With the disclaimer that I'm not really much of a 2D RPG fan (I don't know Chrono Trigger from Final Fantasy, and all I know about Fire Emblem are the characters in Smash), I think your game looks like a generic RPG. I don't appreciate the genre and I'm not the target audience, but that's how it appears to me.
In part of your description you mention that the game is like Disgaea and Final Fantasy Tactics. What sets your game apart from them? Or if nothing does, why does your game need to exist?
Since I'm also working on an SRPG I just wanted to quickly chime in and say that Chrono Trigger and FF on the one hand (very similar games) and Disgaea and FFT on the other hands are completely different games regarding gameplay. The huge mainstream RPGs of the kind of FF don't play anything like SRPGs. There are basically two still-running series of (his kind of) SRPGs, Fire Emblem and Disgaea, with Disgaea just entering its fifth main iteration and Fire Emblem being on a quite stable 2-3 per generation rhythm. Overall we probably end up with ~4 big traditional SRPGs per generation, so we are at least not talking about an oversturated genre. Of course, him and me will both have one problem: This year there's Disgaea 5 (and typically those games are excessively long), next year it's Fire Emblem Fates, so there's serious likelihood of being completely overlooked.
Though I must say the big three of SRPGs have very different focus, showing already that there is a lot of room for differentiation even through details.
FE is very much focussed on in-battle strategy
FFT is quite focussed on character development
Disgaea is a game of labor because you really need to grind like crazy if you want to play all maps.
EDIT: Based on what he has written in the introduction of the game, there are already unusual things that differentiate the game from all other SRPGs I know:
1. There is a fixed party of eight members, not recruiting, no losing characters
2. Crafting plays a very very small role in FFT and FE and is basically grindwork in Disgaea, so this will probably differ a lot, too.