Um, is this a Gamemaker thing? Because generally it's a lot more efficient for the video card to use a single large image rather than multiple small ones...
what if your game is a a commentary about unfinished broken games and we as gamers don't really care about that
Spent like 3-4 hours today on UI minutiae and that just makes me... embarassed
Sexy. And I'm a sucker for a beautiful UI so I'm with you![]()
Glitch effects are fun, and they fit well with your game. Is that all procedural, or a single, specific sequence?
Yeah, damn good job. Can I ask how you did everything? Were they sprited animations or through an animation system? I'd like to pump up our UI since we're doing unity now. I know how to do canvases and have sucessfully made them fade in-out, but yeah - this is next level.
the idea is that you render the UI into a rendertarget, do a shader on it, then blit it to the main camera via a shader.
Sounds like a shitty vehicle for that kind of commentary. Jim Sterling's YouTube channel does that much better.![]()
GAF, what do?
So I'm breaking down feedback from places that covered us on the web the past week after our announcement. The majority is in favor of but breaking it down into communities shows a different story.
General gaming sites have been extremely positive.
PC centric sites have been extremely positive.
PlayStation sites have been extremely positive.
Xbox sites have been overwhelmingly negative.
Pretty much 90% of anything negative about the game comes from Xbox related comment sections. Of that, not scientific, around 75% of the negative comments are dismissive to a fault.
I've talked with devs before about the PS4 and XBone divide for smaller Indies and what I've heard is holding true for the most part. If that continues then sales will reflect that divide between the plarforms and overall feeling of the game from each demographic.
I'm not surprised in the slightest.
I will probably not sell much on Xbone and the little I probably would wouldn't be much of a dent, if at all.
Should I ditch XO now and save dev time, QA process, PR, etc for that version and really focus on PC and PS4?
If people aren't receptive to it on a specific platform then I don't want to waste my time. I know other devs who already made that call but I'm asking here for everyone's input.
Its greatly appreciated.
GAF, what do?
So I'm breaking down feedback from places that covered us on the web the past week after our announcement. The majority is in favor of but breaking it down into communities shows a different story.
General gaming sites have been extremely positive.
PC centric sites have been extremely positive.
PlayStation sites have been extremely positive.
Xbox sites have been overwhelmingly negative.
Pretty much 90% of anything negative about the game comes from Xbox related comment sections. Of that, not scientific, around 75% of the negative comments are dismissive to a fault.
I've talked with devs before about the PS4 and XBone divide for smaller Indies and what I've heard is holding true for the most part. If that continues then sales will reflect that divide between the plarforms and overall feeling of the game from each demographic.
I'm not surprised in the slightest.
I will probably not sell much on Xbone and the little I probably would wouldn't be much of a dent, if at all.
Should I ditch XO now and save dev time, QA process, PR, etc for that version and really focus on PC and PS4?
If people aren't receptive to it on a specific platform then I don't want to waste my time. I know other devs who already made that call but I'm asking here for everyone's input.
Its greatly appreciated.
GAF, what do?
GAF, what do?
We use Coherent UI as a plugin for Unity, so everything is based in HTML5. We make everything appear on a seperate UI camera canvas through what is being triggered in the code. Meaning we can also add post-fx to the UI in Unity that are seperate from the main camera. Quoting our programmer on this:
In regards to the actual animations, I'll have to clarify that this specific clip is an After Effects sequence as of now, but its possible to get it functioning through Coherent. There are some AE>HTML5 scripts, but they look a bit dodgy, so we may just make our own. There's also this:
Which Edge functions fairly similar to AE (albeit more simplified), so I'd maybe check that out!
Otherwise, the main glitch effect at the start will be a video overlay if we can't got it sorted. Everything else we have in the game, UI/HUD/Menus including their animations are all driven through the CoherentUI plugin. It's pretty rad!
Ditch the Xbone version. You will have more time to polish your game. And thats the most important thing.
Dismissive of being:What are they being negative about? Sure its great to get loads of positive feedback but do the negative ones have a certain merit also? You could drop the Xbox One version just to make time easier on yourself but that could mean actually ignoring some critical part than people have negative opinions about. Unless its bad feedback just for the sake of bad feedback of course.
