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GAF Mafia/Werewolf |OT| A forum game of secrets and treachery - sign up to play!

  • Thread starter Deleted member 231381
  • Start date


While we wait, might as well share how we all discovered Mafia (if you haven't already)? :eek:

My first Mafia-like experience was playing dozens of online custom games of Parasite in Warcraft III, then actual Mafia in Starcraft 2 Custom.

At a church gathering when I was but a wee lass with some 20+ other people playing who were older and had experience in the field of lying Mafia.

But now I am older, wiser, and stronger. None will be able to withstand my Mafia prowess.



The first time I played it was with friends at college. Was the basic passing out playing cards situation with a moderator. Played it quite a few times in the dorms including some rather large games. Many accusations of "I heard his chair move during the mafia phase" were lobbed about. Friendships were irrevocably damaged after a tense hour long game got down to 2 town vs 1 mafia and one of the townies flipped a coin to decide.

We also played long-form Mafia a few times where the play periods were over a week and the Mafia had to covertly deliver their kill notes to their victims without being found out. That led to some entertaining subterfuge. And me probably cheating one time when I hacked a secret emailing role's email by entering everyone's email address into the "forgot your password" thing for the "anonymous" email address and seeing who's email got accepted. I feel kind of bad for that one.
We had a board game night at my old job which was pretty rad. Got me into The Resistance, which led on to learning about Mafia, which led me to see the original thread and get interested


Funny enough I've never actually played mafia with cards. It was always moderator handled, "If I touch your shoulder you're mafia" that sort of thing.
I learned about mafia from Wikipedia surfing actually. The idea seemed interesting, so when I saw it pop up on a forum I used to visit, I got interested. I wasn unable to join that onex but the moderator of that game had created proboard forum specifically for mafia and other forum games, so I got my teeth wet there. I also played IRC mafia with folks from the original forum.

Ive actually never played a live action mafia game before, but I'd love to of the chance arose.


The closest thing to Mafia I've played before has been Avalon. I got it last Christmas and it has provided for some fun times.

My dad accusing me of being a liar so my brother would vote against me was particularly hilarious. I managed to convince my brother in the end though.

You thought I was going to reveal if I was lying?

Looking forward to this!
I've been aware of Mafia for a while. Not sure where I first heard of it, but I've never played it. I've watched Giant Bomb play Avalon and I've lurked the GAF games, so I have ample experience as a spectator. >_>


I first played The Resistance with friends, which was my gateway into tabletop gaming proper. I loved it then, but people who take the game very seriously have largely ruined it for me.

Along the way, I played live Werewolf at a local game night. It was a smallish game (less than 20 people), and the moderator was chipper and did a good job. I really liked that the information and assumptions about the game started at almost nothing at the beginning of the game. I also liked that in those particular live games, people were nominated one at a time, and the discussion would stop for the accused to present a defense. It really felt like a trial (with a very ruthless jury).


So, One Night Ultimate Werewolf. That could be a good game to play as an intermediary while we're waiting for a new round, or for people stuck on a waitlist, or the people who died early.

I think it plays 8 max? I haven't touched the expansions or whatever it is that came out for it.

You'd still need a moderator to handle the night actions, unless someone wanted to whip some simple website together(quantumbro). Each "game" could be done in a week.

Basically, everyone gets their starting role secretly, then you PM the game runner whatever Night action you want to take. In the case of the 3 central cards, the moderator just needs to keep track of them as Card 1, 2, 3. Since some roles have to make a decision based on the card/cards they've seen, you could have a 4 day Night phase. After all actions are complete, the moderator PMs everyone whatever info they should have at that point, and you give them 3 days to make their vote and see who wins that round, then repeat.

Am I missing anything obvious here? Any major hurdles?
I first played The Resistance with friends, which was my gateway into tabletop gaming proper. I loved it then, but people who take the game very seriously have largely ruined it for me.

Along the way, I played live Werewolf at a local game night. It was a smallish game (less than 20 people), and the moderator was chipper and did a good job. I really liked that the information and assumptions about the game started at almost nothing at the beginning of the game. I also liked that in those particular live games, people were nominated one at a time, and the discussion would stop for the accused to present a defense. It really felt like a trial (with a very ruthless jury).
The Mafia LIVE! games I've seen on Twitch do this nomination for defense system as well. It's really cool, though not so suited for forum games I think.


I've been a fan of Mafia since I found out about it, which was last season.

I had never heard of Mafia before until I started lurking in off topic.



Junior Wrestlemania XXX Champion
Youth group poorly explain rules, sit there confused, die on night 2.

This happened multiple times, granted, totally different groups of people every time, but for some reason no one could ever explain the game right...

Then Game 1 showed up in community, I checked it out and have become addicted to this game ever since.


