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GameMaker Game Competition | October 1-31, 2015 | Theme: Halloween

Competition ends in​

Hello everyone,

I’m making this thread because the weekly humble bundle deal focuses on GameMaker (the tool and games that were created using it).
Thread is located here: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?p=179240972

Link: https://www.humblebundle.com/weekly
GameMaker Studio Pro which usually run you $149 and the Android export module which is usually $300. You get both of these items and games + source for $12. AMAZING DEAL right? Right.

Competition talk.

The theme of the competition is


Start: October 1, 12:00am cst
End: Nov 1st, 1am cst
Submission Deadline: November 8, 1am cst


  • You can interpret the theme however you want. Examples - a cute friendly paperboy style game where you go around throwing eggs at kids going trick or treating. You can create a horror game. Your game could be about witches, goblins or whatever. You can do a trick or treat simulator. you can even do something where you dress up a pumpkin. However you interpret the theme is up to you.
  • To keep things fair you’re not allowed to create any assets before the competition starts. During this time you can use it to learn the tool. Please feel free to ask for help in the thread or if a dedicated thread happens to pop up I’ll post the link to it.
    If you're going to use any assets (art and/or music) from online make sure you get permission for it. There are sites that offer royalty free stuff. Just make sure you tell us that you're using what beforehand.
  • Keep it moderately PG-13. Basically don’t go crazy on the vulgarity or show some boobs or something. Blood and gore is fine but it’s up to you how much you want to go in. But think of the children!
  • You can work in a team or individual.
  • It doesn’t matter what type of game you create. Be it RPG, shooter, strategy, visual novel, or even a short movie. It’s up to you!
  • I haven’t decided if there’s a file size limit because i’m sure there are a few people that have a monthly B/W cap.
  • Length of game? Up to you. A short game would be nice. no more than 2 hours just so it has an end. If you can create an epic 30+ hour game that'd be great too. or an actiony type of game that last 10 seconds a match or something. Whatever you want.

More to be added


Please make sure when submitting that you create at least a windows exe file. With GameMaker pro you get mac and linux export as well. you’re free to create those but remember you should test if it runs on those system.

TBA on submission format.


Here’s just a few tools that I'm pulling from Ludumdare.com site because some of these stuff i have myself.

Pyxel Edit
Graphics Gale
Tile Studio

Bosca Ceoil

There are other tools which you can check out: http://ludumdare.com/compo/tools/

But you're free to use whatever tool you're comfortable with.


This will be community based. I’ll create a new thread or someone will of all the entries and we vote. Winners be chosen from the Individual category listed


Feedback recommended


Game art - http://opengameart.org/
Tom Francis (Creator of Gun Point) - Make A Game With No Experience
HeartBeast - Tons of great Tutorials, best to start with his current series Make an RPG
Sean Spalding also has tons of great videos as well, and is now the community manager at YoYo Games

More information to be added later.

Some words of wisdom/advice:

Don’t overthink. You're not out there trying to create a AAA. It won’t be perfect. It might not look great or it may have similar gameplay styles to the thousands of games out there but who cares? Feel accomplished knowing you just created your first game! Use this thread to ask for advice. Optional but recommended to post progress. Lets see and motivate others what you are doing. Don't be afraid!

With that said. Have fun!

If you guys have any comments and suggestion please feel free to contact me. i plan to update this OT in the future anyways some of the stuff obviously aren't set in stone!


Excellent thread! I'll just quote myself from the other with some helpful tutorial links:
If anyone is looking to jump on this and has never done this before, here are some links to super helpful tutorials:

Tom Francis (Creator of Gun Point) - Make A Game With No Experience
HeartBeast - Tons of great Tutorials, best to start with his current series Make an RPG
Sean Spalding also has tons of great videos as well, and is now the community manager at YoYo Games

Also, spotted this in the help file:
Steam Key
Getting GameMaker: Studio Professional (and the Android Module) from this Bundle allows you to get a Steam Key.  After 14 days of this purchase please go to our recovery page and enter your email address.  You should receive a list of your license keys.  Please note you have to have created your YoYo Account before doing this.

Can't wait to see what people are able to put together!

Also, I really dig the theme a lot. I have some cool ideas already


I can write music and I can probably figure out Gamemaker if I study it enough so what the heck I'll enter. Graphics is the problem though


I can write music and I can probably figure out Gamemaker if I study it enough so what the heck I'll enter. Graphics is the problem though

This is a pretty good point, maybe it should allow usage of opengameart, and then just remove yourself from the graphics category?
This is a pretty good point, maybe it should allow usage of opengameart, and then just remove yourself from the graphics category?

yeah. im trying to figure out if using royally free assets will be fine. i mean the main focus really was about Game Maker anyways.


