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Gafia 2: The Bride of Gafia |Mafia OT| One Wedding, Many Funerals


I'm not sure I'd call Kalor a "non-opposed" lynch candidate. My vote has been sitting on him for a while and I've heard several other propositions, they just haven't taken off. Plus the arsonist discussion that's been sort of pushed to the sidelines but took up most of the conversation for a while.


I'm not sure I'd call Kalor a "non-opposed" lynch candidate. My vote has been sitting on him for a while and I've heard several other propositions, they just haven't taken off. Plus the arsonist discussion that's been sort of pushed to the sidelines but took up most of the conversation for a while.

Good place to start if he flips scum.


The Day has ended

Results shortly

Sorry for the delay, there was a major discord issue going on, so I didn't see that you hit majority.

Results soon.


"Look, have you tried turning it off and on again?" Retro was speaking into his cell phone. "Okay, let's try a chat that Sorian isn't in. Maybe it got screwed up by all the name switching bullsh-" he broke off, looking up at the two tables.
Fireblend had Kalor by one arm. Timeaisis had him by the other.
"Oh," Retro said, "Have we made a decision?"
"Like, two hours ago." Bronx-man shook his head.
"It was like two minutes, Bronx." Burbeting shot Bronx a glare.
Retro reached into his pocket for his cell phone, couldn't find it, then realized it was still in his hand. He pressed the screen. "We're ready in here."
Once more, Swamped marched in. Despite Kalor's cries and struggles and claims of commuting, she took him by the arm and marched him right back out.
"How does she do that?" Fireblend wondered aloud, "It took ten of us to hold him down earlier."
A few moments later, the shouting began.
"No, no no, don't do this to me, Swamped, I'm just a child. Swamped, you can't. Wait. I'm too young to-" His voice was then drowned out by mechanical whirring and screaming.

Kalor, aka Xamtheking, Lord of Xamxiety, has been lynched.
Now let’s see. Your name tag says Kalor, but we both know that you are Xamtheking, Lord of Xamxiety!
You are an Uninvited Guest. (That means you are aligned with the Mafia.)

You aren’t sure why Swamped didn’t invite you to the wedding. You’re a likeable guy. Maybe she thought you wouldn’t want to travel all the way to California on a school night. Jokes on her - you did it anyway. You packed a bag, hopped a greyhound, and you were on your way.

Your fellow Uninvited are: [REDACTED]

Although you are one of the uninvited, you arrived separately from the rest. The other Uninvited know that you exist, but they do not know your identity. You cannot be recruited by them, but you can be killed by them.
You are a disabler. This means that if you are seated next to a player with a passive ability, their ability will be disabled.
You do not have a night kill at this time. If for some reason you are the last remaining scum player, you will gain the night kill. The night kill will not affect your passive ability.

You win when the Uninvited equal or outnumber all other players.
If you have any questions, please feel free to PM me.
Game Thread is here
Good luck, Xamtheking!

Day 3 has ended

Day 4 will begin in:


"Sometime during the night, someone delivered a laptop to poor Bronx-man. It was loaded to a flash game."
"It seemed simple enough. Different cartoon animal pitchers would throw balls at a little cartoon bear, and the bear had to hit a certain number of home runs. It started out easy... and then suddenly it wasn't. Balls began to curve, and teleport, and rip space-time. But Bronx would not be defeated. He played again and again, and as he did, something... took hold of him."
"The man became a beast, and the beast began to get angry. His eyes began to bleed. Fur sprouted from his face, and claws from his hands. He grew into a giant bear. Finally, in a fit of absolute, earth-shattering rage, he rose from his chair and began to slam his head against that wall." Retro gestured at a large crack in the wall, covered with what appeared to be blood.
“CHRISTOPHER ROBIN MUST DIE!!” was scrawled on the wall in the same sticky red liquid.
"Eventually animal control had to be called, and a ranger came and tranquilized him to take him back to Jellystone park."
"That's awful." BananaSpacePrincess said.
"I know," Retro replied. "Swamped is NOT getting her security deposit on this place back."

Bronx-man, aka Burbeting, the Bear of Love, has died.


