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games for kids?


I have two sons, Jerry and Barry. Now I know their names rhyme and that is for a reason. I just like rhyming. I'm a very established online poet and have nearly three dozen poems to my name. If you do not believe me, search online some time.

Bringing myself back to the original point, what games are okay for my sons to play without seeing too much violence? Less violence, less killing, let's let the peace just keep spilling (out). That's not much of a poem, but at least it shows you all that I do love to rhyme every now and again.

-- The Original Gamer Dad


Running off of Custom Firmware
Jerry and Barry don't really rhyme though. Not 100% phonetically anyway.

Um. Specifically, what kind of games are you looking for? Racing, action, puzzle, platforming, etc.

Plenty of options. Also, what systems?


Now I hear, my guy, that Nintendo's Gamecube is the system to buy. Whether or not you agree, we will see. In the meantime...

Racing? Whizz! Fighting? Kerpow! Puzzles? <Scratch, scratch> Platforming? Wahoo!

So you see, anything will be fine, when the field is even, maybe they'll all be mine!

-- The Original Gamer Dad


Get them both Gameboys. easy to use, cheap, and tons of cool games for kids to play with minimum violence level. Hardly any infact really, the low graphics level keep it from getting too violent.


Yeah each gameboy is like 90 bucks, and there are a ton of games priced in the $9.99 to $20 price range that are kid friendly.

If you get the Gamecube, that will cost $99 dollars(you might get a game with it I dunno the deal they have going now). Then you need a memory card to save your game data which is 20 bucks, then probably another controller which is another 20 bucks. Those games will run you probably $20-$50 depending on what you get, newer or older stuff.


Disney's Magical Mirror for Gamecube is aimed strickly for the younger crowd. I'm not talking about the theme, but the gameplay...it's aimed for like 5-8 year olds if that.



Running off of Custom Firmware
You'd be quite safe with either GBAs or a GCN. I heartily recommend either... both, even!
Get them a Gamecube. Mario Kart: Double Dash, Super Smash Bros. Melee, Mario Party, Wario Ware, Super Mario Sunshine, and Super Monkey Ball are all good game choices. There are also many games based off of kids' cartoons they may enjoy.
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