No idea how much time I'm gonna have but I'd love to get my feet wet with Game Maker. I hope this becomes a regular thing.


No idea how much time I'm gonna have but I'd love to get my feet wet with Game Maker. I hope this becomes a regular thing.

I'd be down to have bi-monthly or maybe every 3 month compos, that'd be super cool. Definitely helps you learn a lot more when you are given a task to complete and a deadline

$149! I was hoping it was free. Oh well another tool I can't use.
GameMaker: Studio is free, humble bundle is offering the pro version for $6.00, you can do everything for this competition in the free version as it has very little limitations. Also worth noting that the Android Module is worth getting even if you don't think you'll need it, just in case.


I'm interested in this but I'll have to see what kind of time I have. Still this is a good opportunity to learn the program.


I saw the Humble Bundle for this this morning and I've spent the entire day with my head suddenly in the clouds thinking about dipping my toes into the engine and what I'd possibly do / attempt / be capable of. Dunno whether to bite the bullet or not. Gonna watch some of those tutorial videos and see how my whimsy swings. If I get it I'll certainly aim to throw a little monster mish mash together for this.


I've played around with the free version of Game Maker before, but I still consider myself an absolute novice. Might give this a shot anyway, but the art is going to be horrible :p.


I'll join

Excellent thread! I'll just quote myself from the other with some helpful tutorial links:

Can't wait to see what people are able to put together!

Also, I really dig the theme a lot. I have some cool ideas already

I def recommend the Tom Francis tutorial, he's awesome


Neo Member
In school right now, but if I have time, I want to make something.
Maybe I'll get a free weekend.

Bought the master collection a few years back.
Game Maker has a lot to like, GML has some strange things. It works though.

Graphics Gale for art.
Reaper and Synthmaster for Music.


I should also add: Don't be afraid of the help file for GameMaker. That is the single best resource for learning the engine and referencing code. It's very well written, and lovely documentation.

I def recommend the Tom Francis tutorial, he's awesome
He's the best, and he's absolutely insane. His videos, and the fact he was able to make Gunpoint with it are the sole reasons I stuck with the program. He teaches in an "Implement this first, clean it up later" style that is very helpful for beginners
Maybe I should take part. Been slacking off o my game maker stuff for too long.

Already got platformer and visual novel code of my own as a base to work with.


Watched the first three Tom Francis vids and couldn't resist. Bought. Now to see if I can develop some modicum of competency enough to cough up an entry for the thread.

The yoyogames site is getting hammered right now I guess right? Don't seem to be able to get to the section where you sign up for an account.
Watched the first three Tom Francis vids and couldn't resist. Bought. Now to see if I can develop some modicum of competency enough to cough up an entry for the thread.

The yoyogames site is getting hammered right now I guess right? Don't seem to be able to get to the section where you sign up for an account.
It's been down since yesterday. So you can't do much. But in the mean time I'd just use the standard and watch videos and get used to the tools. Maybe learn the basic of GML.


I got through and now it has me in queue so it looks like it may be opening up a bit. Been watching some videos it certainly looks like an interesting program. I kind of already know the type of game I wanna make so I'm hoping to use the time before the competition starts to figure out how to get the basic mechanics working to see what Idea I would go with.

I used Construct 2 for awhile and although I liked it, it just never seemed to work out very well so I'm hoping this is better.
I adjusted the rules. it's fine to use assets such as art/music if you get permission. I added opengameart.org to the OP.

Since this is just a friendly competition and no money is involved, it's fine. But no actual developing until October 1st! It's fine to brainstorm and practice now but anything you do now you can't use October 1st (Start from scratch)


How strictly are we supposed to follow the theme? Like, if it's a horror game and/ or Resident Evil inspired, I should be good, right?


I've always been interested in making a game, but my math skills are terrible. I'll buy it anyway and try it out though (When I can get the Paypal button on the site to work).

EDIT : When will Humble Bundle unlock the sale? It's still not letting me buy the bundle, yet I see that the amount of bundles being sold to others is going up.

EDIT 2 : Turns out I needed to create an account. Never had to do that before.
How strictly are we supposed to follow the theme? Like, if it's a horror game and/ or Resident Evil inspired, I should be good, right?
However you want to interpret it
Could be a game about rating candy. Collecting them. Could be a game about witches. Could be a trick or treat simulator. could be a slasher horror type game with a knife wielding killer. It's up to you and your imaginatiom.


I must be blind, but I cannot find the documentation / production diary for WizardWizard. I only see a download for the game and the source code.

EDIT: It's okay, I found it. Though I do think I need to get my eyesight test lol.