Now let’s see. Your name tag says Bronx-man, but we both know that you are Burbeting, the Bear of Love!

You are an Invited Guest. (That means you are aligned with the Town.)

You love Love. You love Love so much you wrote a game about it with thirteen freaking boards, just to drive Retro crazy when he had to build all of those stup-*ahem* excuse me.

You just want everyone to be friends, and love each other like you love them!

Your passive ability is that whoever is sitting on the right and left of you at your table will automatically be invited to a private board where the three of you can discuss the game. This chat will last from the start of the day until the end of the night. If the players in your chat are moved for any reason, the replacement will happen immediately, and a new chat will be opened.

If you have any questions, please feel free to PM me.

You win when you have eliminated all threats to the invited guests.

Game Thread is here

Your private board is here.

The archives of your nightly chats will be put here.

Good luck, Burbeting!

Day 4 Begins

Day 4 will end in:


Hi, I'm going to claim my role now.

Sadly, due to what Nin did yesterday, my role will be more or less useless from now. Still, I think it will be beneficial for me to claim it now, since I think that the scum team already has guessed my role, and it will help on deducing what happened during the first night and yesterday in regards to Kalor lynch.


Hi, I'm going to claim my role now.

Sadly, due to what Nin did yesterday, my role will be more or less useless from now. Still, I think it will be beneficial for me to claim it now, since I think that the scum team already has guessed my role, and it will help on deducing what happened during the first night and yesterday in regards to Kalor lynch.

Did you lie about not moving N1?


I am Crab, the Gafia Founder. I'm aligned with town. (And yeah, the joke that Xam made yesterday that "you're not Crab" made me chuckle).

My role is that I am the even night commuter, myself. Every even night I go to visit PoliGaf, which means that I can't be targeted by any power during those nights. But due to the fear of being banned again, I only visit there on even nights, not every single night.

This is why I was so against Kalor's claim for whole yesterday, as he had pretty much claimed my exact role. I didn't react to the claim much during D2 because at that point I wanted to lynch Weemad, and thought that he could be town Odd Night Commuter instead. But during N2 (night where I knew I was going to be safe), I had time to think it over, and decided that there was no way going to be two town aligned commuters, which is why I went so hard for Kalor yesterday. Admittedly, the claims of mirrored power roles and Kalor later claiming to be actually odd-night commuter made me doubt myself, but I think the risk was worth it. However, I'm also positive that the remaining scum must have figured out my role, since I was so against Kalor's roleclaim and all. That's why I won't fake another role, like I was originally going to do, because scum must have guessed that I'm the commuter.

Originally I wasn't going to say, that I'm even night commuter, but due to Nin's claim yesterday, I was forced to admit that I didn't move during the first night. This is the truth, because I only move during even nights, so I moved in N2, not N1. This means, that whatever caused the activity in the seats during the first night, it was not me moving, but either someone targetting me, someone targeting Timeaisis, or Timeaisis moving.

So yeah, that's my role. I wasn't planning to claim at all, for the exact reasons Roy mentioned yesterday (Commuter would be much better to claim another role, and to bait scum kill on themselves), but after yesterday's Kalor hunt, and Nin forcing me to reveal I didn't move in Night 1, I'm pretty positive that the Scum has already figured out role, or at least close to figuring it, so there was nothing beneficial for town to keep it hidden any longer.


So then, yesterday we got possibly very valuable information with Kalor's flip, with him being the hidden partner.

Firstly, it explains why Kalor and Weemad had their clash on Day 2, Weemad simply didn't know that Kalor was on their side. On the other hand, Kalor couldn't indeed vote for Weemadarthur, as he knew that Weemad was scum.

We don't know, if Scum was able to deduce that Kalor was the hidden partner. However, I think it's fair to assume they did not, which gives us a better idea of what actually happened yesterday. The Scum thought that Kalor was town commuter, so they could have easily voted for Kalor yesterday.

However, it also means that the Scum knew that Kalor is scum. Scum could easily try to defend Kalor in the hopes that once he flips, they would get town credit for it.

