Well, looks like I missed a whole lot between going to sleep Friday and waking up Saturday morning to a weemad lynch. Didn't get a chance to post Saturday because the day was ending, but looks like you guys chose wisely, anyway. Good work. Honestly, weemad wasn't really on my radar at all. Looks like he made some weird plays during the final hours though, so it makes sense.
As for Scrafty, it's a shame she's gone, but I half expected that after her cop claim. I wonder if she gave any hints out to who she's looked at before. Not gonna lie, she was top suspect for me. But looking back, her playstyle makes some sense. She was trying to develop a suspect list to investigate at night by prodding people. I don't think her roleclaim came at the best time.
As for today, I don't know why but my feeling is Xam. He has been playing odd the whole game, and he remains very much alive after claiming to drink god know's what a couple days ago. Xam, did you get any notifications last night?