Well, I did buy the humble bundle. This is a fantastic idea and a great way to motivate me.

I'm up for joining a team to help out!
update for those trying to redeem/create accounts.

via facebook

Hey guys,
First of all we'd like to apologize for the massive number of issues faced by all of our users over the last few days. As you may know, the enormous pressure from the Humble Weekly Bundle exposed a flaw in our database which rendered all access to accounts and licensing unusable. While we've been applying various fixes and working as hard as we can to alleviate all of these issues we're now at a point where we need to take all of our services offline in order to move the database to a new server.
We expect process may take up to 24 hours at most.
During this time:
* The website at yoyogames.com will be offline.
* The updater within GameMaker: Studio will not function.
* No license keys will be redeemable or update-able.
* The Marketplace and Player will also be offline
* The GMC forums will remain online.
for new users who are looking to try GameMaker:Studio for the first time I would invite them to try the free version of the software available on steam during the downtime. This free version has a great deal of features and the majority of features unique to professional are targeted at long time users of the software and are less useful to beginners. The majority of the GMZ files in the source code provided with the bundle will also import correctly into this version of GameMaker.


It's crazy how unprepared they were for this deal. Not complaining, but you'd think they would have been prepped for a massive influx considering the amount of the discount.

On Topic:
Been thinking about what I'm gonna do for this and I still don't have anything concrete. But I think I'm gonna challenge myself further and make it an android game


Well at least they're being upfront. They will get it sorted soon enough and I can't really complain given the deal.

I've narrowed my ideas down from 3 to 2 but I think I'm pretty sure on the type of style I want I just need to see what basic mechanics I can figure out and what would best fit the timeframe taking all the art into consideration.

I've been watching a ton of tutorials for GM and will be interested to get hands on with it all. Art really isn't a problem but I've always struggled with programming so this will be interesting.


Finally managed to see my license and activate it :D

Now all I need to do is put effort and time into learning how to control the software, and also come up with a good idea for this halloween competition.
site is up. the problem of redeeming codes seem to be resolved! idk about the update side of things when youre trying to go from standard > pro when using the program itself.


Question for anyone who knows a little about programming or GM specifically:

Mechanically, I'd like to make a 'simple' auto-scrolling isometric shooter, basically something as close as possible to the Atari 5200 version of Zaxxon (but with a witch on a broomstick, heh). The player just controls four directions along the perpendicular isometric plane (bank left & right, altitude up & down), plus a shooty shooter.

I've seen a few isometric-type tutorials, and a few scrolling shooter tutorials, but nothing that combines the two. If anyone knows of anything (video, forum thread, whatever) that talks about a Zaxxon-like game in Game Maker, please do link.

That said, my main question to those with experience is: Would this style of game be waaaaay too complicated for a complete beginner with no programming experience to take on?

I don't mind a challenge, or trial-&-error problem-solving, but I don't want to find out half-way through the project that I actually need a degree in Applied Mathematics to do something like calculate realistic altitude-based collisions on a pseudo-3D isometric projection using information rendered on a 2D space. I don't even know if that last sentence makes any sense.


Question for anyone who knows a little about programming or GM specifically:

Mechanically, I'd like to make a 'simple' auto-scrolling isometric shooter, basically something as close as possible to the Atari 5200 version of Zaxxon (but with a witch on a broomstick, heh). The player just controls four directions along the perpendicular isometric plane (bank left & right, altitude up & down), plus a shooty shooter.

I've seen a few isometric-type tutorials, and a few scrolling shooter tutorials, but nothing that combines the two. If anyone knows of anything (video, forum thread, whatever) that talks about a Zaxxon-like game in Game Maker, please do link.

That said, my main question to those with experience is: Would this style of game be waaaaay too complicated for a complete beginner with no programming experience to take on?

I don't mind a challenge, or trial-&-error problem-solving, but I don't want to find out half-way through the project that I actually need a degree in Applied Mathematics to do something like calculate realistic altitude-based collisions on a pseudo-3D isometric projection using information rendered on a 2D space. I don't even know if that last sentence makes any sense.

It sounds like it would be pretty easy. You'd have to make sure your assets are iso, and then instead of scrolling say right to left or up to down, you'd have to scroll down and left at the same time while keeping your player stationary. If you wanted set levels, you would have to build out the whole level at an angle and out of view, and then just scroll it diagonally toward the view. I'll see if I can throw something together as an example later this week if you still need some help.

The only part I could see being a challenge is the "z-axis" movement, which is probably pretty easy if you have a height variable and just check collisions based on the height variable rather than the position of the sprite.