Intresting indeed (Bolded emphasis is mine):

That said, I think this Kalor vote is hilarious and transparent. Killing him is literally doing the dirty work of both mafia and arsonist. He claimed commuter, which means he's the one role neither of them are going to want to touch since he could easily be lying about which day he picked - or heck, just be totally lying and be something even worse for non-townies. What better way to eliminate the unknown threat than by lynching?

Hey man, you don't need to waste all this breath justifying your behavior to me. Just go ahead and get rid of your commuter threat now and take the L tomorrow.

Like I said, go ahead and vote Kalor. We shall see who has the last laugh tomorrow. (Fun fact: it will be me, not necessarily because I will be right but simply because I will wait until after you have laughed to commence also doing so)

I mentioned yesterday that Camjo's attitude bothered me. He seemed awfully sure that Kalor was going to flip town commuter, even going as far as saying "I'll be getting the last laugh". Like I said, I doubted that scum Camjo would be this transparent on defending Scum Kalor. But what if it's the opposite? What if Scum Camjo thought that Kalor was town, and saw defending him as a good way of obtaining town credit? Judging those posts he made in the light of Kalor's flip, I would say that this could be very much likely.


Updated claim chart (day 4 version):

Claims so far:

Launchpad - Claims 1-shot table scrambler, power works during night, but command is sent during the day. Affects 1 table of Launch's choosing. Flavor is ScraftyDevil, power or alignment hasn't been proven yet.

Xamtheking - Claims 2-shot table scrambler, power works during day. Affects both tables. Flavor is SalvaPot, power is proven, alignment is not.

Bronx-man - Claims gossip chat host, affects the two people sitting next to him. Flavor is Burbeting, power is proven, alignment is most likely town due to Scrafty checking him N1.

Terrabyte - Claims motion detector, is informed if there is acitivity in the seats next to him, but won't know if someone is targeting, or is being targeted. So far power or alignment is not proven. Claims Roytheone as the flavor.

nin1000 - Claims the same power, Ultron as flavor. Power nor alignment isn't proven so far.

Ourobolus - Claims drink giver, neutral survivor/cowlicker. Cabot as Flavor. Power confirmed, alignment is not.

Burbeting - Claims even night commuter, Crab as flavor. Power nor alignment isn't proven.


Xamtheking & CzarTim claims being given a drink, n1 and n2 respectably. According to Ouro, these drinks simply serve as marks. No claims for n3 drinks yet.

Roytheone & Ourobolus claim to have been doused, n1 and n2 respectably. Seems to be connected to an arsonist, but we don't know for sure. No claim for n3 douse yet.


People with no claim/has only soft claimed ordinary

01. AbsolutBro [m] - Likely Arsonist
03. BananaSpacePrincess [f]
05. Camjo-Z [m]
06. CzarTim [m] - Likely Arsonist
07. Fireblend [m]
12. RobotNinjaHornets [m]
13. Roytheone [m]
14. Salvapot [m]
16. Timeaisis [m]
17. Ty4on [m]


However, it also means that the Scum knew that Kalor is scum. Scum could easily try to defend Kalor in the hopes that once he flips, they would get town credit for it.

It should read "It also means that the scum didn't know that Kalor is scum." That's what you get for typing so fast.


It's interesting that Kalor didn't vote for SalvaPot in D2 in order to save weemad. Why was that?


So then, yesterday we got possibly very valuable information with Kalor's flip, with him being the hidden partner.

Firstly, it explains why Kalor and Weemad had their clash on Day 2, Weemad simply didn't know that Kalor was on their side. On the other hand, Kalor couldn't indeed vote for Weemadarthur, as he knew that Weemad was scum.

We don't know, if Scum was able to deduce that Kalor was the hidden partner. However, I think it's fair to assume they did not, which gives us a better idea of what actually happened yesterday. The Scum thought that Kalor was town commuter, so they could have easily voted for Kalor yesterday.

However, it also means that the Scum knew that Kalor is scum. Scum could easily try to defend Kalor in the hopes that once he flips, they would get town credit for it.

