Ploid 3.0
4. A) Bdizzle, B) FindMyFarms, C) SpiderJericho<<<<<<<<<<<<<
1. akachan ningen......PSN: AkachanNingen - Blanka
2. B-Genius...............PSN: B-Genius - Gouken
3. bdizzle..................PSN: longmeat - Abel
4. Bob White.............PSN: itwasfunny - Viper
5. Brobzoid...............PSN: Brobsaurus - Balrog (Boxer)
6. captmcblack..........PSN: captmcblack - Blanka
7. CO_Andy..............PSN: CO_Andy - Seth
8. dfyb.....................PSN: dfyb - El Fuerte
9. EraldoCoil............PSN: Eraldo_Coil - Blanka
10. Ermac................PSN: Armonix - Gouken
11. FindMyFarms.......PSN: BananaFriends - Ryu
12. GalacticAE..........PSN: GalacticAE - Bison (Dictator)
13. Gutter_Trash......PSN: JerkY - E. Honda
14. Killa Sasa...........PSN: KillaSasa - Cammy
15. kiryogi...............PSN: kiryogi - Chun Li
16. Lyte Edge...........PSN: Lyte Edge - Chun Li
17. MoxManiac.........PSN: MoxManiac - Rufus
18. MrOctober..........PSN: CrossingTheFrame - Bison (dictator)
19. Ploid 3.0............PSN: Ploid - Blanka
20. slayn..................PSN: slayn777 - Blanka
21. Spiderjericho......PSN: krp1976 - Ryu
22. Teknopathetic.....PSN: MoodyShuffle - Bison (dictator)
23. TimeKillr............PSN: TimeKillr - Abel
24. velvet_nitemare....PSN: velvet_nitemare - Guile
*No alt characters
*No changing player positions, and order of the team's members must be assigned before the tournament starts (who's A, B, and C).
*5 rounds, best of 3 fights.
*If you get a DC mid round, keep record of who won how many rounds and finish it with that in mind. No clean slates.
FindMyFarms said:Donkey Kong Jungle Beat (w/ bongos. Must provide shipping and handeling fee) (GC)
Beyond Good and Evil (GC)
Persona 3 FES (PS2)
Prince of Persia (GC)
Disgaea (PS2)
Jak and Daxter : the Precursor Legacy (PS2)
Killer 7 (GC)
Dark Cloud 2 (PS2)
Jak 2 (PS2)
Phantom Brave w/ soundtrack (PS2)
P.N.03 (GC)
Odin Sphere (PS2)
Teams (Jpeg graphic coming for this)
1. A) MoxManian, B) GalacticAE, C) EraldoCoil
2. A) Slayn, B) Ermac, C) akachan ningen
3. A) dfyb, B) MrOctober, C) Teknopathetic
4. A) Bdizzle, B) FindMyFarms, C) SpiderJericho
5. A) velvet_nitemare, B) Ploid 3.0, C) Co_Andy
6. A) Lyte Edge, B) B-Genius, C) Bob White
7. A) Killa Sasa, B) TimeKillr, C) captmcblack
8. A) gutter_trash, B) Brobzoid, C) kiryogi
Times up
My videos.
Opening round of the tournament. First battle vs FindMyFarm.
First Battle =
Second Battle =
Second round of the tournament. Second matchup vs MrOctober.
Fight 1
Fight 2
Final Fight