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Gametrailers Thread: Good Night and Good Game

If Bloodborne is an RPG, so is Black Ops 3 with all the charachter creation, choice, leveling and customizing this year.
Bloodborne is an action game, its combat is one of the 1st of two things everyone talks about (other being atmospheric design).
Being able to "level" up a character to 50000 with all those new game+'s doesn't make you an RPG.
I don't mind the GOTY winner, but Witcher 3 is a game that turned the genre upside down and reformatted what choice means and how NPCs interact with you and how quests play out..or even begin. You weren't a guest in this world, you live in it and have to accept how it changes and gets on with things when you're not there, they made Bethesda's behemoth look liken an antique in design and systems...then to be beaten for best RPG by a game that's not even an RPG? Crazy.
King.com putting world maps in their Candy Saga games don't make them Open World games and leveling up a number doesn't make your action game an RPG.

Loves the awards and the personal testimonies this year, but thats a big mark on them for me personally.
I mean, I think you know I wanted Witcher to win. I agree on its strengths and gave part of my argument in my personal picks video.

I also get that you could make the argument that Bloodborne's gone so far into action that you think it's more of an action game than an RPG. But I don't really get the bitterness or shock that some people have about us classifying it as an RPG.

Whether or not you agree with it, it's how the game is officially classified. It's not like we're reaching to try to be different. RPG elements are at the core of how you build your character, and it's why losing blood echoes is so devastating.
If you people don't think Bloodborne is, at the very least, an Action RPG, then you're saying that no Zelda game is an action RPG, either. The only real difference here is that you level up in Bloodborne and you don't in Zelda. So what's more of an RPG to you?

Par Score

I wouldn't have ever considered any Zelda to be an RPG, so Bloodborne by default I guess (I'd go with Action/Adventure and Character Action for their respective genres, personally).

But if either of those games is now classed as an RPG, then that truly is a genre that has lost all meaning and usefulness.
If you people don't think Bloodborne is, at the very least, an Action RPG, then you're saying that no Zelda game is an action RPG, either. The only real difference here is that you level up in Bloodborne and you don't in Zelda. So what's more of an RPG to you?

I mean, I don't consider Zelda an RPG. Ugh genre debates... lol
Agree to disagree on the genres.

I'm a touch surprised Bloodborne got it over The Witcher. I haven't completed TW3, but what I did play of it so far was really great. BB was unfortunately linear after a while, especially compared to its predecessors. That said, I did absolutely crack the hell out on it for well over a month, every day. I haven't looked forward to playing a game like that since the original Dark Souls. I don't get that vibe with TW3 (yet, I guess). BB makes my palms sweat semi-frequently. It's definitely my GOTY as well.

Thanks again for all the memories this year!


Bloodborne is definitely an RPG. Experience and building up your character matter immensely to progressing through the game (unless you're a gaming jesus). Choosing what stats to put where and when can have quite a massive impact. Especially for just surviving early on in the game.

There's also lots of character Build Variety, especially when you are at the point of getting higher level augments which can totally change the types of damage that your weapon is doing and what stats you're using. You can spec them for more damage versus different types of enemies as well. None of them weapons are cosmetic, all of the different attack animations and damage types have purposes and strengths and weaknesses.

All of that goes more than deep enough for it to be an RPG. None of it is just icing and character progression and building is a core part of the gameplay. Hell, the combat and stat systems are deeper than most Final Fantasy games.


We had a little bit of this discussion. The genre categories give us a broad means to classify games, but the winner isn't determined by the game that best fits into our box of a game being "more of an RPG" than another. It simply goes to the best game in that division.

Genres are messy and expanding, and I don't think it does anyone a service by awarding a game as "best" simply because it's more similar to other RPGs we've played in the past.

Bloodborne does have action / adventure elements that are stronger than many "pure" action / adventure games, but it's still officially classified as an Action RPG and we feel that the game's RPG core is absolutely strong enough for it to belong in that category.

You can totally classify Bloodborne as an RPG, but i think it doesn't really shine in those aspects particularly well, as opposed to something like Witcher 3 (or other titles like Pillar of Eternity and such).

What makes Bloodborne good, is not necessarily what makes it a good RPG, even if it fits the criteria as a whole.

I think the point of having separate GOTY categories for a genre, should absolutely be about how they excel at those peculiar aspects, or how well they reinvent them.
Bloodborne does neither in my opinion (despite being and absolutely stellar game, for other reasons) hence why i was confused by that choice.

I can see Bloodborne be a better game than Witcher (even though, again, i don't personally agree) but not because of its rpg elements or what it does for the genre.

