult - not sure how I'm going to handle that yet.
So, yeah. Lots more to do on the map generation front but really happy with how the new system is working out so far.
I fixed her knee and ankle, made the skirt look less stiff, added the weapon cases, and tweaked the delay in her arm. Also ponytail version.
I fixed her knee and ankle, made the skirt look less stiff, added the weapon cases, and tweaked the delay in her arm. Also ponytail version.
It took pretty much all week, but I completely overhauled the map generation system in our game - before it was a very rigid system where you said "use this algorithm with these parameters" and it always spit out 2 floors, a shop, and a boss level with no real ability to customize it.
The entire system is now a pipeline of discrete steps, and each zone has a data file, where each level has a block that looks something like this. This lets me change big stuff like map size per floor, down to little stuff like tweaking what set of decoration steps to use. And it's gone from being a bear to wrestle with to something that I really really enjoy using.
I've made a bunch of other changes as I go, like adding a first pass of a snow effect to our london/town level:
And the ability to add interior columns to our mansion level rooms for more permanent cover options:
The last big thing I did was a change to our core layout algorithm for the mansion - before it was always a directed acyclic graph which works great but it starts to feel a bit same'y when you always have one long path with offshoots and no loops. So I modified the algorithm to go back after the initial layout has been done and add loops wherever it can as long as it doesn't cause a shortcut that significantly reduces the distance from start to finish. Example:
So these maps started with the same generated room layout. On the left you can see the directed acyclic graph version, which gives you a main path (in blue) and offshoots (in green) that branch off and never really overlap. Good for placing objectives at dead ends, not so great for anything else. The version on the right is from the new system, where there's still a main path (although even that supports branching now), but the entire level is far more interconnected. One downside is this makes doing 'locked door' type objectives significantly more difficult - not sure how I'm going to handle that yet.
So, yeah. Lots more to do on the map generation front but really happy with how the new system is working out so far.
And this is how the character should look, I couldn't figure out a nice way to draw the eyes in top-down view :/
Don't do it, time goes fast when you are developing and your savings dissappear quickly with it.
In my case I was fired so I didn't had a choice but you still have one. Unless your game generates massive hype before release, don't bet your future on it.
I thought the mustache was a scarf lol
Thanks for the advice. You're right.
I was just having one of those days. I slept it off. Back to my game now.
And this is how the character should look, I couldn't figure out a nice way to draw the eyes in top-down view :/
My goal was moving the knee closer to the screen, since the other option (as showcased in your gif) has too much movement.
I'm gonna do two things.
First, making the skirt-less version so I can see better where the legs begin, start, and blend.
Then, I'll try making the knee bigger, rotate a bit, and bring it closer to the ground to achieve that depth effect. I'll see what I can do.
Did a quick and dirty implementation of some of my animations for Big Blue, just to see if it all lines up more or less correctly. I've already spotted some color balance stuff to fix, and most of the anchor point problems will be dealt with when I integrate for real... but I'm pretty happy it seems to be working otherwise!
That was something I improved in the second alpha: You only had to roll into a specific "teleporter" that opens the feedback form in your browser. Ingame rating after each level would be great, but would probably take me weeks of work. The reward thing is something I'll keep in mind, I wouldn't mind giving somebody a free Steam key for the final game if the feedback was helpful. Maybe I should do a private alpha for GAF users.I wonder if you could lower the barrier of entry. Right now, people need to leave your game, login to Google, fill in the forum, click stuff for some time.
In some game, I don't remember which one but I think it was a Ubisoft one. After each mission it would popup something where you could rate it from 1 to 5 stars. That would give you some very quick feedback if you could split those ratings into multiple categories like "difficulty", "controls", etc.
Also, given that you're taking "valuable" time from your testers, you should make it clear there is some reward once the game is finished (credit line, free item, etc.).
Yeah, that's the best kind of feedback you can get. A few YouTubers played the alpha and that really helped a lot. Getting to events takes a lot of time though and you probably wouldn't get feedback for a full campaign.If you're looking for testing on different hardware I can't suggest anything all that helpful, but if you're trying to refine gameplay or user experience I don't think anything beats being there in person to observe
As such, I've mostly just been taking my game on my laptop to events and watching people play. I tend to find what people do and how they react in the moment to moment while playing is a lot more valuable than asking them to try and remember how things went as lot of things will go forgotten or unnoticed.
I fixed her knee and ankle, made the skirt look less stiff, added the weapon cases, and tweaked the delay in her arm. Also ponytail version.
I haven't touched the map generation code in my game in almost a year. I'm super nervous to approach it because I barely have any idea of how it works anymore or which strings to pull to retool different aspects.
Finally have painting of trees working:
Still not perfect though, most importantly spline mesh collisions currently have a bug in UE4 and I'm not sure if I will go with growing for the trees instead of instant painting:
I'm also curious if I can make it work to let the trees randomly grow on their own.
I fixed her knee and ankle, made the skirt look less stiff, added the weapon cases, and tweaked the delay in her arm. Also ponytail version.
Yeah I was in a similar boat, I wrote the bulk of the map code about 18 months ago and any changes since then had just been hacks to shoehorn in whatever bits I needed. Is it working well enough that you can just leave it be? Or do you feel like you'll have to rework it eventually?
I'm just gonna say what's been on my mind for a long time because I think it's probably constructive, but if I'm wrong I'm wrong.
You're spending an enormous amount of time and effort on all of these tiny details and all of this sub-animation, which is definitely an impressive thing on its own, and it's worth pointing out. However, I think your energy is not being spent right. The overall outline of your character motions are not as good as they should be, especially for an action brawler, and I think the need to preserve all of these meticulous detail is boxing you in with these outlines and contributing to the problem. Your rendering is good, but your outline and the conceived poses need work, and it's hard for you to address those problems when there's such a high burden on rendering.
I don't enjoy typing that out, because of all the work you've put in, but I think the outline is the problem, not the detail and sub animations, and the need to include all of the detail and sub animation I feel is leading to a "cart before horse" problem with your animation and ultimately holding it back.
(When I say the outline is the problem I don't necessarily mean the idle animation in the quoted portion, which is not that bad, I'm talking about the overall moveset of the character)