Purple Cheeto
can you (or anyone) explain a bit about how blueprint works?
Blueprint is a visual scripting language. So you drag and drop nodes that represent game objects, variables, logical expressions and more. Its relatively easy to learn (although there are a few concepts that I think might confuse non programmers) and by default the Unreal engine comes with a lot of functionality that can be used via Blue print.
I would say the biggest current disadvantage is that its in a constant state of flux, so what works now might not work in 6 months. Also blue prints are binary format files so its impossible to track changes if you're using source control. It also makes it really hard to work cooperatively. I'm told this will be fixed in UE4.7 but I haven't seen a timeline on when it will be.
Also while it is possible to do multiplayer with Blue Print it can be a lot more complex/confusing than writing old fashioned code.
The upside to all of this is that you get full source access, so you can always drill down and see why things don't work, or if you want to add a blue print for something that isn't there you can.
RPG Platformer, best way to describe it would be a game like Super Paper Mario and Cave Story.
I would like Steam to be first and then go from there.
Thanks, I'm going to do my best to really work on it this year!
Intriguing. I started programming a demo for a Zelda 2ish type game but I realized that since I don't have an artist it might be something I wouldn't get that far along on and started making a 2d RPG. I'm a programmer if you'd like to maybe talk about stuff.