The thing that gets me is the extreme amount of process when you program professionally. You don't just get to code. You deal with customers, verification of bug fixes and the associated processes (documentation, closing out of tracking bug issues using whatever bug tracker you use, code review (which is a good thing, but still - more process)), not to mention the weight of a large established code base that takes years to orient yourself. Between all the process and side shit I have to do, I'm lucky to get to code an hour or two a day. Some days I don't write any code. This is the reality for almost everyone I've talked to that works on a relatively established code base. If you're lucky enough to work on a green field project, don't take it for granted.
Add in the cruft of half baked features cause by project management never prioritizing technical debt and pushing too hard and too fast for new features. Unless customers complain about it, you generally don't get to work on technical debt items unless the debt affects some new deliverable, so good luck fixing that awful design from over a decade ago.
The software I work on is highly specialized and very technical, but it's not in my personal field of interest. I'd much prefer working on games, but where I live it's not practical and the paycut and lifestyle change to move to programming games isn't worth it. I'd have to move cities or strike out on my own, and I'm not willing to leave my family as both my wife and I have very strong family ties here. I'm also not willing to lose the income or work more than 40 hours a week. I have a child now. He takes priority over anything.
Thx for sharing!
Yeah, the overhead to manage some software is staggering, no question about
it. And salaries for doing gamedev aren't really that high unless you work for
some of the larger studios. One can earn more money while doing business /
off-entertainment software, no doubt, which becomes esp. important when having
to take care of a family. So there is sort of a given time span where one
really has the freedom to try something new and more risky (when you have
graduated, aren't married, and have no kids, yet) in our fast changing market.
So one should better use that time if one has any bigger dreams. Which isn't
to say everything is over once you have kids and are married, but the stage is
pretty much set (your wife will tell you then xD).
Pretty much although you can also do a specular map and emission map as well.
The only thing is that you might want to have a normal map generator specifically for 2d/flat objects that appear 3d. Crazybump isn't great since it assumes it's for 3d objects. I personally use sprite dlight which is a small, rather unknown program but works like a charm and has a ton of settings (also does depth and specular maps too !)
After that, in unity it's just about how you place your lights. Really straightforward, and fun to see your 2d drawings come to life in a fake 3d environment
Sounds pretty cool. I'm going to try dlight and see.
Btw; I need a cool paint program which is able to draw on the RGBA components
separately and the whole image at the same time. So I want to paint on for
example the B and A component with all the brushes etc. and get to see the
combined image at the same time and may also paint on the combined one seeing
the changes in all the components. Tried GIMP but it sux.
Btw II; I also need a paint program which can do all that at higher bit depth
than 8, like for example 16 bit per channel .png, able to manipulate an 64
bits per pixel RGBA .png or something like that.
I put in some work on finishing the Crucifix being used as a tracker
There will be penalties when its being used so use it wisely
Wall hack ftw! xD Really love how it was implemented in MGO! One of the
penalties could be that the Crucifix becomes glowing hot with the player
staring to scream drawing a lot of attention. Ahm ... what's that mesh
rotating around the player while using the Crucifix?