I mean, I don't consider Zelda an RPG. Ugh genre debates... lol

I get that it descends into sort of aimless semantics at some point, though it's to be expected when you have genre specific awards. :p

Bloodborne is definitely an RPG. Experience and building up your character matter immensely to progressing through the game (unless you're a gaming jesus). Choosing what stats to put where and when can have quite a massive impact. Especially for just surviving early on in the game.

There's also lots of character Build Variety, especially when you are at the point of getting higher level augments which can totally change the types of damage that your weapon is doing and what stats you're using. You can spec them for more damage versus different types of enemies as well. None of them weapons are cosmetic, all of the different attack animations and damage types have purposes and strengths and weaknesses.

All of that goes more than deep enough for it to be an RPG. None of it is just icing and character progression and building is a core part of the gameplay. Hell, the combat and stat systems are deeper than most Final Fantasy games.
I'm not debating whether or not BB is an RPG, i'm debating whether or not it's a particularly good one, at that particular aspect.
I found it somewhat rigid and linear, even compared to Dark Souls.
The fact that you have a modicum of choice in character building means little, when every other game has that, nowadays.

Compared to past games like Dark Souls, where you had more freedom and variety (actually one of the reasons why i logged in so few hours into BB, compared to past games, where i went easily over the 200 hours mark, with many different characters and builds).
Witcher 3 (which by the way, i'm not saying should've won for sure, there were several contenders beyond BB this year) also doesn't offer that good of a variety on character building, but it makes up for that in other RPG aspects, like the ability to "play a role" by significantly shaping the course of the story, world, and almost every other quest you come across.
I was hovering the downvote button on YouTube if the GOTY went to the W3. Thankfully Bloodborne wasn't robbed, faith in gaming media restored, thanks GT!
Oh, and happy new year!
I was hovering the downvote button on YouTube if the GOTY went to the W3. Thankfully Bloodborne wasn't robbed, faith in gaming media restored, thanks GT!
Oh, and happy new year!

Downvoting a video because you don't agree with their GOTY? lol

Man, some of the responses and "backlash" towards GT for their Game of the Year choice and Best RPG are fucking embarrassing. The studio who made the game call it an RPG. It's a JRPG. RPG. It doesn't matter what semantics you try to make it to justify your ridiculous fanboyism, get over it.
If you people don't think Bloodborne is, at the very least, an Action RPG, then you're saying that no Zelda game is an action RPG, either. The only real difference here is that you level up in Bloodborne and you don't in Zelda. So what's more of an RPG to you?

Since when is Zelda an RPG? lol. Zelda is the template for pretty much every modern Adventure game....and to Napalm; I consider Kingdom Hearts to be Adventure too and very much in that modern Zelda template. Well, KH1,2,BBS & 3d anyways. The 2 DS games and the GBA games are experimental RPGs for sure.
If Bloodborne is an RPG, so is Black Ops 3 with all the charachter creation, choice, leveling and customizing this year.
Bloodborne is an action game, its combat is one of the 1st of two things everyone talks about (other being atmospheric design).
Being able to "level" up a character to 50000 with all those new game+'s doesn't make you an RPG.
I don't mind the GOTY winner, but Witcher 3 is a game that turned the genre upside down and reformatted what choice means and how NPCs interact with you and how quests play out..or even begin. You weren't a guest in this world, you live in it and have to accept how it changes and gets on with things when you're not there, they made Bethesda's behemoth look liken an antique in design and systems...then to be beaten for best RPG by a game that's not even an RPG? Crazy.
King.com putting world maps in their Candy Saga games don't make them Open World games and leveling up a number doesn't make your action game an RPG.

Loves the awards and the personal testimonies this year, but thats a big mark on them for me personally.

Oh boohoo, your favourite game lost and now you want to redefine the entire RPG genre to suit your purposes, conveniently ignoring that action RPGs have been a thing for years, dungeon crawlers have been a thing for even longer and that Bloodborne traces its origins back to Ultima. Cry me a river.

Edit: Zelda isn't a RPG but it sure as hell isn't an Adventure game.


Downvoting a video because you don't agree with their GOTY? lol

Man, some of the responses and "backlash" towards GT for their Game of the Year choice and Best RPG are fucking embarrassing. The studio who made the game call it an RPG. It's a JRPG. RPG. It doesn't matter what semantics you try to make it to justify your ridiculous fanboyism, get over it.
What is ridiculous is calling people who are making legitimate and pretty detailed posts explaining their point of view "fanboys".
Assuming you're referring to my and HIME's posts in this thread.

I'm not upset or bitter or pissed off, lol, I just didn't agree with one pick and wasn't convinced by the reasoning, and I explained why. (Though my pov even differs from HIME's, since I do think BB is an RPG, just not one that excels at it)

I know there's people who can be petty and annoying even about stuff like GOTY lists, but it's not really my problem how other people react.