Intresting indeed (Bolded emphasis is mine):

I mentioned yesterday that Camjo's attitude bothered me. He seemed awfully sure that Kalor was going to flip town commuter, even going as far as saying "I'll be getting the last laugh". Like I said, I doubted that scum Camjo would be this transparent on defending Scum Kalor. But what if it's the opposite? What if Scum Camjo thought that Kalor was town, and saw defending him as a good way of obtaining town credit? Judging those posts he made in the light of Kalor's flip, I would say that this could be very much likely.

That being said, there was a pretty hard push for Camjo in the last hour of the day. Scum could have figured out Kalor was the hidden partner and tried to push someone else. It all really depends if we think scum caught on to Kalor before he died.


That being said, there was a pretty hard push for Camjo in the last hour of the day. Scum could have figured out Kalor was the hidden partner and tried to push someone else. It all really depends if we think scum caught on to Kalor before he died.

If scum tried to push for someone else, it would most likely mean Camjo, then? He was the person at the end seriously contending the lynch.


Burbeting's claim
Huh. I don't think I would have deduced that as scum, but it seems to explain your push on Kalor.

I went over Kalor's posts, but couldn't make out much. One thing to note is that he voted for RNH (now Seath) a lot, almost like a default vote when he didn't have anyone better.
He also made a funny remark with lynching inactive if I paraphrase: "...1 or 2 scum in list of inactives (I know I'm on that list)" Obviously referring to himself as one of the inactives, but maybe he was hoping the scum team would catch on to that.
The way Wee acted I doubt scum realized Kalor was on their team, but maybe one of the reason Wee's lynch went through is they didn't want to shift the vote to their hidden partner and hesitated.
He didn't completely avoid Wee and spoke a bit with her on day 2, but I couldn't find anyhing interesting there. He didn't seem to act differently when speaking with her, but never threw much shade on her.


I forgot to mention this at first, but I received a drink. The fluff went out of its way to make it seem harmless.


As in, I don't know if scum caught on to Kalor or not, and if they did, it really changes my perspective of how the votes went down right before the day ended.


As in, I don't know if scum caught on to Kalor or not, and if they did, it really changes my perspective of how the votes went down right before the day ended.

I think if they did find out Kalor, it would be because he didn't vote weemad. But on the other hand, they didn't have any reason to doubt his claim as town commuter, so I'm now bothered by the people who were jumping hard to be his aid.


Junior Wrestlemania XXX Champion
I am Crab, the Gafia Founder. I'm aligned with town. (And yeah, the joke that Xam made yesterday that "you're not Crab" made me chuckle).

My role is that I am the even night commuter, myself. Every even night I go to visit PoliGaf, which means that I can't be targeted by any power during those nights. But due to the fear of being banned again, I only visit there on even nights, not every single night.

This is why I was so against Kalor's claim for whole yesterday, as he had pretty much claimed my exact role. I didn't react to the claim much during D2 because at that point I wanted to lynch Weemad, and thought that he could be town Odd Night Commuter instead. But during N2 (night where I knew I was going to be safe), I had time to think it over, and decided that there was no way going to be two town aligned commuters, which is why I went so hard for Kalor yesterday. Admittedly, the claims of mirrored power roles and Kalor later claiming to be actually odd-night commuter made me doubt myself, but I think the risk was worth it. However, I'm also positive that the remaining scum must have figured out my role, since I was so against Kalor's roleclaim and all. That's why I won't fake another role, like I was originally going to do, because scum must have guessed that I'm the commuter.

Originally I wasn't going to say, that I'm even night commuter, but due to Nin's claim yesterday, I was forced to admit that I didn't move during the first night. This is the truth, because I only move during even nights, so I moved in N2, not N1. This means, that whatever caused the activity in the seats during the first night, it was not me moving, but either someone targetting me, someone targeting Timeaisis, or Timeaisis moving.

So yeah, that's my role. I wasn't planning to claim at all, for the exact reasons Roy mentioned yesterday (Commuter would be much better to claim another role, and to bait scum kill on themselves), but after yesterday's Kalor hunt, and Nin forcing me to reveal I didn't move in Night 1, I'm pretty positive that the Scum has already figured out role, or at least close to figuring it, so there was nothing beneficial for town to keep it hidden any longer.
So you will move tonight?


