If I didn't know they were the Housewives, I probably would have been like "okay, that's a little odd, but whatever." I wouldn't have recognized them anyway, but now that I know about it, I'm left wondering, "what the heck was the point?" Immediate takeaway from this is that BTW, Telephone, YAI, and Bad Romance remain my favorite MVs of hers. I don't know where this ranks. I'll have to watch it again.
The intro showed promise, but then it it just felt like the other songs were rushed into it - and the story - as more like "hey, these other songs are on ARTPOP too!"
On first watch, prretty much went:
1) Promising concept -> 2) rush to next song/sequence X 2 -> 3) Hey, I can still be hot and look youthful X 3 -> 4) conclusion to story -> 5) end credits