Sketching out some poses for an NPC I have to do spritework for. It's still a bit loose, but next I'll tighten these up a bit and then get them set up for animation.
Fun to be working with an actual human for the first time in a while.
Look at pen and paper RPG mapping software to do that style. I was hoping to make a world map akin to this:
Big question for people who are working alone. Do you guys find yourself having trouble keep going? I love working on my game but sometimes the lack of another there constantly giving feedback and working on the game as well makes me sometimes less prone to get down and work...
Do you guys know any good rigging -> Mecanim tutorials that do NOT involve skinning? I want to rig various model parts to an armature but not have them deform.
If I'm understanding what you're saying correctly, your bones were causing the mesh(es) to deform (skinning)? I've probably linked this video before, but it's a super simple rigging video if anyone else encounters similar issues. It just rotates blocks without skinning anything, as I understand the term: once did something experimental that worked for simple models: We had a robot whose body parts were all separate objects that were parented to dummies (since we were using Blender and never managed to find a way to parent meshes to bones without them getting skinned), and then we'd simply move, rotate and scale the dummies for the animations. I came up with that idea after I reverse-engineered how I thought N64 models were animated, but using loose body parts means that you can't do crazy movements that'd reveal that meshes aren't attached to each other, so I don't think it'd work well for living objects unless you went for an extremely minimalistic approach.
I'm guessing this is a common problem, and it's perhaps one of the single biggest obstacles to being successful as a work-at-home solo developer. It's certainly a problem for me since it is very easy to get distracted, and sometimes difficult to make yourself try to focus on a problem.Big question for people who are working alone. Do you guys find yourself having trouble keep going? I love working on my game but sometimes the lack of another there constantly giving feedback and working on the game as well makes me sometimes less prone to get down and work...
Doing programming, art, planning, story writing, etc... All by myself is daunting. Maybe I'm just a wimp...
Some people might also find it useful to schedule their time more strictly, like a normal job. Even if you're only working 12-5 or something, if those hours are reserved for actual work then you can spend the evenings relaxing or whatever.
Updating our mobile game for Unity 5.x and half of it is broken. Most projectiles don't fire, most buttons aren't clickable, score text randomly disappears.
Good grief!
Sketching out some poses for an NPC I have to do spritework for. It's still a bit loose, but next I'll tighten these up a bit and then get them set up for animation.
Fun to be working with an actual human for the first time in a while.
I've been meaning to post some of the progress I've had on here but I haven't had any for that very reasonAh... I was hoping to make a world map akin to this:
Big question for people who are working alone. Do you guys find yourself having trouble keep going? I love working on my game but sometimes the lack of another there constantly giving feedback and working on the game as well makes me sometimes less prone to get down and work...
Doing programming, art, planning, story writing, etc... All by myself is daunting. Maybe I'm just a wimp...
There are current issues with Construct 2 if you want your game to run on Steam, you have to roll back to an earlier version as well as play around with some files so your game exports properly... then there's the whole issue with Chrome.
What do you think? Is it weird that the core levels of the game don't have leaderboards, but the other ones do? Is there maybe another way to calculate a highscore without using time as a factor that doesn't result in everybody getting the same score?
Enjoy your staySuper excited to be going, it'll be our first time with Indie Megabooth and also my first time travelling to England.
Really dig that artwork, it seems like it came straight out of a comic book!
Ooh, these look nice! Do you by chance animate with Spriter?
Another dev blog entry
So Ive spent the day reimplementing our foliage shaders from scratch. There are basically two master shaders, one is specialized on tree branches, and the other master shader takes care of ground foliage like weed, grass and other things that typically grow on the ground. The new shaders support wind and among many other things a heavily improved SSS to make light break through a leaf. Also, the color of the tree now depends on a random value that is generated on a per instance basis so every tree has a light variance in shading.
Well I've stopped working on trying to get the AI system to work for my game... (More so since I got some ideas from people on how to work with what I have currently but no idea how to even start.)
And decided to attempt to work at the Cutscene system... Note the background is just a temp and so is the dialogue. The game's intro cutscene will probably be very different.
Any opinions?![]()
Yeah, a couple things. Usually when games have their main menus linger on a bit of scenery and then moves to the first cutscene or different mode, the camera pans, zooms, or changes aspect ratio to help indicate that it's doing something different now. Only taking the menu text away feels pretty static and boring.
Also, the falling leaves(?) could use some more depth. At first it seems like they might be falling several yards away from the camera, but then when the character appears and they're still in front of him, they appear very near and very tiny. I would move that to behind the character, and then also add another layer in front but with larger sprites. If you want to get really crazy, you can randomly change the depth level of the leaves (assuming they're individual object instances) by messing with the "depth" variable in the creation code, and in the step code use that value to scale the speed each object falls at, and then in the draw code use it to scale how large the leaf appears.
Hm... I shall try... something. The only problem I have is that I've been designing all Menu's and Cutscenes at 1080p, even the background is 1920 x 1080 so there's no where to move. D:
I'm actually wondering if that's going to bite me in the ass very soon.
I tried to go for that effect of ash or w/e it is when there's a very large fire in the area.
I can do that to the depth, I think. Can I make depth a variable?
Yeah, I understand it can be difficult. God only knows I hate making cutscenes. Things like this is part of why, because they're so often so difficult and time intensive.
You're using GameMaker, right? depth is a built-in local variable, same as x, y, image_xscale, et cetera.