Having a different opinion doesn't make you a "fanboy", hell that's the point of a forum discussion after all, and sure, tone can be misinterpreted on the internet, but every post in the thread has been pretty reasonable and calm so far.


i would have loved to be a fly on the wall during the bloodborne vs witcher 3 debate. c'mon gt, make it happen for 2016.
Downvoting a video because you don't agree with their GOTY? lol

Man, some of the responses and "backlash" towards GT for their Game of the Year choice and Best RPG are fucking embarrassing. The studio who made the game call it an RPG. It's a JRPG. RPG. It doesn't matter what semantics you try to make it to justify your ridiculous fanboyism, get over it.

Lol, pathetic.

Isn't that the point of the up/down system? To agree or disagree? lol "blacklash", it was just a joke guys geez. I love the GT crew anyways, way to start the year in a non-jolly way guys.


Neo Member
Isn't that the point of the up/down system? To agree or disagree? lol "blacklash", it was just a joke guys geez. I love the GT crew anyways, way to start the year in a non-jolly way guys.

I think most people would only downvote if they're particularly offended by a video.


It was pretty obvious this was coming from last Spring. Even Bosman dedicated a TFB to the game.

It was clear that this was GT's GOTY as a whole. When you have as rapturous Souls fans as them and then Blood (Witcher 3's main backer) can't deny the game is excellent then there's only one answer. I honestly don't think the vote was split down the middle like the video said though, I really can't see that as the reception to Witcher 3 from a fair few of the staff seemed luke-warm through the year.

BB was obviously a lot of people's first Souls game (on GAF for sure) so I'm not surprised that there's a hell of a lot of support for it as your first Souls game sort of turns things on their head. The blind drive of Bloodborne being the indisputable GOTY is dumb though, as is calling it "objectively" the best. Same goes for Witcher 3.

I feel W3 was more ambitious, impressive and immersive than Bloodborne. Whilst the latter delivered a clean and tight gameplay experience, I think it came up short on other things that make Souls games great like build variety, replayibility and just pure content tbh. Additionally, I think it's the least RPGey of any Souls games and would consider it an action game with RPG elements rather than a genuine Action/RPG.

It's down to your tastes. Whilst BB was a close second to W3 for me, I don't feel the need to clam up threads with shit-tier posting about how one's incomparably better than the other.
I honestly don't think the vote was split down the middle like the video said though, I really can't see that as the reception to Witcher 3 from a fair few of the staff seemed luke-warm through the year.

You missed the votes then? I'll toss them in this thread too.

Don - not involved in voting

Witcher 3


Unable to Choose


Neo Member
Isn't that the point of the up/down system? To agree or disagree? lol "blacklash", it was just a joke guys geez. I love the GT crew anyways, way to start the year in a non-jolly way guys.

You know a jolly way to start the year would be to recount some of the best Gametrailers moments of 2015!

I'd like to specifically thank Don for the two times he acted as a character this year. Firstly way back in January in the Las Vegas episode of Fiasco when he became in over his head magician 'Jasper Falcon' and secondly in the GT battle of the bands when he became British musician playing to raise money for a back operation- Bones Mglocklin/'The back of the napkin'.

I love that at GT the people behind the camera are often the people on camera too so that someone like Don who on any other site we might never see can come out every now and then and deliver some pretty stellar character acting.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hSUnC_a5GOE (35 mins)
Can't find good video for fiasco but it's episode 15 of tabletop adventures on itunes


You missed the votes then? I'll toss them in this thread too.

Don - not involved in voting

Witcher 3


Unable to Choose

Pretty much expected scenario if you followed GT in 2015. I actually thought Matt was not voting either and Huber was a bit more pro Witcher.

Anyway, thanks for all the GOTY content Blood and all involved, it was fantastic! (don't get caught up in silly genre wars, it's not the time or effort)
Oh boohoo, your favourite game lost and now you want to redefine the entire RPG genre to suit your purposes, conveniently ignoring that action RPGs have been a thing for years, dungeon crawlers have been a thing for even longer and that Bloodborne traces its origins back to Ultima. Cry me a river.

Edit: Zelda isn't a RPG but it sure as hell isn't an Adventure game.

My favourite game? I didn't even finish Witcher. Shit combat and bad pacing killed it for me when I got to the city section.
You're a pretty nasty and aggressive kid though. Yikes.