Unity. And no WiiU.I'm curious, what is your game made in? If it's not Unreal 4, you might want to consider Wii U. Indies do very well on the Nintendo system. But that would be giving you more pressure/work to do of course.
The problem is that what they say is dismissive and not based on merits of issues they have. A few comments snowballed about gameplay that doesn't even exist which could have been avoided if visiting the site, the article was written better or just watching a simple GIF.Honestly? I'd go with what people are saying about the game rather than platform specific sites. If people dig your game, they'll be happy to know that it's available on the system they invested in. The more surface area we cover, the better I think. True it may take a while longer, but you'll have more bases covered when finished.
The problem is I expected this going in. There's a reason most small Indies have a sales gap larger than the hardware gap between platforms, it exceeds the margin of error things being where they areI have no experience with this, but some comments on a few websites don't say much about the game being a sucess or not. When I have reported about the game, it was in the Xbox section of our site there were no complaints and the news was read as often as the Fallout news posted around the same time. If you are using an engine that makes the porting easy like Unity, I would not cancel the Xbox One version due to some negative comments that may very well not be indicative at all.
Dismissive of being:
An indie game "tired" of Indies
Pixel art "not again"
Complaints of gameplay that do not exist (shocker, reading and looking is hard)
There were very few criticisms that had merit. I found one that actually referenced the style and made sense. Others are just baseless, barely a glance, criticisms.
Unity. And no WiiU.
Should be but meh. I am feeling pressured a bit to work on three versions. Looking at the breakdown by demographic is just making the move to ditch one of the platforms that much easier.Ahh fair enough. Most of them just sound like some jaded gamers moaning. If you can make the Xbox One version, you should continue with it and haters be damned. If it would make it a bit easier on time etc, then you could drop it. If your game is overwhelmingly positive on all other formats, then it should also be received well on Xbox One.
Thank youI'm curious, if you don't mind me asking. Any reason to not consider Wii U?
Anyways, your game looks fun. I look forward to it.
The problem is I expected this going in. There's a reason most small Indies have a sales gap larger than the hardware gap between platforms, it exceeds the margin of error things being where they are
I'm not purely making decisions based on sales but I'm not going to care much to port my game to a product where the install base doesn't care for it.
I'd definitely lose sales but in keeping my sanity and shipping a better game? I might ditch XO and go for the sure thing. I can put more effort into 2 platforms over 3.
Just because you drop the XBox one version at release, doesn't mean you couldn't go back to it later.Should be but meh. I am feeling pressured a bit to work on three versions. Looking at the breakdown by demographic is just making the move to ditch one of the platforms that much easier.
Oh I won't even entertain the idea that I'm anywhere near the same level as Ori or Cuphead. That's just absurd.I don't know much about your game, but considering the overall feedback you're getting, I'd suspect that the negative feedback you're getting from Xbox One gamers is probably just a vocal minority of that community. I would take their criticism seriously (if it's not just trolling) but not let it dissuade you from releasing to Xbox One gamers who appreciate indie games.
Ori and Cuphead have shown that there is definitely some enthusiasm for non-AAA gaming on that platform.
Because I think 3 platforms is difficult for 1 guy to work in at the same time. Plus I work 50-60 at the day job and have a host of other things slowing me down.Xbone had a late start with indies and quite an image problem in the beginning, but with rising sales of the console and growing indie support I'm sure the situation will improve. From a journalists perspective, Microsoft is also doing a great job giving out dl codes to publications and promoting their indie games, moreso than Nintendo and Sony. By the time you are done with the game this might also help you gain additional sales.
Why do you fear to lose your sanity over this?
Well, if I can go back I would maybe. There's other bonuses to console exclusivity.Just because you drop the XBox one version at release, doesn't mean you couldn't go back to it later.
But ask yourself, what the extra effort to add the other platform (in this case XBox)?? Coding?? (maybe a little)...Testing??? (medium effort) and how large do you need the sales to be to make it worth your while.
Another issue...Do you need the headache?? Life is short. Maybe breaking your release into smaller pieces will make your stress level be at a manageable level.
I was thinking for myself (if I ever get to the point of releasing something) of only doing one platform at a time. Just because I wouldn't want the stress of trying to support multiple platforms in release window.
GAF, what do?
