There is a subreddit Superstonk on Reddit, basically a GME subbredit.It has almost 900k subs.I've been following it for months, man those people are completely delusional, its feels like a some sort of sect. Conspiracy theories about big institutions holding some "invisible" GME stocks to short, its crazy. People investing loads on money into it without any reason and ground, basically a hope stock will go up same as in 2021.
They've been hyping up NFT Marketplace like crazy, it turns out it nakes only few thousand $ profit a month which is laughable. Of course when NFT marketplace floped, they "hid it under a rug" and ban people for discussing about it.
People in that subbredit think they are some sort of experts, the are writing DD about "financial armageddon". Thes are just completely delusional,feel sorry for those people they really need a reality check.
Few weeks ago i couldn't stop laughing about, basically a post(with almost 2k upvotes) was made about GME went down about 5-6% premarket and "experts" discussing how it is manipulated with invisible stock but when i commented it went down(like everything else that day) because of bad CPI data that came my post was removed and i was banned for 1 week