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Gamespot Dev Interview of their "Best Shooter of E3"



The video is way too short if you ask me, but it shows some sweet footage. I hated the first mechassault, multiplayer felt tacked on(which it was). This one has me damn hyped, it looks like they got everything right this time and then some. Vtols, dropships, HUGE sense of scale which was nonexistant in the first one. It all looks great.
Well, Mech Assault was a shooter to a certain extent. MA2 does indeed look awesome. I couldn't really get into the first one (I tried), but this one has my hyped.


force push the doodoo rock
that screen shot looks hideous.

and i agree with this where the hell is gradius V sentiment.
Zenny said:
BTW when do we get to see some footage of 'BLACK' [PS2]
supposedly the HALO2 killer. . . :p

When has Black ever been called a HALO2 killer? I just remember people that saw it at E3 saying it looked extremely good. IGN actually referred to it as the "Everything killer", not anything specific. :p


The Bookerman said:

1996 called, they want their screenshot back.


yeah its so empty and low poly, although mechassault didnt look bad by any means.

anyway, all of you are wrong, the best shooter of E3 was alien hominid.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
I remember reading about Xyanide... made by a bunch of guys from Breda, the Netherlands... well if the music is anything like some of the out of Breda (hint: what's my username?), at least we know that part will be good :D

Gradius V is still the one to watch. RS is still my favorite shooter ever (I'm not really big on bullet hell shooters, honestly), and Ikaruga was great... and I am a big fan of many of Treasure's games.
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