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Gamecube freezing-- help please!


So I just fired up Metroid Prime.. I ride the elevator to go to the chozo ruins west and in the middle of the ride the game freezes!

There's nothing but the scene of the elevator's exit right next to a scanning point with the camera fixed on it.. And a constant and annoying "beep" sound (it's more like a car's horn =\ ) coming from the TV. I also tried to reset the game from the Gamecube but it wouldn't. :(

Did this happen to anyone here? Is it my Cube or the Game? I popped in SMS and it worked fine.

This might be a good excuse to buy the silver cube, but I never had anything like this happen before so I'm worried it might happen again if I don't know the reason. Btw if there's something wrong with a game's disk can it show up in any point of the game? This sucks. >__<


works for Gamestop (lol)
The game frozed for a lot of people during the loading sequences. It only happened to me once though

I've had only two games freeze on me on the Gamecube: Metroid Prime and Ocarina of Time


ah cool so the problem is with the game and not the disk in particular? Thanks. :)

No platinum cube for me then...

::closes ebgames tab::



Queen of Denmark
This happened to me once, too. Don't worry about it.

I also got the same error once on Rogue Squadron II, but that's it.


My brother's cube locks up on pokemon stadium in SSBM. All the poly's look all funny and shit, like his hardware went bad, but the other levels work fine.


Marjora's Mask is about the only game I've encountered on the GC that has a persistent freezing problem. The other games that people have mentioned have frozen on me only once.


It happened to me once, but I just got the game. I was ready to bring the game back to EB (and maybe I should), but then I tried it again and it worked fine. I might bring it back anyway since there's additional content in it. I think I have another 2-3 weeks.


Happened to me in the exact same place. Weird thing was is that it happened the very first time I played the game, so I ended up making damn sure I saved every time before I got on an elevator every time I've played the game since.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
No, I simply think it is a streaming error...

When the game is attempting to load data, but the GC can't keep, it can occasionally freeze. I've also witnessed serious door opening issues, where shooting a door will cause it to dim...but it won't open. After a bit, the door resets itself to its normal "non shot" look. I've had the game crash on me ONE time...

The game has a few bugs in its loading engine, it seems...but I'm sure MP2 will have completely removed these issues (that is, they will find a way to better handle cases where it can't grab the data).
Player's Choice might even have a few bugfixes. I know Eternal Darkness can be a real bitch with the streaming, but turning off subtitles helped with that game.
ge-man said:
Marjora's Mask is about the only game I've encountered on the GC that has a persistent freezing problem. The other games that people have mentioned have frozen on me only once.

My Cube has frozen 3 times in the past week while playing MM. It's always during the transition/loading of entering new areas/rooms/holes.
It sucks even more than with other games because of the saving system.
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