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Games you'd like to see Remade/Reimagined?


I can add some more:

Final Fantasy V
Final Fantasy VI
Final Fantasy VII
Jet Force Gemini
Metal Gear
Metal Gear 2
Silent Hill
My personal choice would be Startropics, but I really think TIE Fighter goes without saying. All of these basically "graphics only" PC dev studios, and nobody has the guts to turn TIE Fighter, one of the best PC games ever made, into something more recent?


Thinks he should have been the one to kill Batman's parents.
My stock answer for this question: Zombies Ate My Neighbors.

Online co-op would be mandatory.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
After playing Symphony of the Night recently, I'd really like to see some 2D games back on consoles with some snazzy graphics. 3D is great, but some gameplay is suited for 2D.

Like Castlevania, Donkey Kong Country, Mario, etc.

I second Zombies ate my Neighbors. Good game.

Deku Tree


I don't want anymore online Ultima! Make this happen!


DCX said:
Why? What would you do to remake it?


The original thread title says remade/REIMAGINED. I want a new parappa game with updated graphics, new songs, new gameplay and of course, the return of Chop Chop Onion.


Crazymoogle said:
but I really think TIE Fighter goes without saying. All of these basically "graphics only" PC dev studios, and nobody has the guts to turn TIE Fighter, one of the best PC games ever made, into something more recent?

That too was the first game I thought of.
djtiesto said:
Blaster Master

Actually, a 3D sequel did come out for the PSone, and was even released in the states, though with little fanfare (almost as little as part 2 for the Genesis). Never played it, but it just looked sorta dumb.

As for all the Shadowrun love, as some of you might know, I teach game design in NYC as School of Visual Arts and one student is working on a game as his computer art senior thesis. It's basically a 3D remake of his favorite game of all time, Shadowrun, and it might be pretty good in the end. I'll pass it along here for you guys to digest when it's ready in about a year.

Also, the one game I would love to see given an update: Panorama Cotton or Ranger X


bobafett said:
The original thread title says remade/REIMAGINED. I want a new parappa game with updated graphics, new songs, new gameplay and of course, the return of Chop Chop Onion.
Well, then you want a sequel to Parappa the Rapper...or a special edition of the orginal with some new songs..either way i thought the thread topic was remakes like the example he used Doom III being essentially Doom I remade.


Agent X

Interstate '76 wasn't one that immediately popped into my mind, but now that it's been mentioned, that would be a great game for them to update for today's audience. Activision never brought that game out for contemporary game consoles (PlayStation/Nintendo 64) because of memory limitations, and instead gave us the spinoff Vigilante 8--also a great game in its own right, but really quite different from the I'76 experience.

I also agree with the suggestions for Out of This World and Flashback. We very nearly got an expanded remake of Flashback for the GBA, but sadly that project was cancelled.

Anyway, here are some of my picks:

Warlords: I'm talking about the old Atari arcade and Atari 2600 game, not the more recent PC strategy games. There was a pretty decent remake of this as part of Atari Revival, which came out two years ago and also included the recent PC updates of Missile Command and Combat. Only problem with it is that it lacked Internet play. I'd like to see something like this for the TV-based video game consoles, so we could have either Internet play, or the possibility of having four players on the same console like the old Atari 2600 could do (which is generally easier for most people than huddling around a PC).

Return Fire: A war game that debuted in 1994 on 3DO, and was later ported to PlayStation and PC (not sure if the Saturn version ever came out, but I know the Jaguar version didn't). I've got the PC version of this, and it's wild fun. A new version would just need some sprucing up in the graphics department to bring it up to modern standards (higher quality polygon models, but keep the same camera angles), and of course Internet play. The sound effects and music are just fine the way they are--anyone who's played this game will probably agree. :) This would also make a great game for a handheld system.

Impossible Mission: Classic Epyx action platform game with puzzle solving that was years ahead of its time. Keep it 2D, keep the gameplay exactly the same, just update the graphics and sounds. I could see this as a nifty handheld game on the GBA or other handheld. I think the Zodiac is getting an emulation of the Commodore 64 version in one of the upcoming C64 compilations for that system, but I'd love to see a new version with modernized graphics and sounds.

The Epyx-developed Atari Lynx games California Games, Blue Lightning, Electrocop, Gates of Zendocon, Chip's Challenge, Todd's Adventures in Slime World, and Zarlor Mercenary: Because, you know, these games still rock. The GBA sure could use updated versions of these games--after all, they're better than most similar attempts at these genres that we've been fed so far on the GBA.

