I should've saw this coming. I knew school was coming up, but I still signed up to be a replacement for Archer mafia. I'm glad Ouro replaced me as I just don't have the time-commitment for this kinda stuff right now.
All these dead people showing up in the Cthulhu thread.
It's cool! Hopefully you can join us again in the future, Awesome Possum! I made a JoJoke in the ONUW Thread and Ouro thought I meant Ronnie James Dio; I need more people here to get my awful jokes!
This is what happens when some people's mods don't pay for burials.
It's cool! Hopefully you can join us again in the future, Awesome Possum! I made a JoJoke in the ONUW Thread and Ouro thought I meant Ronnie James Dio; I need more people here to get my awful jokes!
Shit guys I had a dream I was playing real life mafia. I went into Timeaisis' bedroom and murdered him and his wife, then played in their blood.
My role name was The Bloodbath
Shit guys I had a dream I was playing real life mafia. I went into Timeaisis' bedroom and murdered him and his wife, then played in their blood.
I'm suddenly profoundly grateful for my stupid mafia dreams.
I actually had another one tonight where people were inside my house filming everything. When I asked why, they said, "Well, if you're gonna host mafia games for GAF, we've got to know whether or not people are going to want to stay here. It's okay, your sister-in-law let us in. Oh, she also told us that the winner gets your house. That's very generous of you."
In light of this and LaunchpadMcQ's dream, I want to be very clear that if any of you bastards show up at my doorstep, I will shoot you .
Oh good, I would still win.In light of this and LaunchpadMcQ's dream, I want to be very clear that if any of you bastards show up at my doorstep, I will shoot you .
Shit guys I had a dream I was playing real life mafia. I went into Timeaisis' bedroom and murdered him and his wife, then played in their blood.
My role name was The Bloodbath
I'm suddenly profoundly grateful for my stupid mafia dreams.
I actually had another one tonight where people were inside my house filming everything. When I asked why, they said, "Well, if you're gonna host mafia games for GAF, we've got to know whether or not people are going to want to stay here. It's okay, your sister-in-law let us in. Oh, she also told us that the winner gets your house. That's very generous of you."
In light of this and LaunchpadMcQ's dream, I want to be very clear that if any of you bastards show up at my doorstep, I will shoot you .
Is it tomorrow yet? I want the fun Mafia game to start up again.![]()
Because of your day phase ending earlier, I'm unsure which game starts up tomorrow so I don't know if you are dissing your own game or hyping it. I think you are dissing it.
Maybe I'm talking about both
Shit guys I had a dream I was playing real life mafia. I went into Timeaisis' bedroom and murdered him and his wife, then played in their blood.
Lol yes.I'm suddenly profoundly grateful for my stupid mafia dreams.
In light of this and LaunchpadMcQ's dream, I want to be very clear that if any of you bastards show up at my doorstep, I will shoot you.
Dude wtf.
Dude wtf.What did I look like?
Dude wtf.What did I look like?
I know! Guy isn't even in our game.
Coppa, I'm hurt
I'm sorry, you know you always have a special place in my gafia heart from being in my first game.
I don't want to be next.
Your math is weird too and I feel dirty for thinking it makes sense.
I'm going to put on a mask if Hangout Mafia ever happens now.
I am Harrison Ford, actually.
You aren't jaded enough to be Harrison Ford, also only scum fake role claims. #scumtell
Who are you again? I don't think we've ever played together.
Disregard everything I said, I suck cocks, I'm the worst
You're always welcome, Kark.Can I play it?
Is there a signup happening now?
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