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GAF? Spider kills snake (kidding, of course its Australia)

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Australian, I'm talking about the spider.

Lucian "In reality, it is able to cast lengths of silk onto its prey, incapacitating them from a safe distance".

Learn something new everyday.


I think the common problem when it comes to identify the animals in these threads are the common names or names we use in place of more specific common names. The creature in the photo appears to be a true spider. What most people in the states call a daddy long legs is not a spider. There is at least one more creature that is called a daddy long legs outside of the two mentioned already.

Naturally when discussing them and that shared term is used it causes problems.

Indeed. Daddy longlegs is the common name for this spider in australia but it is not a harvestman. I think someone earlier identified it as a cellar spider or similar.

This tells me it's a Pholcus phalangioide.


There was a video a few days ago of snakes in a shed caught in redback webs.



Like in the video I'm pretty sure it's the snakes just getting caught up in the webs and the spiders getting a free lunch (?).

If I had a shed with that in my yard it would burn to the ground. No halfway measures there.
They have fangs that can pierce leather shoes and toenails. At once.

And they are pretty active in pools and even when submerged completely, and are agressive as fuck.

Seriously, at least the loxosceles in my house are kind of shy, i could never live with funnel webs roaming around my house/garden...


Beware of the funnel web one, that's a fucking monster.

They have fangs that can pierce leather shoes and toenails. At once.

One of the most deadliest spiders on the planet. The males are what bites people, as they roam around looking for mates. They are aggressive/defensive, and very quick. Luckily AUS has tons of antivenom always ready, and people don't die from these animals anymore if treated in time.

And they are pretty active in pools and even when submerged completely, and are agressive as fuck.

Seriously, at least the loxosceles in my house are kind of shy, i could never live with funnel webs roaming around my house/garden...

Funnel Webs live approximately everywhere humans do in any concentration in Australia. You'd need to live in WA or the NT to get away from them.

At least we only have 9 of the 10 deadliest snakes in the world
even if they are the top 9
Only spiders I have on my property are huntsman/wolf spiders and redbacks. I'm just happy I don't live particularly close to funnelweb or whilstling spiders.

And thank god I've never seen one of the Australian bird eating spiders posted above.

Only snakes I really see are carpet pythons, green tree and some red belly blacks, but I've heard that eastern Browns are around :( they scare me.
One of the most deadliest spiders on the planet. The males are what bites people, as they roam around looking for mates. They are aggressive/defensive, and very quick. Luckily AUS has tons of antivenom always ready, and people don't die from these animals anymore if treated in time.



So Aus GAF or anyone else in the know...do you find such scary shit in big cities like Melbourne or Sydney as well?


So Aus GAF or anyone else in the know...do you find such scary shit in big cities like Melbourne or Sydney as well?

Not in Melbourne. There is snakes and such but they are pretty rare. Same with spiders.

Sydney has huntsman and all that jazz. Basically the further north you go the bigger and deadlier it gets ;)
I dunno why spiders get such a bad rap. How many Australians have died from spider bites? How many died from bee stings or getting mauled by dogs?


I dunno why spiders get such a bad rap. How many Australians have died from spider bites? How many died from bee stings or getting mauled by dogs?

We have a biological fear of spiders and snakes hard-coded into our DNA. It's an evolutionary trait, it came from somewhere. The fear factor keeps people wary around them, likely why there aren't many cases of deaths since usually if you see let's say, a funnel spider, you go on high alert and kill the thing before it can go for an attack.


Yeah I am just surprised it's a daddy long legs. I pick them up as I was always told their mouths are too small to bite you. I need to reevaluate my life choices.
Well, since the snakes can't protect me from the spiders, I'm going to move to New Zealand. Spiders slightly outweigh the humble weta on the scale of nope.
How do spider eat non-arthropods? I thought that spiders normally inject digestive enzymes into their prey, waiting for the insides to soften with the exoskeleton, then drain them out?

A snake doesn't have an exoskeleton, so what holds the digested tissues in?


I had heard Daddy Long Legs are extremely venomous but I'm not sure they can hurt a human being. As a kid I used to literally pick the legs of these things for fun. They are everywhere in Australia.
One of the most deadliest spiders on the planet. The males are what bites people, as they roam around looking for mates. They are aggressive/defensive, and very quick. Luckily AUS has tons of antivenom always ready, and people don't die from these animals anymore if treated in time.


From the Wiki article on them:

"During an attack the funnel-web spider generally maintains a tight grip on its victim and bites repeatedly, making it an especially traumatic experience for humans who are bitten and increasing the risk of severe envenomation."

Fuck all that shit. That abomination is the stuff of my nightmares. Literally. I recently had a dream that I was being attacked by a large, aggressive spider that looked like that funnel web asshole.
One of the most deadliest spiders on the planet. The males are what bites people, as they roam around looking for mates. They are aggressive/defensive, and very quick. Luckily AUS has tons of antivenom always ready, and people don't die from these animals anymore if treated in time.


Excuse me while I scream like a little girl for the next ten minutes. No, twenty.

I've been in a lot of spider threads. I've done a bit of research on spiders, but this fucker here. My god. Hey, Australia? It's all yours. You can have em. All of em.

Switch Back 9

a lot of my threads involve me fucking up somehow. Perhaps I'm a moron?
One of the most deadliest spiders on the planet. The males are what bites people, as they roam around looking for mates. They are aggressive/defensive, and very quick. Luckily AUS has tons of antivenom always ready, and people don't die from these animals anymore if treated in time.


Yooooo that is the meanest looking spider I've ever seen. Holy shit that is such a metal animal.


One of the most deadliest spiders on the planet. The males are what bites people, as they roam around looking for mates. They are aggressive/defensive, and very quick. Luckily AUS has tons of antivenom always ready, and people don't die from these animals anymore if treated in time.


It's just your friendly neighbor.


One of the most deadliest spiders on the planet. The males are what bites people, as they roam around looking for mates. They are aggressive/defensive, and very quick. Luckily AUS has tons of antivenom always ready, and people don't die from these animals anymore if treated in time.


a flame thrower is the only way to take care of something like that...jesus christ.


One of the most deadliest spiders on the planet. The males are what bites people, as they roam around looking for mates. They are aggressive/defensive, and very quick. Luckily AUS has tons of antivenom always ready, and people don't die from these animals anymore if treated in time.


Holy shit. As I was scrolling down and got to this gif, my stubble got caught in my collar for a sec and made me slap my chin so hard I almost dropped my phone.
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