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Games that some girls like (extrangely)

Funky Papa

Yesterday I wen't to my friend's place and I found her playing Bloodrayne on her PS2. It boogled my mind. I was shocked, she is a Tomb Raider fangirl and all but it surprised me when she told us how much she was liking Bloodrayne, she even asked me for the sequel! I mean, I can't hardly find a mainstream game with a more evident sexploitation factor, girls liking DOAXV because of the relationship/Barbie sim don't surprise me, but Bloodrayne? What the hell? That's a novelty.

Do you have similar experiences? I am somewhat confused right now :p

Edit: I am talking about games that are very focused towards males or at least not designed to appease the female buyers, not Tetris and the likes.
Do I need to tell you of the fact that some of the girls at my schooled liked to listen to that "MOVE B*TCH, GET OUT THE WAY, GET OUT THE WAY, B*TCH, GET OUT THE WAY" song when it came out?


I've noticed, from my own personal observations, that popular games among girls are:

Tomb Raider series
Silent Hill series
The Sims (no surprise)


I think he was talking about the fact that you mjust made up a word. Although it makes sense - extremely + strange = extrangely.


Sriram said:
I think he was talking about the fact that you mjust made up a word. Although it makes sense - extremely + strange = extrangely.

Please teach me more of your strange monkey pirate words


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
Most girls I know (including my g/f) almost exclusively play RPGs and simulation type games (The Sims, Rollercoaster Tycoon, <anything> Tycoon)

Musashi Wins!

While Sims and Tetris are very popular among girls I know, I think too many guy gamers assume that girls love to play childlike or non-violent games to exclusivity. I've never noticed this in my experience. My last gf wasn't a particularly violent person, lol and preferred DMC and the DOA fighting games to any of the cartoon styled games. There's also a decent amount of females playing Socom.


I would agree about Tekken (3) too...but the Tekken games seem to be the kind of games that just about EVERYONE between 15-25 has played at some point. Both girls and guys...even if they're not usually into games at all. Even though most of the mainstream peeps keep forgetting the characters names, they always know the "bear" or the "old guy" and so on. :)


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
My girlfriend is a gamer all around, so I can't really contribute a lot to the thread :)

Her two favorite games are RE0, and Wario Ware, so yeah... I don't think she can be pigeonholed into being a fan of this or that type of game.


action adventure(RE, Zelda types), RPG's(FF, Pokemon) and fighters(Namco :p ) are popular. Girls like loads of games. Play anything.


-My best friend's little sister online like The Sims and Animal Crossing.
-My girlfriend has to have something driving her to finish an objective... nothing open ended and free roaming. It also has to be very pick up and play. Katamari Damacy, The original Super Mario Bros., and the PS1 version of Spyro is all she'll touch.
-My mom only plays card games.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
monkey ball, Wario ware and pikmin are the ones I have had the most luck with. Pikmin didn't get to far though, the time limit became to stressful.

wario ware definately the most successful.


Hates quality gaming
Despite my insistence to the contrary, my gf purchases each Silent Hill game on Japanese release. At least one thing I can tolerate with the SH titles is that Yamaoka's work there doesn't completely blow rancid shit like all of his IIDX work post 7th Style (with 1 or 2 small exceptions at most).

She also didn't play the original Prince of Persia but she lubbed the new one and is highly anticipating Warrior Within.

She's also beating some 7* IIDX songs, but I have myself to blame for her playing those games so I guess that doesn't count.

By the way, anyone naming any rpg/sim/online/Animal Crossing games in this thread is illiterate.


Harvest Moon is a big one for my mom and my girlfriend, and I'd say that's surprising because part of the game is the love life of a male main character. I know there are female versions of HM, but my mom and girlfriend have never played those. They both love Friends of Mineral Town for GBA.


And even i am moderately surprised
my mother played a mean game of Tapper , Arkanoid and (especially) Tetris.

my sister is a DDR freak

my gf... is just freakish games wise, or at least before FFXI she was. Aliens Vs Predator (arcade), Harmful Park, Guardian heroes, Gradius series, Metal Slug series, Halo, etc etc... along with SRPGs and RPGs. She has quite the games collection.

Recently, FFXI has sucked her in, so now it's mainly GBA stuff (Advance Wars 2 mainly).
I've taught my sister well. She's very much into RPGs (she likes Elder Scrolls, any Final Fantasy, LOVES Suikoden and is getting hooked on WoW) and occasionally an FPS.

A female friend is also a gamer. She prefers RPGs as well.

At gaming conventions, there are always a bunch of girls (unfortunately either a) about 8 years younger than me, or b) already taken by another nerd) who play DDR and a fighter or two.


MY gf currently plays the following:

Sims 2
Puyo Pop Fever
Pikmin 2
Super Puzzle Fighter II
Burnout 3
Animal Crossing
Harvest Moon
Klonoa (GBA)
Zelda and the Four Swords (GCN)
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