The Mafia LIVE! games I've seen on Twitch do this nomination for defense system as well. It's really cool, though not so suited for forum games I think.

yeah it's a nice system and something I'm used to having, which might influence how I play the game. You have the opportunity to pressure someone, find enough to put them up on the block and everybody talks about them and they defend themselves and then you get to decide whether or not you want to push through with a vote (or alternatively you can just not vote) the two-stage process means you get an action that generates a real and credible threat and gets people talking, which is more than a single vote will do, but is less dangerous than getting a bunch of people to vote against the person (where mafia might pile on and turn it into a majority prematurely, or other things can go wrong). Of course if you take from this that I'm going to slow down and me more passive in these next games you're kidding yourself :p Full steam ahead!

The other thing I really liked about these games was the way they flipped the script on information, making how people played the game, how they projected town (or failed to) all the more important, as roles wouldn't be revealed when you died. Those rules made it so much more important to be cognizant of what people were doing throughout the game, how their interactions with other players change over the game, all sorts of things that you might let slide or ignore if you play a game where you are spoonfed perfect information become things that need to be carefully considered.

It'd be pretty cool to try some live internet mafia some day with gaffers.


So, One Night Ultimate Werewolf. That could be a good game to play as an intermediary while we're waiting for a new round, or for people stuck on a waitlist, or the people who died early.

I think it plays 8 max? I haven't touched the expansions or whatever it is that came out for it.

You'd still need a moderator to handle the night actions, unless someone wanted to whip some simple website together(quantumbro). Each "game" could be done in a week.

Basically, everyone gets their starting role secretly, then you PM the game runner whatever Night action you want to take. In the case of the 3 central cards, the moderator just needs to keep track of them as Card 1, 2, 3. Since some roles have to make a decision based on the card/cards they've seen, you could have a 4 day Night phase. After all actions are complete, the moderator PMs everyone whatever info they should have at that point, and you give them 3 days to make their vote and see who wins that round, then repeat.

Am I missing anything obvious here? Any major hurdles?

Love that game to pieces! It was what actually got me interested in GAF Mafia after playing a few rounds with some friends. The only real issue might be some of the special cards which allow a person to switch the card of another player but if everything was recorded by the Moderator/Gamerunner it shouldn't be too big of an issue, just a little confusing.

I would be down for a short game though, at least until the full GAF games are up and running.


Alright, I never actually tried the custom maps in SC for mafia. How did they work exactly?

Basically, you had little probe and there was a space you could move into for each player which if you went into you'd "vote" for him. Once a player got however many votes he was lynched (his probe blew up). Then "night fell" which basically teleported all non-mafia players to an individual separate area on the map and turned on fog of war. Meanwhile, the mafia were teleported to a mafia section where the could go into a teleporter to activate killing someone, which teleported everyone back to the original center of the map. This continued until the game ended. Obviously, you could chat all you want.

It was silly but it worked.


So, One Night Ultimate Werewolf. That could be a good game to play as an intermediary while we're waiting for a new round, or for people stuck on a waitlist, or the people who died early.

I think it plays 8 max? I haven't touched the expansions or whatever it is that came out for it.

You'd still need a moderator to handle the night actions, unless someone wanted to whip some simple website together(quantumbro). Each "game" could be done in a week.

Basically, everyone gets their starting role secretly, then you PM the game runner whatever Night action you want to take. In the case of the 3 central cards, the moderator just needs to keep track of them as Card 1, 2, 3. Since some roles have to make a decision based on the card/cards they've seen, you could have a 4 day Night phase. After all actions are complete, the moderator PMs everyone whatever info they should have at that point, and you give them 3 days to make their vote and see who wins that round, then repeat.

Am I missing anything obvious here? Any major hurdles?

No, and I think this is an amazing idea. I'd even be potentially willing to moderate games.

I think it would go something like this.
Day 1: Role PMs go out.
Day 2: People PM the Mod with their roles.
Day 3: After the deadline, the Mod goes through each night action in the appropriate play order, sending PMs with information or confirmations. Play Begins at Noon on Day 3.
Day: 4-7: Gameplay proceeds.

EDIT: The box says that it will support up to ten players. There are sixteen role cards, so potentially more, but I would whittle that down to at least fifteen (I don't like the Doppleganger, especially in this setup,) and possibly thirteen. (GAF doesn't like fools, which rules out the Tanner and the Minion.)
Basically, you had little probe and there was a space you could move into for each player which if you went into you'd "vote" for him. Once a player got however many votes he was lynched (his probe blew up). Then "night fell" which basically teleported all non-mafia players to an individual separate area on the map and turned on fog of war. Meanwhile, the mafia were teleported to a mafia section where the could go into a teleporter to activate killing someone, which teleported everyone back to the original center of the map. This continued until the game ended. Obviously, you could chat all you want.

It was silly but it worked.

