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Games you are looking forward to with no media coverage


I find it odd that there as so many games out there coming out soon yet theres hardly any media coverage or hype for any of em. 3 i can think of that i want on release are Pikmn 2 US, The Warriors PS2, and Wreckless 2 XB. seen the pics and vids for the 1st but nothing past the jp release. The Warriors, due this fall, NOTHING and Wreckless 2 has only had a hadful of shots released. I'd rather have a steady release of media like EA and burnout 3 for example rather than a blowout the month before a games release.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
I remember hearing about The Warriors around E3 2003, to this day I have never seen anything on it.


Blame Rockstar for the lack of media coverage of The Warriors. After Manhunt who gives a shit? I'll stick with GTA.
Yusaku said:
Blame Rockstar for the lack of media coverage of The Warriors.

That's basically it, you can't hype what you don't know about. Rockstar isn't really releasing anything on it because they're focused completely on GTA.

For me it'd be SMT3 and DDS. They deserve alot more hype.


There's this one really interesting game coming out for pc called Mafia:Contract Killer. This is like the only article I've found on it, I emailed the devs a while back and they said they were still working on it and everything is progressing fine although it won't be out as early as they thought. It's been a while now though I'm not sure if this ever came out or not. I'm going to email them again, I sure as hell hope this game isn't vapor-ware, it looks like so much fun.


yes. it looks awesome. i'll search.

edit: the pics are gone but i do remember the pics had chicago police cars.


not an idiot


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