Wow, this is the most girls I have ever seen on a forum. By a lot. Usually, it's like 2 girls and 2000 sad guys.
Yeah, true. I was a member of another forum for many years, and they had about 2% women. 21% is quite respectable.
"... approximately 41 per cent of PlayStation 5 and PS4 owners are women. Compare this to just 18 per cent on PS1, and clearly the demographic for consoles is growing."
[In response to the GAF ratio:]
But visitors doesnt nessasarily mean contributors doest? Im no mod so i really dont know. Not saying we needs to know whos who making thread or anyo e needs to announce tbeir gender. But it obvious gaming is not a one gender discussion anymore.
But recognize that your statement applies to the statistic you quoted, too, both here and in the OP, as justification for the thread.
Just as "21% of GAF users are female" does not mean "21% of the contributions are from women," likewise, "41% of PS4/5 owners are women" doesn't mean that women account for 41% of the participation on PS4 -- the amount of time played, the level of engagement, the numbers of games purchased, etc.. I'm sure that men account for a much larger percentage of those factors than women do. I'd also suspect that some percentage of those female owners of a PS4/5 are mothers who bought the console for their kids.
Videogames (in the sense of "core" gaming) is mostly a male hobby. Of course there is overlap and many exceptions (particularly with certain genres, mentioned earlier), but overall, it is a hobby with a lot of competitive, aggressive elements -- not always, but commonly -- and that is more of a male thing. It also tends to prioritize things, systems, and mechanics, rather than one-on-one relationships; again, more of a man thing.
I'm glad we have 20% women, and I welcome more of them. I don't see any benefit in trying to recruit them, though. If they're interested, they'll show up. No need for some artificial attempt at "equality." Leave people free to congregate where they will.