I first got involved in Mafia with SC2 custom as well. Mine was different though, maybe an earlier version? All the players would have ingame characters rep them but would all be standing in a circle. Everyone could chat by typing in the general chat area. I think you entered votes by pressing a command. iirc, they also had a little hanging stand in the middle for when the player got lynched. They got a moment to say their last words. Night time it would just go dark and if you were mafia you had a chat. Power roles could activate their stuff by typing a command.


I first got involved in Mafia with SC2 custom as well. Mine was different though, maybe an earlier version? All the players would have ingame characters rep them but would all be standing in a circle. Everyone could chat by typing in the general chat area. I think you entered votes by pressing a command. iirc, they also had a little hanging stand in the middle for when the player got lynched. They got a moment to say their last words. Night time it would just go dark and if you were mafia you had a chat. Power roles could activate their stuff by typing a command.

I was talking about Brood War. :p We didn't have special commands back then, it was all handled by moving to a trigger box. I forget how they handled mafia communication at night. Might have just been nonverbal stuff haha.


EDIT: The box says that it will support up to ten players. There are sixteen role cards, so potentially more, but I would whittle that down to at least fifteen (I don't like the Doppleganger, especially in this setup,) and possibly thirteen. (GAF doesn't like fools, which rules out the Tanner and the Minion.)

Fools are fine in a One Night game. The game is over when anyone dies so it doesn't have the terrible effect of cutting the game off at its knees due to some random win condition. Also, you know the setup in ONW so you can decide on people's actions with the full knowledge of the Tanner being in play.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I knew of Mafia vaguely but never played it until now.
Played live werewolves maybe 4-5 years ago. Since then I've played a couple of Avalon games and lurking through AC and SW :)

Sign me up for a quick ONW while we wait for the big games. 13 players shouldn't be hard to find and it shouldn't last longer than 5 days (2 days for PM & night actions + 3 days of careful decision making) Many here seems to be posting every day, which means it can finish even quicker.
I played Werewolf once in high school during a club meeting, but we only made it through a single night phase before we had to stop for class (no clue why we decided to play when we definitely didn't have time to finish). In other words, Star Wars Mafia was basically my first Mafia experience.
I have no clue how ONW works, but I'm curious, anxious to play Mafia, and will be around. So sure I'll be in it if it's happening.


Played some Werewolf custom maps in Warcraft III and a lot of Battlestar Galactica Boardgame. Recently I also started to play Dead of Winter. Two great games.

I also ran a Call of Cthulhu RPG adventure where all the players were cultists who tried to figure out who killed their leader. Everybody had ulterior motives. Great game. Lot of secrecy and backstabbing. Out of 8 players only one made it out alive.

Only played one round of the Werewolf tabletop a while back.


I have no clue how ONW works, but I'm curious, anxious to play Mafia, and will be around. So sure I'll be in it if it's happening.
Someone, I think Retro, posted a video about it in either the old Mafia main thread or the stopgap one we had after the games ended.


I never played a game of Mafia before, the most exposure I have to it are those Avalon games that Giantbomb played. I am interested in that ONW game, could be a good way to get some experience before starting the big game. But wouldn't timezone differences be a big problem in a ONW game, especially when the night actions have to be done in a set order and you have to keep on waiting for it to become day in another part of the world.


I knew of the game Mafia since I was quite young, and I was extremely intrigued and eager to play it, but somehow it never happened. On the rare occasions I was able to gather enough people, we always ended playing something else. I think I played once during a large family gathering, but then I had to go upstairs and study for exams :(. Kinda forgot about the game until maybe a year ago when I watched a Mafia themed episode of Running Man - it was such an entertaining and hilarious episode that made me recall my wish to play Mafia, and then I saw this opportunity on GAF. I actually lurked through the first game but not very closely. So SW mafia was my first real exposure to Mafia. And I'm not sure if any other game will come close to it. The sheer number of coincidences, bandwagoning and general hilarity was staggering!

I'm curious about ONW. If that's still happening and you need players, count me in.


One thing I'm a little confused about is that I feel like I've heard the term "mafia" in game titles here and there on the internet for several years now, and yet I'm not sure if any of them are like anything like this game.

The two off the top of my head are Mafia Wars (which was some Facebook game - remember Facebook games?), and the videogame "Mafia".


But wouldn't timezone differences be a big problem in a ONW game, especially when the night actions have to be done in a set order and you have to keep on waiting for it to become day in another part of the world.

No, because any rolechanges don't affect the night actions, so everyone can PM their action and then I can put them in the right order. The only card that isn't like this is the Doppleganger, which is why I won't play with it. The night phase will last at least 36-48 hours to accommodate Time Zones.

One thing I'm a little confused about is that I feel like I've heard the term "mafia" in game titles here and there on the internet for several years now, and yet I'm not sure if any of them are like anything like this game.