Klax: Yeah, we finally got arcade-perfect Klax at home last year in Midway Arcade Treaures, but I'd like to see this game revived again. I adore the Lynx version (it's better than the arcade game in some respects), and think that a new version for a modern handheld would be awesome. Keep the sound effects the same as the arcade game (add the Lynx version's title screen music), but overhaul the graphical presentation with new high-resolution backgrounds and maybe polygon-rendered tiles. They could put in some cool real-time lighting effects for the celebrations at the end of each level, too.

Desert Strike: A game from Electronic Arts that originally came out for Genesis, but was also ported to a bunch of game systems and computers shortly afterward. (I've mostly played the Lynx version. :) ) A new game should keep the same gameplay, and the same camera perspective too, but throw in modern graphics and sound, and perhaps enhance the controls. I suppose the same enhancements could be done for Jungle Strike and Urban Strike, but I haven't really played those very much to comment on them.


GoldenEye 007...

...except, you'd have an extra menu "4. Remake Options" which works like the Cheat menu from the original and you could check things like "New AI" but have "New Enemy Models" or "New SoundFX"... or even "Improved Framerate" (for an authentic experience) OFF.

OMG... please give the Free Radical Design boys the Bond license back, EA. :eek:


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
System Shock 2 & Deus Ex are two of my favorite PC games and could really benefit from some major enhancements (and additional polish). Deus Ex in particular was a rather unpolished feeling game with rather bland visuals. I would love to see if spiced up a lot...

Ecco - Defender of the Future. I've been playing this again recently (this time on PS2) and I would REALLY like to see this game re-made with some SERIOUS improvements. Of course, I'd say wait until next gen and really render some incredible environments. The atmosphere is there, and increasing the detail levels 10 fold would really help.

Rage Racer - The game is a blast, but it could seriously use some major improvements. I'd like to see visuals in line with RRV, only with a lot of improvements made to various components of those visuals (ie - better IQ, textures, etc.). Also, the controls really could use some work.

MDK2 - It looks decent, but I really think those incredible alien landscapes were unveiled just a bit too early. We have games today throwing around FAR more complex geometry with more effects, and I really think MDK2's incredible sense of scale and style would seriously benefit.

Powerslave - Odd one, I think. I have recently played this game on Saturn, and even though it is VERY dated, the game itself is suprisingly fun! Lots of cool exploration and great level design. Obviously, a LOT of work would need to be done to bring the game up to modern standards...but imagine Metroid Prime-like landscapes (only with the PS visual style).

Shenmue 1 and 2 - I really enjoyed these, but I feel that the DC was simply too early to support the ideas. I would like to see massively expanded worlds, more detailed everything, and absolutely no visible loading. The game was very constricted, when you get right down to it, and it really didn't want to be. I want to feel like I really AM walking about a large city...

Tomb Raider AoD - The game still looks fantastic, so that isn't the problem. The thing is, I still enjoyed this game despite the MAJOR flaws present. THAT is what I would like to see fixed. The game has a lot of cool content within and lots of good ideas...but many of those ideas simply feel unfinished. I would REALLY like to see the game finished and expanded upon. They came so close to having something really good...but the game just wasn't finished.

Crusader - No Remorse - I LOVE this game and would kill to see this reborn. It still looks decent today, but new technology and control enhancements could yield amazing results.

Return Fire: A war game that debuted in 1994 on 3DO, and was later ported to PlayStation and PC (not sure if the Saturn version ever came out, but I know the Jaguar version didn't). I've got the PC version of this, and it's wild fun. A new version would just need some sprucing up in the graphics department to bring it up to modern standards (higher quality polygon models, but keep the same camera angles), and of course Internet play. The sound effects and music are just fine the way they are--anyone who's played this game will probably agree. This would also make a great game for a handheld system.

This was kinda already done...but I wouldn't mind a RF3. Return Fire 2 was actually a GREAT sequel IMO. It added a sense of scale and depth that was nowhere to be found in the original and it was just as fun.
I would like to see remakes of both Star Tropics games on the GBA.

System Shock 2 still looks decent, but it would definitely benefit massively from an update. What ever happened to Oxy's SS3 game?


Two games come to mind right away for remakes/reimagination:

NiGHTS and Shining Force III

Thank you and good night.
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