Huber will be glad to know that I went to the arcade yesterday and spent some time playing time crisis 5. It was a definite improvement over the previous ones. I personally liked the new foot pedal mechanics; there are two different foot pedals each giving a different perspective to shoot from.
tc5>tc3>tc4 from what I played yesterday
Edit: Zelda isn't a RPG but it sure as hell isn't an Adventure game.
zelda is as much of an rpg as bloodborne is, that is to say they are both rpgs.
zelda is also an adventure game as it has you exploring its worlds.
Lol at Huber not being able to decide. Wtf.

I think this is the greatest outrage of all this GotY nonsense. My opinion of Michael Patrick Huber has been seriously compromised. I see now that he is a man who talks big, but beneath his exuberance and 'hype' he is a coward and a wastrel.

What happened to you Huber, you used to be a good guy.


Neo Member
Shit, it's gone :(

Did anyone save it or can someone make a summary of what it was about etc?

It was about Kyle being deaf at school trying to make it on his own when Huber becomes his translator and introduces him to Brad and Ian over a game of smash bros. Kyle pushes them away but eventually accepts that he doesn't have to isolate himself and it ends with a tearful hug between Kyle and Huber.

I shouldn't have posted it on this board, from looking at their conversation with Ian on twitter and now seeing that the fanfic's been deleted I'd say that the GT tumblr group never wanted this put out anywhere else.


It was about Kyle being deaf at school trying to make it on his own when Huber becomes his translator and introduces him to Brad and Ian over a game of smash bros. Kyle pushes them away but eventually accepts that he doesn't have to isolate himself and it ends with a tearful hug between Kyle and Huber.

I shouldn't have posted it on this board, from looking at their conversation with Ian on twitter and now seeing that the fanfic's been deleted I'd say that the GT tumblr group never wanted this put out anywhere else.

That sounds very sweet and wholesome for a fanfic haha, too bad that the author felt compromised and removed it because it got on here.
Interesting. I wonder if Huber had been able to decide if the votes were kept private until everyone's was in.

It's not like a secret ballot. We get in a room and hash the awards out as a group. We rely on each other to make informed decisions about the games we haven't played, make pointed questions, etc.

Since I knew the Witcher / Bloodborne debate could get heated, for that debate in particular, I brought in a Vivi doll from my office and told people they couldn't talk unless they were holding it, then we passed the doll from person to person to give each a chance to make their arguments. People had a few chances to make counterpoints, and after more than an hour of talking it out, we set it to a vote to see where everyone would land.


It's not like a secret ballot. We get in a room and hash the awards out as a group. We rely on each other to make informed decisions about the games we haven't played, make pointed questions, etc.

Since I knew the Witcher / Bloodborne debate could get heated, for that debate in particular, I brought in a Vivi doll from my office and told people they couldn't talk unless they were holding it, then we passed the doll from person to person to give each a chance to make their arguments. People had a few chances to make counterpoints, and after more than an hour of talking it out, we set it to a vote to see where everyone would land.

And you guys don't want to have a video of the deliberations? This is crazy talk.
And you guys don't want to have a video of the deliberations? This is crazy talk.

it's less about what we want and more about production set up and time to produce. There are fewer days and fewer staff to work on things in December. We are a little worried about cameras either altering people's behavior or capturing debates and tangents we wouldn't want public, but the figuring out the production and time crunch is a much bigger obstacle.


it's less about what we want and more about production set up and time to produce. There are fewer days and fewer staff to work on things in December. We are a little worried about cameras either altering people's behavior or capturing debates and tangents we wouldn't want public, but the figuring out the production and time crunch is a much bigger obstacle.

Well, at least i'm glad it's not off the table completely.
Personally i'd just love an audio recording, since it'd probably end up being very long, and should be easier to set up and produce.
Action/Adventure - aka the title people came up with when they realized that console adventure games and pc adventure games were using the same word to describe vastly different genres.

Yeah, that's the one, but then that always seemed like a weird catch-all genre for games that didn't fit anywhere else. Zelda, Resident Evil, Metal Gear Solid, GTA and so on were all just thrown in there.

My favourite game? I didn't even finish Witcher. Shit combat and bad pacing killed it for me when I got to the city section.
You're a pretty nasty and aggressive kid though. Yikes.

Really, dude? You're the one throwing childish names around.

Whether it was your favourite game or not, that's how your post came across. Those are the people who have weird narrow views of what a genre is or isn't and make absurd comparisons like your Black Ops 3 bit. It's not the first time I've heard this argument (the last time was a Xenoblade fanboy who demanded that it be nominated for The Game Awards RPG award instead), so yeah, I'm dismissive of it. Fact is, Bloodborne is an evolution of what From Software have been doing for 20 odd years at this point (with some outside influences from other RPGs, like Monster Hunter) and they consider it a RPG, so I don't really think it's up for debate.

But like Bloodworth said earlier, "Ugh genre debates... lol."
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