GAF, what do?
what if your game is a a commentary about unfinished broken games and we as gamers don't really care about that
So whats a good/easy way of doing concept art? I'm not particularly the best at drawing. Although I am getting a Surface Pro soon, so perhaps that'll assist me.
So whats a good/easy way of doing concept art? I'm not particularly the best at drawing. Although I am getting a Surface Pro soon, so perhaps that'll assist me.
But you still have to make a working and enjoyable game. A video game is interactive, and you don't want to make a product that actively trolls the user for even attempting to play it. You can make commentary about the state of games in general, sure, but at the end of the day, you need to realize that you are a game making fun of games. You're not a book.
but why is that so wrong? games don't really need to be fun to play if the intent for them is not to be fun.
GAF, what do?
Toronto-based Capy Games Sword & Sworcery got 50 percent of its revenues from iOS, 25 percent from Steam, 20 percent from other platforms, and 5 percent from Android. Another Capy Games title, Super Time Force Ultra, had 44 percent of revenue come from Xbox, 37 per cent from Sony, and the rest from Steam. Even the small Android figure played a role in helping the Sword & Sworcery game spread far and wide, Vella said.
Shovel Knight broke the impression that indies dont sell so well on Nintendo, and Broken Age has a surprisingly huge following on Mac, he said. All of these games are generating significant amounts of net revenue from a whole bunch of different platforms. If you were to remove a single platform, these developers would be leaving a significant chunk of money behind.
There's a difference between The Line and a purposefully broken game. You can still play The Line. You always need to give the player a way out.
For instance, I have a conversation in my game where, if you have a higher enough Intelligence, you can get a new dialogue option that still doesn't get you out of a boss battle. Yes, it trolls the player for thinking they could get better shit with a newly unlocked dialogue bit, but the game still continues.
i guess then it goes into whether you are trying to make a game or interactive art
GAF, what do?
They are all equal at the moment in terms of investment. I still have a lot of platform specific to work on and as it stands we are shooting for early 2017 to release. No online functionality outside of a leaderboard for different game modes.How much work have you invested into the XBOX port, and how much work is left on the game? Is it just QA you have left or is it tons of console specific development to do?
It's more work but I'd probably say don't ditch the port. There are lots of people on XBOX that love indies yet there are far fewer indies releasing on the system. Market to that crowd and you could get some nice interest.
Do you have any online features that would suffer from a low install base?
If you can get nice perks by being PS4 only, then definitely consider that. It's hard enough getting a game set up for one platform, may as well focus your effort.
This is where I am leaning, at the moment.Personally, if PS4 is on the table I'd focus on that. If Sony's offering perks for console exclusivity on top of being able to publish on the console with the largest current-gen playerbase, I'd say it's a no-brainer.
In my opinion, PC/Steam would be my priority, with PS4 being my secondary target. Xbox One would be more of a "eh, maybe later down the line" type of thing, unless they offer you some perks to offset the extra development stress. If they really do exclude you for the launch parity stuff (which seems to be happening less and less) then I'd say it's their loss. No reason to worry about it or stress yourself out, especially as Xbox One has the more vocal "ugh, indies again?" crowd.
Just linking this recent article about cross platform indie development, maybe it'll help:
Ultimately, I'd say go for it, but maybe stagger your releases, if possible? Focus on the 2 that are working for you now, but maybe put off dev on XO.
Nobody bought anything, paid money to a kickstarter or pre-ordered. I don't owe anyone anything.My feeling is that if you told people you were going to do it, then you should honor that. Not everyone is going to appreciate your work and at the end of the day let it speak for itself. Canceling because some dudes just don't seem overly excited is kinda wrong and not the right message to send out. Hell, if that was the case, I would have scrapped my game long time ago. Can't let that stuff get you to you, man. Do your thing and move on with your life. They can appreciate it or not, but be proud of your own work and let the haters hate.
Nobody bought anything, paid money to a kickstarter or pre-ordered. I don't owe anyone anything.
There's a lot more going on than just the breakdown of sales or bullshit website comments. I work 50-60 hours per week at the day job, have a bunch of ties outside of work that need to get done, battle as hard as I can to stay healthy, etc. My time is extremely limited. I'd love to just fucking start and finish playing a damn game, let alone build mine. Still haven't even beaten Batman AK yet and I've had it since launch.
