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Gamefan magazine hits store shelves (but its not what you think)

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
This magazine was just released in France. Was the original Gamefan distributed world wide? I'm kinda wondering how this is legal.



Gaming mags need to restructure how they are made. Kinda like arcades now a days. People play arcade games becuase of the " i can't do this at home" factor. Example: Police 911, Mo-Cap Boxing, DDR etc. Gaming mags have to give us what the net doesn't, and use what it can do great...we can take mags with us...everywhere, especially the toliet. We need more features, interviews, maps, codes, posters, stickers, lid covers, and whatever else would help. I love EGM, loved Gamefan but it's a dying a slow death.



CrimsonSkies said:
That's the most effeminate art style for Link I've seen yet. Probably works for France though.

I don't see too many chicks that look like 20 year old guys about. What bars do you go to?

I also agree that game mags need to seriously change too (maybe a return to the mid-90s style when all mags were 250+ pages long and had REAL strategy guides and foreign news in them? That era rocked) Everyone's trying to be Maxim or Consumer Reports nowadays and it's tiring
CrimsonSkies said:
That's the most effeminate art style for Link I've seen yet. Probably works for France though.

How dare you say something bad about France. France is the greatest nation in the world. EVER!!! Why, without France, America would be wearing hats on their feet, and hamburgers would be eating people. And what would you do without Pate!? HUH!? Think about it!!!


I wonder who the French equivalent of Dave Halverson is and does he measure up to his 'legendary' American predecessor.
The Promised One said:
How dare you say something bad about France. France is the greatest nation in the world. EVER!!! Why, without France, America would be wearing hats on their feet, and hamburgers would be eating people. And what would you do without Pate!? HUH!? Think about it!!!
Give it up, moron. You were thoroughly thrashed in your own thread, and you can't let that go.


belgurdo said:
I don't see too many chicks that look like 20 year old guys about. What bars do you go to?

I also agree that game mags need to seriously change too (maybe a return to the mid-90s style when all mags were 250+ pages long and had REAL strategy guides and foreign news in them? That era rocked) Everyone's trying to be Maxim or Consumer Reports nowadays and it's tiring

I absolutely agree with this thought. The internet has made magazines obsolete for news and reviews. However, it's still a nice format special features like interviews and guides. My dream magazine would combine the production values of Play magazine with the staggering amount of content we used to get in the early-mid 90's. To cap it off, it will be put together with the kind of intelligence/pizazz that you get in XBN or the old Offical Dreamcast Magazine.


ferricide said:
wow, an atomiswave cover mention? it may be as hardcore as the original.

Common sight in french magazines. They aren't really hardcore, it's just that they know their audience wants arcade/rpg/foreign/manga news

That'S why mags like JoyPad are still loved and see collaborations from famous japanese journalist (like Famitsu Xbox chief editor)


The Inside Track
Well since I'm french (sorry :p) I can comment a bit on that I guess. I don't know the original Gamefan but if I understood correctly this was a game magazine for hardcore gamers. Well this Gamefan in France is for most hardcore of the hardcore gamers.
They cover mainstream games for a few pages, the rest is about obscure japanese games (even some borderline hentai one), some technical stuff, arcade games, and a lot of old school gaming (about 1/3 of the magazine). there even are some pages about fighting games competition.
All in all a good magazine, a nice change from the very mainstream games press here is France. But I agree the covers are not that good, the second one is really bad looking in fact.


The Inside Track
Fularu said:
Common sight in french magazines. They aren't really hardcore, it's just that they know their audience wants arcade/rpg/foreign/manga news

That'S why mags like JoyPad are still loved and see collaborations from famous japanese journalist (like Famitsu Xbox chief editor)
Koji Aizawara is now Famitsu PS2 chief editor, he actually managed to double the sales numbers since he started there.
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