Thinking about it now, the way collisions are normally checked is with place_meeting(), so rather than using just place_meeting() here, you'd want to take into account an object's height, and the player's altitude. Something like:
if(place_meeting(x+hspeed, y+hspeed, wall){
   if(wall.height >= altitude){


Juicy stuff, thank you. A lot to think about. Hoping to get some serious free time over the next few days, during which I want to just get down to trying all this video tutorial stuff out in a practical sense. After getting my hands actually dirty implementing various lessons/ideas I'm certain I'll be back with more questions.
make sure to look up simple endless runner tutorials seeing as the video you provided looks like that. if you really want it to be more the samey each round you can set up a timer and spawn set pieces at a certain time..

looks like @Cptkrush got it covered on the collision part.


I wasn't sure whether to post this here (seeing as the competition hasn't officially started), or in the general Humble Bundle thread, or perhaps even in the MathGAF thread in OT. That said, I'm wondering if anyone can offer some assistance on my preliminary testing/learning.

I'm messing around with the code for determining player movement and, specifically, movement range within a certain bounding box. What I'm looking to achieve is to have a player sprite be trapped within this red box:


I've managed to figure out how to make the WASD keys move the player correctly (so A and D actually alter both x and y values rather than just x). And I've managed to trap the sprite within the box on the sides, such that the sprite cannot travel too far left or right ("if obj_player.x would ever be less than 10, then obj_player.x = x" type thing).

I now need to figure out how to apply that to the diagonal boundaries at the top and bottom, which is obviously not as simple now as just checking against a ceiling/floor y value.

I assume that, along the lines AB and DC, there's some constant value, c, that can be derived for every point on the line's x and y. I think I need to figure out what that constant is so that I can do the same calculation on the player's x and y in order to get some 'n' value, and do an "if player's derived n is ever > c, then player's y=y", for example. Shit, does that make sense?

I'm not great at mathematics and I've forgotten most of what I learned in school 20 years ago about this stuff. I don't know if I need to be calculating some sin,cos,tan value or if it's some differential equation shit or even if it's some super simple x/y or y/x type number (I don't think it's this last one, at least the few quick calculations I tried didn't show me anything resembling a constant).

Any thoughts on how to handle an oddly shaped bounding box like the above?


I wasn't sure whether to post this here (seeing as the competition hasn't officially started), or in the general Humble Bundle thread, or perhaps even in the MathGAF thread in OT. That said, I'm wondering if anyone can offer some assistance on my preliminary testing/learning.

I'm messing around with the code for determining player movement and, specifically, movement range within a certain bounding box. What I'm looking to achieve is to have a player sprite be trapped within this red box:


I've managed to figure out how to make the WASD keys move the player correctly (so A and D actually alter both x and y values rather than just x). And I've managed to trap the sprite within the box on the sides, such that the sprite cannot travel too far left or right ("if obj_player.x would ever be less than 10, then obj_player.x = x" type thing).

I now need to figure out how to apply that to the diagonal boundaries at the top and bottom, which is obviously not as simple now as just checking against a ceiling/floor y value.

I assume that, along the lines AB and DC, there's some constant value, c, that can be derived for every point on the line's x and y. I think I need to figure out what that constant is so that I can do the same calculation on the player's x and y in order to get some 'n' value, and do an "if player's derived n is ever > c, then player's y=y", for example. Shit, does that make sense?

I'm not great at mathematics and I've forgotten most of what I learned in school 20 years ago about this stuff. I don't know if I need to be calculating some sin,cos,tan value or if it's some differential equation shit or even if it's some super simple x/y or y/x type number (I don't think it's this last one, at least the few quick calculations I tried didn't show me anything resembling a constant).

Any thoughts on how to handle an oddly shaped bounding box like the above?

I'm yet to try GM, although I bought the bundle last night, but I figure it's a matter of figuring you the fixed differences between the X and Y values to establish a formula.

If I subtract the top left coordinates from the box from its top right coordinates, I get:

210, 70

The proportion is basically:
x = 3 * y


y = x/3

From then on, I think you just need to make sure it's true simultaneously to one (or both?) of these:

10 <= x < 220
10 <= y < 170

I'm very very rusty so I could be missing something important, but this should help at least a bit.

Edit: correcting my bone-headed rusty calculations above, although I'm probably still missing something.
I wasn't sure whether to post this here (seeing as the competition hasn't officially started), or in the general Humble Bundle thread, or perhaps even in the MathGAF thread in OT. That said, I'm wondering if anyone can offer some assistance on my preliminary testing/learning.