The two off the top of my head are Mafia Wars (which was some Facebook game - remember Facebook games?), and the videogame "Mafia".

Mafia Wars definitely isn't related, and I don't think the videogame is either. The only online version of Mafia I've seen (besides this) is Town of Salem, which is a Steam game, and apparently pretty lame. (I haven't played it.)

I'm game to try moderating a ONUW game, but I have a question: Where should it be hosted? I tend to think it should be hosted on GAF, but the thread may get cluttered after more than one game. (I guess I could put a link in the OT to where the current game has started.) Or instead we could host it on QT, with a new thread for each game, but host the signup thread here? What do you all think?

Also, here's who I have interested in playing:
1. Palmer
2. Barrylocke
3. Sawneeks
4. Mike_Hawk
5. Swamped

I'd like to get at least ten players before we start.


Junior Wrestlemania XXX Champion
No, because any rolechanges don't affect the night actions, so everyone can PM their action and then I can put them in the right order. The only card that isn't like this is the Doppleganger, which is why I won't play with it. The night phase will last at least 36-48 hours to accommodate Time Zones.

Mafia Wars definitely isn't related, and I don't think the videogame is either. The only online version of Mafia I've seen (besides this) is Town of Salem, which is a Steam game, and apparently pretty lame. (I haven't played it.)

I'm game to try moderating a ONUW game, but I have a question: Where should it be hosted? I tend to think it should be hosted on GAF, but the thread may get cluttered after more than one game. (I guess I could put a link in the OT to where the current game has started.) Or instead we could host it on QT, with a new thread for each game, but host the signup thread here? What do you all think?

Also, here's who I have interested in playing:
1. Palmer
2. Barrylocke
3. Sawneeks
4. Mike_Hawk
5. Swamped

I'd like to get at least ten players before we start.

I'm game for trying it out. And really, I doubt it'll be that much of a reoccurring thing. if it works out there might be 2-3 as a stop gap between actual games, since that's all they're meant to be. Running them Via PM would be the best bet.


ONUW Game 1
1. Palmer
2. Barrylocke
3. Sawneeks
4. Mike_Hawk
5. Swamped
6. Fireblend
7. Karkador
8. Roytheone
9. Ourobolus

I'll keep signups open through midnight Pacific time Friday night, or until we get Twelve players. (Which is the max the game will allow.) I'll send Role PMs and make the thread Saturday morning, (beginning of the night phase,) and then we'll aim to actually start the day phase Monday at noon. The day phase will end on Thursday at, say 3pm Pacific/Noon Eastern.

What do you all think? This is the first time I'm running a Mafia game, much less ONUW, so I'm open to input.

EDIT: I keep editing. I know. I just realized that with fifteen roles and three cards in the "center," we can't have more than twelve players.


No, because any rolechanges don't affect the night actions, so everyone can PM their action and then I can put them in the right order. The only card that isn't like this is the Doppleganger, which is why I won't play with it. The night phase will last at least 36-48 hours to accommodate Time Zones.

Mafia Wars definitely isn't related, and I don't think the videogame is either. The only online version of Mafia I've seen (besides this) is Town of Salem, which is a Steam game, and apparently pretty lame. (I haven't played it.)

I'm game to try moderating a ONUW game, but I have a question: Where should it be hosted? I tend to think it should be hosted on GAF, but the thread may get cluttered after more than one game. (I guess I could put a link in the OT to where the current game has started.) Or instead we could host it on QT, with a new thread for each game, but host the signup thread here? What do you all think?

Also, here's who I have interested in playing:
1. Palmer
2. Barrylocke
3. Sawneeks
4. Mike_Hawk
5. Swamped

I'd like to get at least ten players before we start.

We probably shouldn't clutter up the main Mafia threads with a side/mini game. I'd suggest a quicktopic for those interested in testing this out. We particularly don't want to confuse Crab with "extra" sign ups, and it should never interfere with the actual Mafia games when they're running. Basically, we only play in between games of Mafia, or within the dead thread when there are enough players.

Tell people who are interested to go to a new Quicktopic, first come first serve since the point is to play these games quickly. Once we have 10 players, the moderator can provide needed info in the quicktopic, and send role PMs via GAF. Players can immediately reply with their actions, etc. Once everything is resolved correctly, the moderator tells people to start the Day in the QT. I'm a bit hazy on the specific rules. If someone wants to post them within the QT, that would be helpful.

Edit: I tried to make a QT myself, but that functionality is apparently blocked by work firewall.


No, because any rolechanges don't affect the night actions, so everyone can PM their action and then I can put them in the right order. The only card that isn't like this is the Doppleganger, which is why I won't play with it. The night phase will last at least 36-48 hours to accommodate Time Zones.

Ah, yes, I guess this could work if you leave out the Doppleganger role. Anyway, if you still need an extra player for the game, I am willing to jump in.
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