We just finished season 3 and getting antsy for season 4!Honestly I forgot what season we're on
We just finished season 3 and getting antsy for season 4!Honestly I forgot what season we're on
Retro - nightvaleThere are games lined up?
so...just....start them?
Am... Am I up for lynching ;____;
Deflection time!!!!
Vote: Sorian
Am... Am I up for lynching ;____;
Deflection time!!!!
Vote: Sorian
I just finished the first season of The Genius, that was a fun ride! Heard the second season wasn't that great, so maybe I'll just skip and go to the third.
see guys, I got this. I kept up with all the gamesI can´t do it because I stop following games as soon as I lose, so I have no idea how some of the games ended.
I think Ouro or ynny should do it.
Zatraube is also an awesome choice!
I think Hyper should make it now. It'll be hella organized with word documents to keep track of everyone's individual complaints. Plus he'll totally do it immediately because he's...well, hyper.
But I'm serious. I think you're the most up-to-date person in the community and that you know what needs to go into the review thread. Do it! Do it!
Who's with me? Vote Ynnny for (interim) President!
I appreciate the support, pretty sued that gives me more votes than anyone ever so far
I want El topo as leader now.
I swear, if that happens I am going to use a RNG to find a new community to be a part of.
*uses RNG to find new community to be a part of*
Alright, if El topo becomes the leader, I will join...... the 5th Anniversary K-ON! Community!
Whats a K-ON?
Its the anime that popularized Moe culture along Lucky Star, its about girls in a band that do cute stuff in their down time.
Uuuuuuuuuh.......Well, I guess RNG has spoken?
I want El topo as leader now.
It's time for the cabot reign to begin.
No one is allowed to post unless they're moderately drunk.
Drunk measurements will be carried out by me using Hero Quest, love poems and a goat.
Good luck out there.
Yeeny, copy the template from the last one and add in the discussion points Crab briefly mentioned when he typed from his suspiciously broken keyboard
I support kingkitty
I'm also giving Retro priority to play regardless since he's been a good sport about running the past games and maybe he wants in on the fun. That's up to him though, idk if he wants to play.
Hello everyone!
With Retro's blessing, I have decided to mitigate some people's boredom by hosting ONUW 5. My plan is to allow all of you to sign up during the next 24 hours. There are 12 slots for the game and if more than 12 sign up then I will decide the player list based on how many ONUW games you've played in the past. I'm also giving Retro priority to play regardless since he's been a good sport about running the past games and maybe he wants in on the fun. That's up to him though, idk if he wants to play. My plan is to start the game tomorrow afternoon/evening US time. The discussion portion of the game will run 24 hours starting from 5pm eastern time (9pm GMT) on 10/14. At the same time on 10/15, the voting period will start. You all get one private vote sent to me directly, no changing vote once it's in and I will announce results once a strict majority is reach or if time expires (time permitting, I may make you suffer for the results). No discussion during voting time.
The most important thing I want to mention is that I will not be promising a balanced game. I am going to take a large set of the roles (both old roles you are used to and new roles that Gafia has not played with yet) and throw them into an RNG list and give you that. ONUW, by its nature, is not always a balanced beast but as long as there is one werewolf card in the game, it is completely playable and winnable by anyone playing. So with that, I hope you will enjoy ^_^
We should run some Towns of Salem games this week too. I'm free pretty much every evening until the weekend, so we can find a time that works for everyone!
We should run some Towns of Salem games this week too. I'm free pretty much every evening until the weekend, so we can find a time that works for everyone!
I'd love to say I'm up for this but I believe the only evening I'm really free this week is Wednesday and I'mthinkinghoping! that people will be playing ONUW then.
I'll play ONUW. Haven't really followed any of the other ones though so no clue what to expect!
Expect to have no idea if you're going to win until the final flip!
It's fun. I wish I had time to play this round.