- Old ass immigrants dirt poor and knew zero english. Half the family tree killed. They had no parents when they were teenager age
- Not the most fun people to hang around as they are super boring, but mean well
- As long as all us kids went to school, got a job, didnt smoke or do drugs or crime, that's basically good enough for them as they assumed the rest of our lives would shake out fine (which they did). Dinner time was nothing but nagging. If my siblings werent there to make it fine, it's be like getting lectured all through dinner
- They live in a giant house, but still live like paupers buying everything on sale. My dad's point is to hoard money since they dont like spending and to give it all to us when they die. I estimate my share to be worth $200-300k assuming he splits it evenly among my siblings, nephews and nieces. But I dont know exactly what dad has planned, but he did say to us at one time "everyone gets 1 share"
- Despite their boring Scrooge personalities, the most honest people you'll ever meet. They believe in education a lot, so they have no problem doling out money to help you out even though they really have no idea what you'll do with it. For example, the second they hear someone's kid in the fam tree is going to university, my parents would likely give them $1000-2000 as a gift. This is the only thing I know which goes against the Scrooge part (anything to do with school). Growing up, I never missed one $10 field trip or end of year $300 trip the schools did. They scrimp and save on buying socks on sale, but have no problem signing the waiver and paying for school stuff. I paid for my own student loans, but if I needed money they'd pay it off for me if I really wanted it. But if I asked them for money to buy a big TV, they probably tell me to fuck off
- Their political views are the same as mine. I think all of us have similar views. Be a man and pay for your own shit and get a job. Dont be a deadbeat or loser. But for sake of all people, universal healthcare and good schooling for all kids. I believe the same. I have no kids, but I believe if my tax money is going to be funneled somewhere, every kid deserves a shot at good education even if they live in a poor neighbourhood. Same with healthcare. Were all pretty healthy and I never need to go to the hospital. But I think a lot of bad healthcare comes from bad luck getting diseases out of nowhere or a broken leg so people need a break on that