This was merely the nudge to tip me over to dropping a version and if I do it is the Xbox version. I've been toying with the idea for a long time now - this was merely the straw, so to speak.
So I'm not looking at this from "MY GOD, CRITICISM!" since some of you have spoken to me privately and given me everything from praise to almost telling me to scrap the fucking thing without saying it - some of you have even opened up on me here in this thread and the previous thread. I appreciate criticism and enjoy it for what it can do to help me make a better game but some idiots in a comment section being straight up dismissive was one of those "Welp, if they don't like it, they don't have to play it" moments. I can understand if they were valid criticisms but straight up making shit up and running with it is not criticism - so how can it be taken seriously?
I'm tired, run down, stressed - I wish I could dedicate more time to developing the game because i love doing it but there's a lot going on and something has to give. This was just the thing that is pushing me to make a decision.
They are all equal at the moment in terms of investment. I still have a lot of platform specific to work on and as it stands we are shooting for early 2017 to release. No online functionality outside of a leaderboard for different game modes.
Oh I won't even entertain the idea that I'm anywhere near the same level as Ori or Cuphead. That's just absurd.
But maybe other developers are thinking the same and won't start their campaign then, which would result in your game being longer on the first pages and getting more votes.I've been planning on launching the Greenlight for my game within the next month or so, but it just occurred to me that launching during a major holiday season might not be a good idea? Thanksgiving is next month in the U.S. and a lot of people will be flying out weeks ahead in advance, leaving behind their PCs, so I worry the Greenlight might not get much exposure as a result. Would it be a good idea to postpone, or am I worrying about nothing?
The game likely won't be done in 2015 as I had originally planned anyway (due to illness impacting my ability to work many times these past several months), so if I have to postpone as far as January, it won't really affect the release date in a negative way. I do want to have the game out by spring 2016 though.
It's certainly not an easy situation to be in. I know the market is still considerable enough to be worth it most of the time (unfortunately at least right now my mind only comes up with similar responses as Nathan Vella had, where it's been worth it, but not the key factor of success), unless the game contains plenty of potential TRC issues (networking, custom engine etc.), but at the same time the added pressure can certainly affect the end quality and for a larger audience too. Compromising a good launch window can still lead to less sales than going with an extra platform, but building an audience for the future is still important for the business as a whole, etc.There's a lot more going on than just the breakdown of sales or bullshit website comments. I work 50-60 hours per week at the day job, have a bunch of ties outside of work that need to get done, battle as hard as I can to stay healthy, etc. My time is extremely limited. I'd love to just fucking start and finish playing a damn game, let alone build mine. Still haven't even beaten Batman AK yet and I've had it since launch.
This was merely the nudge to tip me over to dropping a version and if I do it is the Xbox version. I've been toying with the idea for a long time now - this was merely the straw, so to speak.
My advice first would be to be honest and try to recognize whether the workload
I'm tired, run down, stressed - I wish I could dedicate more time to developing the game because i love doing it but there's a lot going on and something has to give. This was just the thing that is pushing me to make a decision.
I'm reminded of Super Mario Land 3, Wario Land, nice map style!Menu work...
Deckbuilder action for Screenshot Saturday:
Menu work...
Menu work...
Thanks for the thoughts and insight, everyone. It's a tough call but I feel I will be able to perform better with 2 versions instead of 3. At least for the time being. I can always push another port after the fact or, hell, if we decide to use Kickstarter and go over funding or have XO as a stretch I can hire a hand to help with the conversion.
If you guys haven't noticed it's taking a long time to make this game, in general, there's a lot that keeps me from putting in adequate time so I need to make sure I can focus as best I can with the little time I do have to work on the project to hopefully hit our own internal deadline. I spent the last few weeks not working on the game, but creating editor functionality and other tricks I'm going to be using moving forward in an effort to save time during development.
I shouldn't have reached so far initially and I thought I would be able to take the workload on, and did for a while, but there are other factors that pop up in my life which are slowing me down a bit.
Like I said - i'm pretty fucking run down at the moment, not with gamedev, but in general. Gamedev is just another layer of complexity that I should take more care in weaving it into my life. A refactoring of my current station is in order. I do think it will be for the best.