I once did something experimental that worked for simple models: We had a robot whose body parts were all separate objects that were parented to dummies (since we were using Blender and never managed to find a way to parent meshes to bones without them getting skinned), and then we'd simply move, rotate and scale the dummies for the animations. I came up with that idea after I reverse-engineered how I thought N64 models were animated, but using loose body parts means that you can't do crazy movements that'd reveal that meshes aren't attached to each other, so I don't think it'd work well for living objects unless you went for an extremely minimalistic approach.
What engine? Maybe people here will have some suggestions.Ugh, that terrible feeling when your game has performance issues and you have no idea how to fix it...
Ugh, that terrible feeling when your game has performance issues and you have no idea how to fix it...
What engine?Ugh, that terrible feeling when your game has performance issues and you have no idea how to fix it...
Ugh, that terrible feeling when your game has performance issues and you have no idea how to fix it...
Thanks!!Whoa, that looks extremely good. Well done.
Turn off all the effects / features / render layers / view distance and turn them on one by one and see where your performance starts to drop massively.Ugh, that terrible feeling when your game has performance issues and you have no idea how to fix it...
It sure can look good - you'll need to craft your style around it. With things like this you just can't throw the kitchen sink at it and turn every switch to the "on" position. It is like music - turn every instrument to the same db, same EQ, same everything and it will sound like mud. Again like music, learn to move things backwards and forwards in the "mix" so the listener's ears snap to what you want it to and EQ bands aren't fighting with each other constantly so each instrument can live like it should without killing the others - the mix will be clean.I started toying around with HaxeFlixel a few days ago. I tried my hand at making a lighting system. It's still buggy and unoptimized, but it supports any number of lights and I'm pretty proud
It confirmed my fears though that a tile-based lighting system won't look good. It just doesn't look smooth, especially when all the action is happening at 60fps on a per-pixel basis, and the lighting only updates every 20px (a tile width).
On a related note, does anyone know a good app to make 60fps gifs on a Mac?
It sure can look good - you'll need to craft your style around it. With things like this you just can't throw the kitchen sink at it and turn every switch to the "on" position. It is like music - turn every instrument to the same db, same EQ, same everything and it will sound like mud. Again like music, learn to move things backwards and forwards in the "mix" so the listener's ears snap to what you want it to and EQ bands aren't fighting with each other constantly so each instrument can live like it should without killing the others - the mix will be clean.
I think it can look ace if part of the gameplay and done in a manner that directs the player, not just throwing it around because you can - give it a reason to exist and tailor it.
Thanks! I'm not that much into leaderboards myself, but most gamers seem to love comparing their scores to those of other gamers. Right now I think I'll keep the campaign levels without highscores, but maybe add a statistics screen instead (like "only 34 other players achieved a perfect score and you are one of them!").I'm not a leaderboard type of player at all, but from what you describe, it doesn't feel weird to me that some levels would have boards, and some not, especially if the distinction is as clear as you make it!
Otherwise, I guess the usual highscore cliches applies: collectibles, especially out of the way ones (to balance with the time spent to go get them, making for a risk/reward situation), or rewards for skill displayed (for instance, get points for sharp turns, or near misses, etc... don't know how much it applies to your game, though) - once again, to offer another layer in addition to "time".
The best kind of leaderboard to me is one there is no one "best way" to run through a level, but multiple approaches that all end up making viable scores - that fosters discussions, strategy, combination runs... ultimately some levels will be more favorable to certain strategies than others, but it'll be less straightforward than "go as fast as you can" for every one of them!
I'm not sure what you refer to here, so if you could expand on both accounts, as a C2 user, I'd greatly appreciate it!
I do have a question though... does anyone know if it's possible to add two values of an array in Game Maker?
I want to calculate a characters Attack Rating by doing: Atk[0] = Str[0] + Wep[0,1]
Str[0] is the main characters Strength
Wep[0,1] is the attack rating for the weapon the player has equipped.
I have established both have values and can even print them out but yet I get a "doAdd" error when trying to do this calculation. Str[0] and Wep[0,1] are established in different scripts (but all under the same tab) and I made sure to have the scripts with Str[0] and Wep[0,1] to run first... So I'm not sure what the problem.
On the Scirra forums there is a 23 page thread regarding getting a game on steam, and the issues dealing with it. It's also a handy resource for newcomers on how the process works, since for those who lack programming know how such as myself I posted my findings in the thread (I'm the GG-Works guy).
I had to roll back C2 to v184, reinstall greenworks 3.0 plugin and had to do some file workarounds with files to get it to function on the steam client otherwise you'll get errors. Also, when you have the plugin installed, testing in Node Webkit doesn't seem to work, so you'd have to go browser.
As for Chrome, there were some issues regarding testing on the browser which seems to happen when Google updates and Scirra has to catch up and tweak the engine just so it can function. Like Audio would not play properly, or frame rate issues. It's minor, but still.
It's still a good product, I wouldn't make a large scale project with it though. Baxter's Venture would be considered a mid scale project, but I have run into issues were I'd have to remove some things to save the frame rate. The only other problem I had was audio, where the music would play continuously as you progress through each level ala Super Meat Boy, but lately it would restart when you move on to the next level in the same Act, was unable to fix it.
My biggest complaint about the software is that it heavily relies on third party plugins to do exports. And if you browse the forums, there are plenty of unhappy customers. It's great if you're doing browser related content, but for exporting to Steam or Facebook, or even mobile be prepared for trials and errors.