I have a grudge against no one and no one has a grudge against me. I will live forever.
I have a grudge against no one and no one has a grudge against me. I will live forever.
@crab: I am setting up the Call of Cthulhu game with Terrabyte20xx. And we were planning to run the game in Season 4. But I guess with 3 weeks to go we should be able to have the game ready for season 3.
Will be hard on or sanity. But we'll take the risk. Will be hard on or sanity. But we'll take the risk. Will be hard on or sanity. But we'll take the risk.
Oh and before you bitch about pronouns. As a fruit I don't really care. But I guess "he" is fine.
You clever bastard. By hosting a game, I can't have my revenge against you...that's clearly why you decided to mod this season. Well maybe if I RNG my way into your game...yes then I can...😈
(Jk, I wouldn't ruin someone's game...right?)
If anything that you give you first dibs for the season. But don't forget your pronoun.Sign me up! Hopefully this time I will not be skipped as a potential replacement even when I was on top of the waiting list for like three months >:-(
All right...images I think are complete.
I'll have to write the death scenes as they happen though.
For the record, my Mafia BFF is Palmer. All you guys from last game are dead to me.
Sign me up! Hopefully this time I will not be skipped as a potential replacement even when I was on top of the waiting list for like three months like last time! >:-(
Anyway, Male pronouns please, I am a real man!
For the record, my Mafia BFF is Palmer. All you guys from last game are dead to me.
I have a grudge against you
You motherfucker
Nah, I have some grudges against you too.
With you though, it's more "wipe that smirk off his face" and less "bludgeon with a Blagonaut".
awee come on mate. You killed yourself last game since you left such a good impression on the 1st season. Its like True Detective. First Season godlike , second season meeehh.
I'm not scared of you guys.
I should change my avatar to this:
Your lover can't protect you now!
Lover? Oh, thanks for reminding me. Hey Zipped, I'm sorry, but things just aren't working out anymore. It's not you, it's me. We can still be friends. No bad feelings, right?
So I'm like Vince Vaughn. Fantastic.
Seriously, though, some shit came up at work like immediately after season 2 started, so my free time really tanked. Tried to bounce back into the game at the end there, but it was a little too late. Sucks, but such is life. Don't judge me by my past mafia games! Maybe I should change my username lol.
At the very least you turned out to be a good example of why people shouldn't base their feelings on how people acted in previous mafia games. I mean I know I'm not going to do that anymore.
Can I just say that the American dates system is the worst fucking thing ever invented and needs to be burnt in a fire? I'm trying to figure out who came before who and who died when and so on by diving into old posts, and it's absolutely horrific. Like, I can accept dd/mm/yy or yy/mm/dd (yy/mm/dd in this case is particularly convenient), but why the fuck would you have the medium unit then the smallest unit then the largest unit? America, get on that shit smh.
Can I just say that the American dates system is the worst fucking thing ever invented and needs to be burnt in a fire? I'm trying to figure out who came before who and who died when and so on by diving into old posts, and it's absolutely horrific. Like, I can accept dd/mm/yy or yy/mm/dd (yy/mm/dd in this case is particularly convenient), but why the fuck would you have the medium unit then the smallest unit then the largest unit? America, get on that shit smh.
Hmmm that's interesting, it never crossed my mind.
I'm so used to mm/dd/yy to be honest it just makes sense to me.
dd/mm/yy and yy/mm/dd confused the hell out of me.
Hmmm that's interesting, it never crossed my mind.
I'm so used to mm/dd/yy to be honest it just makes sense to me.
dd/mm/yy and yy/mm/dd confused the hell out of me.
Yeah, I'd never thought about it either, but it really makes no sense at all. In time we go Hour:Minute:Second, in order based on which changes the most frequently. Makes no sense that we don't also do that with days and make it Year:Monthay.
It makes sense when speaking - "July 17th, 2015." It's shorter than "The 17th of July, 2015."
It makes sense when speaking - "July 17th, 2015." It's shorter than "The 17th of July, 2015."
Or "2015, July 17."
In the UK, people will actually say 17th July, 2015 without including "the" or "of", so not only are we numerically better we're also syntactically better.
No, not even a "the". Just "Seventeenth, July, 2015", then with the commas taken out for "17th July 2015". It's equally as sensible as "July 17th 2015" - when were the first sixteen 2015s?
Us Americans are smart enough to put a comma between the day and year.![]()
Us Brits are smart enough to realize that you can not use the comma and still have the sentence be understood perfectly well.
MODKILL: Ourobolus