I'm messing around with the code for determining player movement and, specifically, movement range within a certain bounding box. What I'm looking to achieve is to have a player sprite be trapped within this red box:


I've managed to figure out how to make the WASD keys move the player correctly (so A and D actually alter both x and y values rather than just x). And I've managed to trap the sprite within the box on the sides, such that the sprite cannot travel too far left or right ("if obj_player.x would ever be less than 10, then obj_player.x = x" type thing).

I now need to figure out how to apply that to the diagonal boundaries at the top and bottom, which is obviously not as simple now as just checking against a ceiling/floor y value.

I assume that, along the lines AB and DC, there's some constant value, c, that can be derived for every point on the line's x and y. I think I need to figure out what that constant is so that I can do the same calculation on the player's x and y in order to get some 'n' value, and do an "if player's derived n is ever > c, then player's y=y", for example. Shit, does that make sense?

I'm not great at mathematics and I've forgotten most of what I learned in school 20 years ago about this stuff. I don't know if I need to be calculating some sin,cos,tan value or if it's some differential equation shit or even if it's some super simple x/y or y/x type number (I don't think it's this last one, at least the few quick calculations I tried didn't show me anything resembling a constant).

Any thoughts on how to handle an oddly shaped bounding box like the above?

It's not exactly what you want, but why not plug the endpoints of the diagonals into the point-slope form and reduce to y=mx+b for two "check" equations for "w" and "s"? You have the current x position anyway when you update to a new position, so y=mx+b would evaluate right out to the appropriate bound at that x slice of the parallelogram.
See, what I'd do is just give every object a 3D coordinate, and then use some common rendering code to convert that 3D coordinate to a 2D coordinate at an isometric projection. Then your boundary code would easily be handled by just clamping two of the axes (probably X for "side-to-side" and Y for "up-and-down", with Z being moving "forward" in the level and thus probably not something the player can directly affect).

You'd probably have to write your own collision detection code, then, but it'd probably be something as basic as determining if the two points for each object are within a certain distance (this'd result less in bounding boxes so much as bounding spheres, depending on how you implement it).


Yuss! Managed to figure it out. Thanks for the help!

I started looking at the formula y - y1 = m(x - x1) after reading this post:

It's not exactly what you want, but why not plug the endpoints of the diagonals into the point-slope form and reduce to y=mx+b for two "check" equations for "w" and "s"? You have the current x position anyway when you update to a new position, so y=mx+b would evaluate right out to the appropriate bound at that x slice of the parallelogram.

After pushing some numbers around I arrived a the correct 'solution' for the two lines AB and DC in the form of y=mx+c. After that I just had to wrap my head around a way of implementing that in my code, which I managed by first making a variable to keep track of the boundaries' y-values for whatever the player's x-value is, then forbidding player.y to go beyond boundary.y.

Code looks like this:


TopBound_y = (0.2 * obj_player.x) + 98
BottomBound_y = (0.2 * obj_player.x) + 298

/* UP, or W-key */

if keyboard_check(ord('W'))
    if obj_player.y < TopBound_y
        y = y
    y = y - ClimbSpeed


Still can't get my copy to load. Just says it verifies the license and then never starts crashes and dies. No steam key. Only was able to get it via downloading free version then logging in after my humble bundle license key verified.

Really getting annoyed after a week of nothing here...


Gold Member
I've started making my own little game called "Blue Chaos". Terrible name. A song I was listening to had "blue" in it and my character happened to be wearing a blue top. Chaos well...it's inspired by GTA/Hotline Miami.

I'm not sure if I will be anywhere near finished to submit it to this competition but we'll see. Right now I'm just building upon the tutorial that is in the studio. The one where you got to click on the clown to get points and it moves faster. Well instead of clicking on a clown it's now a bad guy who is bouncing about the room I'm making it so I need to shoot him to get points instead of clicking him. when he respawns he will move faster making it more difficult to hit him. This will be version 0.1

Once I've achieved that I'm gonna try making version 0.2 have my player progressing down a corridor shooting multiple bad guys who are now shooting at me. My character will have lives so he will need to use cover to survive. Once I've done that then version 0.3 will add multiple rooms/levels and new enemies/weapons.

Each new version I will try something new. Maybe by the time I get to 1.0 it will be really something great. Who knows. It's nothing amazing but 2 days ago I had no clue how to make a game. I can't believe I only paid £7 for this amazing studio. I've watched a couple tutorials but mostly I'm just playing about with it on my own to figure it out by trial and error.


The past two days I've been watching "Make A Game With No Experience" by Tom Francis. Starting to understand the software much better now, but there are a few sections that just make me go "Eh?".

I won't give up though. I'll power on through the rest of the videos and after that, watch some others while waiting for my book to arrive from Amazon.
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