Game devs praise Steam as a 'democratic platform' (a bastion in our panic mode industry)


Gold Member
Like you wetting your pants every time sony announces a PC port?


Your profile must have gotten Vac banned.
What do you mean? I don't get it, please elaborate.

Quite a few of these devs want a pay to win scaling solution too so there's that. From what I've seen the devs that have active engagement with their fans tend to get much more screen time on the FP.
From a few talks I saw from Valve related to explain how everything works in the store, there are different places where a game can be featured, each place showing different criteria.

There are many myths according to what devs think it affects to the algorythm, apparently there isn't any magic formula with stuff like "getting more followers, wishlists etc. increases your visibility in the algorythm". It's a combination of many things.


What do you mean? I don't get it, please elaborate.

From a few talks I saw from Valve related to explain how everything works in the store, there are different places where a game can be featured, each place showing different criteria.

There are many myths according to what devs think it affects to the algorythm, apparently there isn't any magic formula with stuff like "getting more followers, wishlists etc. increases your visibility in the algorythm". It's a combination of many things.
Handy Link for Understanding VAC Vac is Steam's anticheat service and usually getting banned forfeits your access to play online any further in any games.

That's what I've always understood, it's a combination of criteria being met to get featured.


Thinks buying more servers can fix a bad patch
With every passing day this “bastion in a panic mode industry” quote is getting more true.
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