Looks cool! This game was going to be like Silent Bomber, right?
I'm currently working on Cutscene systems. My game isn't going to be particularly story-heavy, but I'm going to need the odd scripted section here and there. Annoyingly, what I'm doing at work at the moment is incredibly dry and involves a lot of JSON reading/backend shenanigans, so I've been pretty unmotivated to do any additional programming at home. Especially when the core of this cutscene system is based around JSONs
It's actually a fairly gargantuan task... Aside from movement/animation changes I also have to deal with text boxes (which are going to be a whole issue in themselves), ways to "pause" the cutscene, ways to make it wait for user Input, ways to make certain sections loop. Just gotta break it down task by task.
Still, making little progress here and there. It'll all add up in the end!
Edit: @Urishizu, gave you a vote