As in, I don't know if scum caught on to Kalor or not, and if they did, it really changes my perspective of how the votes went down right before the day ended.

I think at most they just had a suspicion unless there's something big I didn't catch.
I think catching a hidden partner is really hard and the hidden partner has to make sure they don't end up outing the entire scum team if lynched. Them being able to kill Kalor probably made them look harder after him, but I think they might have focused on finding people that weren't their partner so they could be sure they didn't accidentally kill their hidden partner. I speculated a bit in my post that if we assume Wee was the only normal scum close to being lynched: Scum might have been unsure whether Salva or Kalor (or possibly Nin) were their partner and hesitated to save Wee thinking they might accidentally lynch scum without clearing Wee or anyone voting for the hidden partner.


Interesting. Happy to have hit scum, even though it was the lost partner and we're now left to wonder whether the scum team had caught onto his identity or not, or if they were potentially willing to sacrifice him to earn some town points if they had. Although if they did know, I doubt they would have tried that since they had just lost Wee the day before.


Sorry for being MIA at days ends yesterday, discord tried it's best to force me to leave this game, so that had to be handled. Luckily, Discord failed in his attempts and I am still here!

Burb claim: I am leaning towards believing him at this time, but my argument that commuter is something scum can easily claim still stands. Also, I don't agree with his assessment to claim because he expects scum to have figured out his role. If I was him, I would have kept it a secret. I still think he is town, but he also became a bit more suspicious to me thanks to this claim.

Also, something I find interesting: Scum decided to leave both motion detectors alive. If we assume both of them are town, every scum member that dies increased the chance of all scum members being watched, a chance that is increased even further by the decreasing number of players. I don't think that is a situation scum would want. However, if one of them is scum, that decreases the chance of them being watched, and killing the other MD but leaving their own alive would put a lot of suspicion on him. Something scum also doesn't want.


I am at a wedding now, yes lol.

I can confirm that there was acitivty near my seats lol. Kalor was dead and Bronx got lynched.


I am at a wedding now, yes lol.

I can confirm that there was acitivty near my seats lol. Kalor was dead and Bronx got lynched.

I thought that if someone died, the one next to them would be counted as seated next to you? That's how Xam got to Bronx chat in N2 (or so he claimed) after weemad had been lynched from between him and Bronx.


Also, something I find interesting: Scum decided to leave both motion detectors alive. If we assume both of them are town, every scum member that dies increased the chance of all scum members being watched, a chance that is increased even further by the decreasing number of players. I don't think that is a situation scum would want. However, if one of them is scum, that decreases the chance of them being watched, and killing the other MD but leaving their own alive would put a lot of suspicion on him. Something scum also doesn't want.

Bronx was a pretty obvious kill though. Confirmed town AND a gossip.
The motion detectors, while dangerous, still can't confirm if anyone moved or were targeted. Their alignment are also a little easier for me to believe with Kalor having such a specific counter against them.


I am at a wedding now, yes lol.

I can confirm that there was acitivty near my seats lol. Kalor was dead and Bronx got lynched.

With Kalor lynched you should have detected Bronx and Seath. Bronx' power worked that way which put Xam into the chat when Wee was lynched.


I thought that if someone died, the one next to them would be counted as seated next to you? That's how Xam got to Bronx chat in N2 (or so he claimed) after weemad had been lynched from between him and Bronx.

This is true. Nin has watched RNH and bronx-man last night. Not that it really matters since Bronx got visited for sure so that tells us fuck all about RNH :)


Edit: At the very least Nin detected motion. If he hadn't it could have been evidence of a switch. With me receiving the drink as well it looks like table 2 wasn't switched either.
Salva, did you receive a drink as well?


With Kalor lynched you should have detected Bronx and Seath. Bronx' power worked that way which put Xam into the chat when Wee was lynched.

Sorry my bad then. I got info that something happened near me. Meaning bronx man aswell as Seath.
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