8/month for a balance less than 1500 or free with a balance of 1500+ or if you use their business CC. I opted for the balance requirement instead of their CC since I found Capital One to be much better, for me.
BMO Harris sounds fucking amazing. I have a huge spreadsheet of all my options. It's just the $2.50 transaction fee for non-Harris ATMs that gets me hung up.
Chase also looks really, really good.
BoA sounds good when you read the fee is waived if you spend at least $250 a month with a linked card, but that is more expensive than the rest just fee wise.
Success, I made my game look like painted by a 4 year old:
Also made a test with vertex color painting, but that is only in the editor, still hoping Epic makes it also work at runtime.
I'd play the fuck out of this.
Hey indie devs. I could use some advice.
Here is a mockup of the thing I'm working on.. it's a strategy game, similar vein to spaceship "management" games:
This is a mouse/touch driven interface. I am trying to suss out the best way to click on the various rooms and have the crew sprites pathfind to the right level. The sprites themselves are actually hooked up "sorta" bone-based, because I want to ragdoll them in certain situations (explosions, gravity off etc). So I've been looking at 3D platformer tutorials, as well as 2D pathfinding with A* plugins and whatnot. I've got it working on a single floor (big trigger volume buttons around each "room", click crew sprite then room, they walk to the target).
That main "shaft" towards the front of the ship was originally an elevator. I ditched that for "transport pads" (not shown) that will simply zip the crew sprites between floors. But I'm not sure how to do the logic to reach the appropriate floor first. Essentially it needs to be something like: if floor clicked is different than current crew floor, run to nearest elevator pad and execute that to correct floor, then run to target. I'm pretty sure there are systems for this already but because of my slightly odd combo of physics platformer and mouse-driven (indirect control) click-to-move, I keep running into a 3D solution, or super simple proscribed 2D techniques that I don't want to use.
Just curious how some of you would handle it. Bonus points for a Playmaker based solution (I love it!). Thanks!
I'd also play the hell out of that.